View Full Version : [RS3] [SRL6] iBuryBones [Buries bones, anytime, anywhere!]

12-08-2013, 01:22 PM
iScripts and KeepBotting Presents:


| = Version: 2.0 = |
Status: Unknown
Last Updated: 7 Dec 2013

Your basic bone burier.


Buries bones, anytime, anywhere!
Utilizes action bar burying!
(Should) support all bones!
100% color!
Compatible with RS3 and uses SRL-6!

How to Use
1) Fill out your player info.

///////////////////////////////////Start setting up the script here. Refer to the comments if you don't know what you're doing.
///// Start Setup ///////
///////////////////////////////////Start setting up the script here. Refer to the comments if you don't know what you're doing.

(* player info *)
playerNames = [''];
playerFile = 'default';
desiredWorld = 0;

(* globals *)
bankPin = '6969'; //If you have a bank pin, set it here.
//If you do not, there is no need to be upset.
(* options *)
xpPerBone := 4.5; //Set the xp gained for burying one bone here.

///////////////////////////////////Don't modify the script ANY FURTHER unless you know what you're doing. You could break stuff!
///// Stop Setup ///////
///////////////////////////////////Don't modify the script ANY FURTHER unless you know what you're doing. You could break stuff!

2) Place your character near a bank. Varrock West bank is recommended, but any bank with purple bankers (http://puu.sh/5FDHC.png) is supported.
3) Bind your bones to slot 1 (http://puu.sh/5FDJA.png) on your action bar (for burying).
4) Make sure you're in action mode (http://puu.sh/5EZig.png).
5) Place your bones in the first slot (http://puu.sh/5FDNj.png) of your bank.
6) Start the script!

1) Some bones.

Additional Info
-> Nope.

Current Bugs
-> Nope.

Future Updates
-> Custom TPA colorfinding (as soon as I figure out how to use it).



Update Log

- Re-written and re-released for RS3/SRL-6

- Fixed the issue with accidentally going into chat mode.

- Fixed some timing errors.

- Initial (RS2 EoC) release

The Spark
12-09-2013, 04:37 PM
Can you make it so that the the script goes into your house(if you have a gilded altar) and uses bones on the altar, and teles back to a bank? Ik that's difficult, just an idea, because burying isn't an efficient way of gaining xp :)

12-10-2013, 02:18 AM
Can you make it so that the the script goes into your house(if you have a gilded altar) and uses bones on the altar, and teles back to a bank? Ik that's difficult, just an idea, because burying isn't an efficient way of gaining xp :)
I could do that, but I don't have the levels required for a gilded altar nor the knowledge of how to use it.

I'd need an account with ready access to one on which to test.

The Spark
12-10-2013, 04:17 PM
Gilded Altar doesn't have to be in your house, you can make it so that in the script setup theres an area to put the name of someone elses house, so it goes there instead of to your own house. Gilded altars are quite simple: If you use your bones on them, they give like 5x the xp one would get by buring them. There are two burners on either side of the altar. They require some herb to light them I don't remember which one, but if you go into a house-party world, and use someone's house there, usually the burners are always lit because many people are using them at the same time that you are. The burners do not have to be lit, but also give additional xp if they are lit, and in world 31 there are many people who advertise that they're house has a gilded altar for people to use, where 95% of the time the burners are already lit, so you don't need to bring herbs, you just bring the bones.

12-10-2013, 04:34 PM
Gilded Altar doesn't have to be in your house, you can make it so that in the script setup theres an area to put the name of someone elses house, so it goes there instead of to your own house. Gilded altars are quite simple: If you use your bones on them, they give like 5x the xp one would get by buring them. There are two burners on either side of the altar. They require some herb to light them I don't remember which one, but if you go into a house-party world, and use someone's house there, usually the burners are always lit because many people are using them at the same time that you are. The burners do not have to be lit, but also give additional xp if they are lit, and in world 31 there are many people who advertise that they're house has a gilded altar for people to use, where 95% of the time the burners are already lit, so you don't need to bring herbs, you just bring the bones.

Gilded altar prayer is actually a pretty complex process coding-wise. If you wanna tackle this keepbotting I suggest checking out my old one http://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?p=998338#post998338

I'll update it eventually, but you're more than welcome to take a crack at doing one!