View Full Version : [Collecting] Super Ogre Simulator 2014!

07-21-2014, 02:38 PM
Collects onions and banks them.
Fill out the form at the top of the script, place draynor_onions in your runescape_other folder for SPS

To run: make sure you're standing somewhere in the SPS area.

Thanks to @TheMayor for giving me this idea.

Edit: I've been trying to get it to play a .wav on loop while running. Does anyone have an idea of how to make this work?

07-22-2014, 05:21 PM
what are onions used for? ~.~

07-22-2014, 06:02 PM
what are onions used for? ~.~


07-22-2014, 06:15 PM
what are onions used for? ~.~

Collecting. Just like potatoes are useful for collecting. http://i.imgur.com/HCJokkt.png

07-22-2014, 06:30 PM
what are onions used for? ~.~
For tons of things!
You can use them with a knife and a bowl to make chopped onions!
You can use them on p2p worlds for onion seeds!
You can use them in ugthanki kebabs!
You can use them if you're really sad but don't want to look unmanly because you're crying!

07-22-2014, 10:34 PM
Collecting. Just like potatoes are useful for collecting. http://i.imgur.com/HCJokkt.png

Well i figured out Wetish;s ingame name.

07-22-2014, 11:56 PM
Thats alot of potatoes..
How much is that worth? Going for 1M potatoes?? :P

07-23-2014, 12:09 AM
Well i figured out Wetish;s ingame name.

Is that an actual thing?

07-23-2014, 12:11 AM
Is that an actual thing?

you think i'd make this up?

07-23-2014, 12:12 AM
you think i'd make this up?
I have no idea why there would be an actual potato picking competition.

07-23-2014, 12:32 AM
Thats alot of potatoes..
How much is that worth? Going for 1M potatoes?? :P

Right now my collection is worth about 200m. That price is really inflated. If I tried to liquidate my potatoes the price would crash. Nobody buys them.

The Mayor
07-23-2014, 01:18 AM

EDIT: With a few small mods it's running nicely (you forgot to assign playerFile to the const). I'm hanging out to see the secret message at 1k onions ;)

E2: http://puu.sh/anzGd/86af9b1f30.png

07-23-2014, 12:02 PM
(you forgot to assign playerFile to the const)

Ah, thanks. OP updated to fix this.

07-23-2014, 03:24 PM
Is that an actual thing?

Haha, I voted for that too. I think it's a scam to ID simba users.

07-23-2014, 04:21 PM
haha nice script. I was thinking about nettle picker before lol. Myabe gona do that in spare time, which i havent any atm.

12-25-2014, 12:05 AM
Turpinator the game is on bb. I'll make a new account just for the sake of french fries.