View Full Version : grats' stats dev and variable requests

02-04-2015, 12:57 AM
Hello, to the left you'll see the current Variables with their IDs. This dynamic image will change with the database, not that cool.
pls senpai no share image to other sites
register (http://stats.grats.pw/reg.php)

The newbie guide (https://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=112103&p=1332139)

To submit variable requests
Please give a list of everything in that category
For example mining.. would have:
Copper Ore (Mined)
Tin Ore (Mined)
Runite Ore (Mined)
can be sent to me like:
copper / tin / iron / runite ores (mined)

This way I can add everything in that "genre" of variables at once.

Aerolib has stats inside! (https://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=108953)

IDs will never change and when you setup your script on the stats you will be able to select your variables used in the script, majority of which will use the "something Xp (gained)" for example

This stats system will not be SRL or SRL stats, it'll just simply be "stats" and will not be "bot specific" meaning other scripts from other bots may "commit" in the future.. we will see

stats ID & pass are read from Simba/Stats/Info.txt see post #2 with the stats commit by flight for specifics
why do we take a info.txt instead of putting stats ID & pass in a script? this way someone can input their info ONCE and doesn't have to do it ever again.. whether they're on OSR, RS3, new script, updated script.. doesn't matter.

Use this for stats committing, remember it is embedded in aerolib so only use this if you're doing RS3 or a script without

Note this post as important:

from flight:


stats_Path = AppPath+'Stats\';
stats_File = 'Info.txt';

TStats_Vars = record
Name: string;
Value: integer;

stats_Timer : integer;
stats_ScriptID : string;
stats_Vars : Array of TStats_Vars;

procedure stats_Setup(_ScriptID : String);
id,pass : String;
if (not directoryExists(stats_Path)) then
writeINI('General', 'Stats_ID', '', stats_Path+stats_File);
writeINI('General', 'Stats_Pass', '', stats_Path+stats_File);

id := readINI('General', 'Stats_ID', stats_Path+stats_File);
pass := readINI('General', 'Stats_Pass', stats_Path+stats_File);

if id = '' then
case MessageBox('No Stats ID found, would you like to register?','Stats',1) of
1: openWebPage('http://stats.grats.pw/reg.php');

stats_ID := id;
stats_Pass := pass;
stats_ScriptID := _ScriptID;
stats_Timer := getSystemTime();

procedure stats_InitVariable(VarName: String; InitValue: Integer);
len: Integer;
len := Length(stats_Vars);
SetArrayLength(stats_Vars, len + 1);
stats_Vars[len].Name := LowerCase(VarName);
stats_Vars[len].Value := InitValue;

procedure stats_SetVariable(VarName: string; NewValue: Integer);
i, h: Integer;
h := High(stats_Vars);
VarName := LowerCase(VarName);

if (h >= 0) then
for i := h downto 0 do
if (VarName = stats_Vars[i].Name) then
stats_Vars[i].Value := NewValue;

stats_InitVariable(VarName, NewValue);

procedure stats_IncVariable(VarName: string; Value: integer);
i, h: Integer;
h := High(stats_Vars);
VarName := LowerCase(VarName);

if (h >= 0) then
for i := h downto 0 do
if (VarName = stats_Vars[i].Name) then
stats_Vars[i].Value := stats_Vars[i].Value + Value;

stats_InitVariable(VarName, Value);

function stats_Commit(): Boolean;
S : String;
ExtraTime : integer;
ExtraTime := getSystemTime() - stats_Timer;
Worked := ExtraTime div 60000;

if Worked < 5 then Exit;
ExtraTime := ExtraTime - (Worked*60000);

stats_Timer := GetSystemTime - ExtraTime;

Client := InitializeHTTPClient(False);

if (stats_ID = '') then
stats_ID := '5';
stats_Pass := 'anon1337';

AddPostVariable(Client, 'user_id', STATS_ID);
AddPostVariable(Client, 'password', STATS_PASS);
AddPostVariable(Client, 'script_id', STATS_SCRIPTID);
AddPostVariable(Client, 'timeamount', toStr(Worked));

if (Length(stats_Vars) > 0) then
for i := high(stats_Vars) downto 0 do
with stats_Vars[i] do
if (Value <= 0) then

AddPostVariable(Client, Name, toStr(Min(Value, 30000))); //Capped at 30000

// Get & translate the return code
S := PostHTTPPageEx(Client, 'http://stats.grats.pw/POST.php');

case StrToIntDef(ExtractFromStr(S, Numbers), -1) of
42 : Result := True;
// 666 : writeln('Stats: User ID/Password not setup.'); // Disabled because of the default name ID & pass given above
9001: writeln('Stats: Invalid user ID/Password.');
1337: writeln('Stats: Invalid Script ID.');
496 : writeln('Stats: Committing too fast; shame on you!');
writeln('Stats: No POST return');

if Result then
if (Length(stats_Vars) > 0) then
for i := high(stats_Vars) downto 0 do
with stats_Vars[i] do
if (Value <= 0) then
Value := 0; //Clear for next commit

it is VERY important to note that stats server will reject commits faster than once every 5+ minutes
therefore you should use a system like above or other that "adds up" your variables until that time..
it also checks if you got the correct return code in order to "reset" your variables after committed
therefore, clientside you know all your data is being correctly submitted and saved if any error occurs and then resubmitted later.

See post #2 for tutorials on different things

02-04-2015, 01:02 AM
Adding a script:
Here is the layout:
[ID] Script_name
[ID] Variable (Action), [ID] Variable (Action) and continue.. etc

These ID's you use in your script, you use the script ID to commit and the var IDs are what you commit, as seen in the above simba

Dynamic Sig:
Here is a very basic one, anyone feel free to go more into "detail"
See explanation below
You can find the script selector from the "custom graphs" tab when logged in


function img()
ini_set("user_agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)");
$data = file_get_contents('http://stats.grats.pw/misc/sig.php?s=1');

$font = 'monofonto.ttf';
$width = 400;
$height = 200;

$data = explode("_._",$data);
$scriptname = $data[0];
$script_total_time = 'Total Time: ' . $data[1];
$loads = $data[2] . ': ' . $data[3];

$image = ImageCreate($width, $height);
$blk = ImageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$gray = ImageColorAllocate($image, 204, 204, 204);
ImageFill($image, 0, 0, $gray);

imagettftext($image, 14, 0, 6, 18, $blk, $font, $scriptname);
imagettftext($image, 14, 0, 6, 40, $blk, $font, $script_total_time);
imagettftext($image, 14, 0, 6, 62, $blk, $font, $loads);

header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");

Looks like:
Notice the URL we get is "1" for the ID of the script.. this is your script ID, whatever it may be
keep in mind data isn't shown on most stuff until at least 1 commit is there... so let your script run a few before actually trying to get that to "work"
The data we get from that URL is:

Justin's GoldFarm_._21_._Loads (Done)_._47_._Gold (Profited)_._1052800_._Items (Looted)_._1316
We explode it, which makes it all an array of $data
$data[0] is the first part of the array.. there are 8 total parts, 0 - 7 for this specific script
so $data[0] would be our name, and 21 would be our "total commit time in minutes"
loads done and 47 is the amount of loads done $data[2] is "Loads (Done)" and $data[3] is "47" value
gold profited and 1052800 is our gold.. these would be $data[4] and $data[5]

that should explain it.. that's quick and you're obviously welcome to handle the data however you want, I don't care
I do have blockers for popular chinese witchary ones so be careful if you use some funky user agent
best to just use the ie 6.0 one or some random one that actually exists.. firefox, opera, chrome doesn't matter really

This one is slightly different:


function img()
ini_set("user_agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)");
$data = file_get_contents('http://stats.grats.pw/misc/sig.php?s=1');

$font = 'monofonto.ttf';
$image = @imagecreatefrompng('img.png');

$data = explode("_._",$data);
$scriptname = $data[0];
$script_total_time = 'Total Time: ' . $data[1];
$loads = $data[2] . ': ' . $data[3];

$pink = imagecolorallocate($image, 250, 0, 251);
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 0, 29, $pink);

imagettftext($image, 14, 0, 6, 18, $pink, $font, $scriptname);
imagettftext($image, 14, 0, 6, 40, $pink, $font, $script_total_time);
imagettftext($image, 14, 0, 6, 62, $pink, $font, $loads);

header("Content-Type: image/png");

With this one we use an image "img.png" to create the background, we also create the image as "image/png" instead, this renders a bit better quality, though it takes longer.
The outcome of this image is having a nice background to work on, rather than ugly gray
I also used pink font as black didn't show up well

02-04-2015, 05:04 PM
As far as other variables go, I'm pretty fond of "Loads", which I use all of the time. Also I don't see any mention of TimeRunning, it would be nice to be able to see how long scripts run too.

I have a feeling you'll get a bunch of oddly specific things to put in once you get this up and running. Very exciting though, I'd love to have stats back!

02-04-2015, 06:33 PM
As far as other variables go, I'm pretty fond of "Loads", which I use all of the time. Also I don't see any mention of TimeRunning, it would be nice to be able to see how long scripts run too.

I have a feeling you'll get a bunch of oddly specific things to put in once you get this up and running. Very exciting though, I'd love to have stats back!

So how are "loads" used?
right now I have in the commits the "timeamount" which is 5< minutes, meaning a commit is only sent once every 5 or more minutes
for example you can see here:
and then we take "data" and JOIN them if we were to want everything for certain commit
as you see here we have TWO items sent for the commit "1" which is, the first commit ever made
the variables or items are "3" AND "5"
which can be matched above if you care about their name (client side on the site it is just showing name)
and 3 has "27" of them and 5 has "3555" of them, for example this could be 27 runite ore maybe that gives 3555 exp (I have no clue lol of values)
so if we took the commit there we get a total of 5 minutes
however the script has many commits, I think 7 total so we could sum all of those together and take their script_name and then we get a nice graph of x amount of minutes per script

and as of last night it is up & running, the commits and my dynamic graphs (well some of them) and that all works, but user accounts don't so I added flight in to test, if you want to test you can msg me too.. the database will be emptied upon release thus you can commit all the bogus stuff you want currently just for testing :P

02-04-2015, 06:48 PM
So how are "loads" used?

A script would keep track of how many times it has completed a load of some material. Some examples of 1 load:

Withdrawing 28 silver ore from the bank, running to the furnace, smelting them into 28 silver bars, and running back to the bank.
Fishing 28 crayfish, running to the bank, banking them, and running back to the fishing spot.
Mining 28 ore and dropping it could be considered completing a load.
Anything else that can be easily divided into parts based on backpack capacity.

02-04-2015, 06:53 PM
A script would keep track of how many times it has completed a load of some material. Some examples of 1 load:

Withdrawing 28 silver ore from the bank, running to the furnace, smelting them into 28 silver bars, and running back to the bank.
Fishing 28 crayfish, running to the bank, banking them, and running back to the fishing spot.
Mining 28 ore and dropping it could be considered completing a load.
Anything else that can be easily divided into parts based on backpack capacity.

Ohh ok
so these would probably use
"silver Ore (smelted)"
"silver Ore (Loads)"

in the same script

and basically 28 smelted == 1 load

I got the smithing part I understand copper + tin = bronze so there are less "smithing" overall than mining
I didn't treat smelting that way because you're smelting tin and copper, 14 of each.. into 14 bronze,
but that would be 1 load then

so I'll give some of you the ability to add the variables I like to keep them organized as the old stats has tons of duplicates.. like majority of stuff, and then it has hundreds of variables that have "0"

02-04-2015, 07:01 PM
Ohh ok
so these would probably use
"silver Ore (smelted)"
"silver Ore (Loads)"

in the same script

and basically 28 smelted == 1 load

Yes this is what it works out to. It's essentially a duplicate but I find for comparison between scripts it's easier to think in terms of loads than in individual items. I think all beginner tutorials on the forums show "Loads" and "Logs" (or whatever) so probably new scripters would use both.

There are other slightly more complicated versions. Using your smelting example, the current public scripts (I think) say "Bars Smelted" and "Loads Done". Under this system, all bars would be under the same variable, not individual types, and different users would have different amount of loads depending on their bar choice.

02-04-2015, 07:07 PM
Yes this is what it works out to. It's essentially a duplicate but I find for comparison between scripts it's easier to think in terms of loads than in individual items. I think all beginner tutorials on the forums show "Loads" and "Logs" (or whatever) so probably new scripters would use both.

There are other slightly more complicated versions. Using your smelting example, the current public scripts (I think) say "Bars Smelted" and "Loads Done". Under this system, all bars would be under the same variable, not individual types, and different users would have different amount of loads depending on their bar choice.

For Graphing purposes I want to keep them all separate

and for graphing purposes I can combine them into their total by their suffix, so if it is "smelted" as the suffix, I can grab all of them and combine into a "total"
and we can do that on a per script base.. or
per user per script.. or
per user (meaning multiple scripts)
etc. this makes it more dynamic
"loads" done will be more of a "looking at the commit page" I guess? because it might not be used for graphs that much or unless I think of how that would work haven't thought about it
but I don't really want the total bars or total of anything to exist in my varaibles list, this way scripts can be exponentially more dynamic and show very specific details while also being able to "total" everything in a given prefix like we can have all of the mined ores in their separate section of a graph, and then the "total of all ores" there, without having redundant or incorrect data, because of every single script doesn't give the "total" and only commits their "iron ore mined" then we already have a "total mined" or "ore mined" which is incorrect data

so loads I am ok adding and I will see what specifics with that. but total bars not so much we can have that on every script especially AIO ones we can have "total mined" with all the individual too

02-04-2015, 07:45 PM

I completely understand the reasoning you're coming from. If I'm understanding right, essentially you want each variable (bronze, iron, etc) separate and the stats site will have the capability to add all together for a "total bars" stat.

The other side of the coin is that this will go against what is "typical" in all scripts, because I'm not sure there's any script that wants to add 10 (or however many) variables to track individual bar amounts and handle the math associated with a tidy progress report, when one overall bars variable could be used. Obviously those who want to use stats will be completely fine modifying their scripts, but new users following along with the generally accepted beginner tutorials (by The Mayor) will have more difficulty expanding the logic immediately and it could be a barrier. Generally I think all scripts could have it retro-actively added but it will be a pain especially for those with more complicated scripts to change all the variables and ensure the logic remains the same.

02-04-2015, 07:52 PM
I completely understand the reasoning you're coming from. If I'm understanding right, essentially you want each variable (bronze, iron, etc) separate and the stats site will have the capability to add all together for a "total bars" stat.

The other side of the coin is that this will go against what is "typical" in all scripts, because I'm not sure there's any script that wants to add 10 (or however many) variables to track individual bar amounts and handle the math associated with a tidy progress report, when one overall bars variable could be used. Obviously those who want to use stats will be completely fine modifying their scripts, but new users following along with the generally accepted beginner tutorials (by The Mayor) will have more difficulty expanding the logic immediately and it could be a barrier. Generally I think all scripts could have it retro-actively added but it will be a pain especially for those with more complicated scripts to change all the variables and ensure the logic remains the same.
Scripts will require modification to add stats anyhow, and it wont that complicated to add to most scripts. And if people are really stuck they can make posts in the help section like they do with all their other scripting questions.

For my scripts, I track loads in the progress report as extra information for the person running the script, but I don't track the number of loads with my stats page.

02-04-2015, 07:54 PM
Scripts will require modification to add stats anyhow, and it wont that complicated to add to most scripts. And if people are really stuck they can make posts in the help section like they do with all their other scripting questions.

Yup, my main point was to offer some insight as someone who has occasionally scripted and to give an overview of how SRL scripts are typically constructed, because grats said he didn't bot RS any so I hoped to add a bit of understanding to the current script scene from what I knew.

02-04-2015, 08:06 PM
Yup, my main point was to offer some insight as someone who has occasionally scripted and to give an overview of how SRL scripts are typically constructed, because grats said he didn't bot RS any so I hoped to add a bit of understanding to the current script scene from what I knew.

Grats updated his earlier post (https://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=111837&p=1328787#post1328787) with an updated example of using the soon-to-come Stats. I'm sure we could push for the official includes to include what I wrote above, AeroLib for sure will come with Stats, making the scripter's job much easier.

We'll put out a tutorial later on for adding Stats to scripts and making dynamic forum signatures linked to it. I'm hoping to see some friendly competition as a result of this. :stirthepot:

The Mayor
02-04-2015, 09:17 PM
I'd prefer it like:


E: and don't forget about SRL-6 stats (https://github.com/SRL/SRL-6/blob/master/lib/misc/srlstats.simba)

02-04-2015, 09:35 PM
I completely understand the reasoning you're coming from. If I'm understanding right, essentially you want each variable (bronze, iron, etc) separate and the stats site will have the capability to add all together for a "total bars" stat.

The other side of the coin is that this will go against what is "typical" in all scripts, because I'm not sure there's any script that wants to add 10 (or however many) variables to track individual bar amounts and handle the math associated with a tidy progress report, when one overall bars variable could be used. Obviously those who want to use stats will be completely fine modifying their scripts, but new users following along with the generally accepted beginner tutorials (by The Mayor) will have more difficulty expanding the logic immediately and it could be a barrier. Generally I think all scripts could have it retro-actively added but it will be a pain especially for those with more complicated scripts to change all the variables and ensure the logic remains the same.

Well ill do loads (done) and yes thats correct but i doont think thebindividual things will matter cuz for example my first scripts were li e "burn willoww logs" so you o need ly handle one thing in thee first place. Only exception is alio scripts which have a var to set to do oak or yew or willoe etc and those can easily change what is committed too. That isnt beginener no matter what imo.

So a beginner focuses on their onr thing.

Also sry mm for typos on tablet i use these like once a year lol

Also ive botted and ran scripts i was one of the first with my testers cup and tested stats etc. Just never actually plsyed rs so idkk those things for the most part
I'd prefer it like:


E: and don't forget about SRL-6 stats (https://github.com/SRL/SRL-6/blob/master/lib/misc/srlstats.simba)

The srl6 thing is for the old stats which has been broken for years and nobody hss say in much about it and never had graphs etc. I get wizzup is super busy.. i got enough free time with work where i can do the stats.. so it can be added to whatever anyone wants and dB i hope it does.
Also if flight can do how you like it or if you can.. its up to any of you with how it looks... you get to choose just needs the correct info to send. I like any of it

Yep so flight said he will do it OO style because srl6 u is that way and then new people can learn easier

02-12-2015, 09:30 PM
Need some testers & their skypes to start getting some data for this weekend.

anyone interested skype / post / pm etc

this will involve you registering & creating a script (on the site) & putting stats in that script of yours on simba & running it

02-12-2015, 10:38 PM
creating a script (on the site)


btw: could you add fletched/superheated/crafted/cleaned(herbs) to the list?

if i have time i would give it a shot

02-12-2015, 11:11 PM

btw: could you add fletched/superheated/crafted/cleaned(herbs) to the list?

if i have time i would give it a shot

on stats systems you have to "register" your script to be used on the stats site... so it can have "commits" specific to that "script" you "registered"

& yea what do I add?

Herbs (Cleaned)
Oak Log (Fletched) ??

I got no idea about that stuff lol

Link me if you got a list of the stuff

02-13-2015, 08:16 PM
on stats systems you have to "register" your script to be used on the stats site... so it can have "commits" specific to that "script" you "registered"

& yea what do I add?

Herbs (Cleaned)
Oak Log (Fletched) ??

I got no idea about that stuff lol

Link me if you got a list of the stuff

i could make a list

02-13-2015, 09:11 PM
What would it take to convince you that the current SRL Stats is actually quite a sane codebase and improvement to that system would be quite welcome? :)

02-13-2015, 10:52 PM
i could make a list

yea go for it & I'll add it in

What would it take to convince you that the current SRL Stats is actually quite a sane codebase and improvement to that system would be quite welcome? :)

Well I looked at it and learned from it (long ago as well).. but it wasn't fixed in year(s) and taking one hat from you that you no longer have to wear is good imo... so you can focus on other stuff.

02-15-2015, 09:13 PM
Well I looked at it and learned from it (long ago as well).. but it wasn't fixed in year(s) and taking one hat from you that you no longer have to wear is good imo... so you can focus on other stuff.

What exactly wasn't fixed? Does it have bugs that I don't know of? AFAIK, it was mostly safe/sane and quite fast once I implemented the extra caching. It's still in use, too: http://stats.villavu.com/commit/all

I don't want to discourage you, it's just that I am not sure why everyone says that the current stats system is broken. It's actually quite rich in features, extensibility and has a nice API for third party graphs / data mining.

Regardless of what you want/choose, good luck. :)

EDIT: If there is any interest I can definitely port it to "Flask" instead of my own arcane "webtool" code.

02-15-2015, 09:30 PM
What exactly wasn't fixed? Does it have bugs that I don't know of? AFAIK, it was mostly safe/sane and quite fast once I implemented the extra caching. It's still in use, too: http://stats.villavu.com/commit/all

I don't want to discourage you, it's just that I am not sure why everyone says that the current stats system is broken. It's actually quite rich in features, extensibility and has a nice API for third party graphs / data mining.

Regardless of what you want/choose, good luck. :)

EDIT: If there is any interest I can definitely port it to "Flask" instead of my own arcane "webtool" code.

AshamanRogueCooker has total running time of 0:00:00 with 0 individual commits.

you said yourself it was broken in another thread over a year ago, (linked above). Kevin rebuild the stats system in .net & back then it wasn't open source etc so it wasn't used (still is poor on linux with mono)

In use or not there are timing errors:
Anonymous has added 0 minutes to AshamanRogueCooker in 0 commits .
and that goes for every script, time isn't "added" which seems like an easy fix..
but anyway mines already done and has graphs for everything and nearing 400 commits in past 2 days from testing, while there is still some stuff I'm going to add I'm still unsure why you'd not rather invest that time into simba or other projects you have.. while this would be the only villavu /rs / simba related project I have...

I only started mine because people said it was broken, and I looked, and I saw broken stuff on it.. and I thought to myself 'hey, now wizzup will not have to worry about stats system'

02-15-2015, 09:44 PM
I see, I don't recall what the exact problem was. I think there was a problem that we reached the integer size limit. That is, we exceeded 2^32. That was hard to work around without majorly changing the database. My guess is that if we "reset" the database (flush all commits and cache), it will run fine again for many years. But I'm going offtopic, sorry.

If are in need of variables, you could also look at http://stats.villavu.com/variable/all

02-15-2015, 09:56 PM
I see, I don't recall what the exact problem was. I think there was a problem that we reached the integer size limit. That is, we exceeded 2^32. That was hard to work around without majorly changing the database. My guess is that if we "reset" the database (flush all commits and cache), it will run fine again for many years. But I'm going offtopic, sorry.

If are in need of variables, you could also look at http://stats.villavu.com/variable/all

off topic doesn't really matter to me as long as I won't get yelled at lol..

Yea I saw the variables, I'm trying a different suffix system for items & noticed there's a lot there that are the same thing but slightly different like:
Steel Bars Melted
Iron Ore (Mined)
Iron Bars Melted
without having the ( ) around the suffix
and technically when smelting you smelt the ores and then you (create) bars imo
I'm anal about that variable type things though

I was going to copy them then I noticed those things, not perfect enough

02-17-2015, 04:29 AM
Currently testing this out, so far it's worked flawless for me, nice work grats :)

02-17-2015, 04:41 AM
Currently testing this out, so far it's worked flawless for me, nice work grats :)

thx m8

added dynamic sigs (two example) and how to do script stuff on second post
Justin has a commit setup where it reads the error codes sent back and resets the values or continues to add to if needed..
Flight & Justin maybe can get together and do a good one in the object oriented like the mayor posted SRL6 style.. that takes the error 255 and continues to roll over until it gets a 42 as it commits every 5 mins (justins works well).. I haven't done pascal or simba coding in years so not that gud.


edited first post too.
some stuff isn't added on the site, and some stuff will come as more is requested.. but it's basically in "beta" now meaning everything works that is done, and stuff is being tested and added still.. though I think stuff will always get added & upgraded

02-22-2015, 07:24 PM
Looks good! I'll play around with it, and may use it in my scripts!

Could you add, FISH_TYPE (cooked) and FISH_TYPE (caught) vars? Thanks!

02-22-2015, 07:29 PM
Looks good! I'll play around with it, and may use it in my scripts!

Could you add, FISH_TYPE (cooked) and FISH_TYPE (caught) vars? Thanks!

can you give me an accurate list of all the fish needed?


idk any others lmk

02-22-2015, 07:49 PM
shrimp, anchovies, pike, cod, sardine, herring, mackerel, bass, and more other ones, the others are really never caught though.

Oh.. can u reset my Loads Done variable on my chopper script? It messed up somehow..

02-22-2015, 08:24 PM
shrimp, anchovies, pike, cod, sardine, herring, mackerel, bass, and more other ones, the others are really never caught though.

Oh.. can u reset my Loads Done variable on my chopper script? It messed up somehow..

lol yea
what messed up
oh I see
is it this?

each load is counting up 1 then 2 then 3 instead of resetting to 1 each time?

I just wiped out all that data from your script id 6

what you'll want to do is reset that value each time stats is committed

so if 1 load is done in the 5 mins then you say 1 load
then if 2 are done that's 2 loads
then if 1 is done again you say 1

then the graph etc will total that to 4 automatically, as well as your script totals will have that.

02-22-2015, 08:44 PM
lol yea
what messed up
oh I see
is it this?

each load is counting up 1 then 2 then 3 instead of resetting to 1 each time?

I just wiped out all that data from your script id 6

what you'll want to do is reset that value each time stats is committed

so if 1 load is done in the 5 mins then you say 1 load
then if 2 are done that's 2 loads
then if 1 is done again you say 1

then the graph etc will total that to 4 automatically, as well as your script totals will have that.

alright thanks, still getting the hang of it. oh and could you add a Nests var?

02-22-2015, 08:46 PM
alright thanks, still getting the hang of it.

Yea no problem
I'm not gonna reset anymore though should be able to figure it out, that was a little one.. only things I'll really reset if someone accidentally puts in like 1 billion loads done or w/e lol
then I'll update it to 1 or w/e it was supposed to be, not really going to delete any other datas
if it happens again lmk I'll just update them all to 1 or whatever instead, so at least all your other stuff is there still

for your specific script you can see some stuff:

here is you click "variables" on top tab and go to your script, this is your chopper for example


and you can mouseover any graph to see the actual numbers.. also click the variables on off on the graph itself to display, this shows better for the actual variable page itself as gold (profited) is extremely huge, but click its name once & it is toggled off and you can see the other vars nicely
but those are for all scripts combined
so I have the specific scripts under it

02-22-2015, 11:38 PM
What exactly do those variables do when you are scripting? I really dont exactly know what Im doing.

02-22-2015, 11:46 PM
What exactly do those variables do when you are scripting? I really dont exactly know what Im doing.

keeps track of data from everyone using your scripts etc
main stuff is it logs the time and the exp gained etc

and as a stats user you'll be able to see all the scripts you've used and see which ones you ran for how long and what amount of exp total and all that stuff.. basically data.
as a script creator you can see all the people who use your scripts (on stats) and your totals for everything etc

it's nice to see when you got scripts out for months & months you know they're used.. people usually make scripts just to have a challenge & give to the community & it's nice to see how much they're used

02-23-2015, 12:29 AM
keeps track of data from everyone using your scripts etc
main stuff is it logs the time and the exp gained etc

and as a stats user you'll be able to see all the scripts you've used and see which ones you ran for how long and what amount of exp total and all that stuff.. basically data.
as a script creator you can see all the people who use your scripts (on stats) and your totals for everything etc

it's nice to see when you got scripts out for months & months you know they're used.. people usually make scripts just to have a challenge & give to the community & it's nice to see how much they're used

Oh okay thats actually pretty cool :D Thanks for explaining.

02-23-2015, 11:32 PM
Stats beta looking really nice, thanks for all the testing from
ineedbot Flight Justin hoodz and even Hawker who has been the only one that went on there by himself to setup a script and never even asked me for anything

&& especially flight for adding the stats into aerolib etc

variables page looks very fancy once you turn off gold (profited) and start going down the list lol
I hope to see some more vars get up there in the high so it looks as nice as these low amount vars, graph wise..:

and thanks again to ineedbot for having a script that had so many variables it actually found an error in stats that was fixed :P

02-23-2015, 11:56 PM
Looking really good, I'm happy to see more people using this.

03-01-2015, 02:43 AM
added some horrible line graph


uses my new cache table so page generation time down to like 20ms on that page, going to start caching others.. by my maths pages might take around 1 second to generate after the year ends so that's too slow for me.

next have to add
-user pages that show vars they added to && total commit time && scripts ran && commit time per script
I think that's it?

03-01-2015, 03:13 PM
next have to add
-user pages that show vars they added to && total commit time && scripts ran && commit time per script
I think that's it?

sounds great grats, great work

03-01-2015, 03:16 PM
That's a neat graph. So the current record now is 129 in an hour?

03-01-2015, 04:11 PM
sounds great grats, great work


That's a neat graph. So the current record now is 129 in an hour?

yea so that is the highest value currently

basically every hour on the hour it queries every value greater than (value being "time of the commit") the last time it queried lets say being 9AM for me (it's 9:03 currently) it did "get all times greater than 8AM" and then threw them into the pile. this is why the times on the commit aren't "exact" every time.. because the time shown is the "last query of that hour"
if that makes sense

was also talking to myself

so on the graph every time is basically hour:00:00 <- hour:minutes:seconds however I think it's cooler to have the last query in that hour there instead
this means if we had like a commit per second, it'd be hour:00:00 everytime.. but since we don't, they're all off by seconds, even minutes some places I see
there will never be a query after the hour.. assuming the commits are every exact second the actual last time would be something like hour:59:59 being 1 second before the hour... similar to how military time changes to 00:00:00 (midnight) from 23:59:59 and we never see "24"
only once is it "after the hour" I think && that's cuz I was making the script and didn't see the time and had to manually enter it cuz script wasn't done LOL

this page also greatly differs from the "front page" where it says
There have been 108 commits by stats users in the past hour.

because the front page does the same query, however it's from the current time to an hour ago.. so instead of being on the hour everytime the front page can be 9:30 - 10:30 (assuming the exact time is 10:30

all times are in epoch on my server

I do convert times to the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format
however remember it is all in GMT time so GMT+0 always

05-06-2015, 07:49 PM
I have some for you to add if you don't mind.

Air runes (Crafted)
Water runes (Crafted)
Earth runes (Crafted)
Fire runes (Crafted)
Mind runes (Crafted)
Body runes (Crafted)
Cosmic runes (Crafted)
Chaos runes (Crafted)
Astral runes (Crafted)
Law runes (Crafted)
Death runes (Crafted)

Please and thank you!

05-06-2015, 08:33 PM
I have some for you to add if you don't mind.

Air runes (Crafted)
Water runes (Crafted)
Earth runes (Crafted)
Fire runes (Crafted)
Mind runes (Crafted)
Body runes (Crafted)
Cosmic runes (Crafted)
Chaos runes (Crafted)
Astral runes (Crafted)
Law runes (Crafted)
Death runes (Crafted)

Please and thank you!

All of them but astral runes are already there :) (Just incase he doesn't check and accidentally adds them twice :p)

05-06-2015, 08:50 PM
All of them but astral runes are already there :) (Just incase he doesn't check and accidentally adds them twice :p)

:duh: Ah geez I over-looked them it seems... Alright forget that request. Thanks Hawker.

06-09-2015, 01:30 AM
Hey grats, could you add Gold(spent), for firemaking, or 'buyable' skills. Also could you add teak logs chopped and burnt, as well as for mahogany and arctic pine logs. Oh and finally could you add mined granite (500g, 2kg, 5kg).

Maybe even breaks taken, break time, and number of times responded to a player.


06-14-2015, 08:30 AM
Hey grats, could you add Gold(spent), for firemaking, or 'buyable' skills. Also could you add teak logs chopped and burnt, as well as for mahogany and arctic pine logs. Oh and finally could you add mined granite (500g, 2kg, 5kg).

Maybe even breaks taken, break time, and number of times responded to a player.


:duh: Ah geez I over-looked them it seems... Alright forget that request. Thanks Hawker.

All of them but astral runes are already there :) (Just incase he doesn't check and accidentally adds them twice :p)

shiit guys quote me so I notice or else I don't notice anyone posted rofl
or mention or pm or skype or anything, either way.. just so I get notification

Thanks to Richard we got a sweet new "commits over time" page:
vs the old:

notice the huge loading speed difference, looks wise not too much difference.. his is a bit taller since it doesn't have the smaller graph under it to select a time span.. instead you highlight the area you want to zoom, everything works way quicker

it'll change from test.php to commit.php in 12-24 hours, making sure my timed updates work well and cache correctly... then the test.php will 404 ;P

adding to vars list:
Astral Runes (Crafted) wtf did I really just forget ONE rune?

Teak Logs (Chopped)
Teak Logs (Burned)
Mahogany Logs (Chopped)
Mahogany Logs (Burned)
Arctic Pine Logs (Chopped)
Arctic Pine Logs (Burned)

Gold (Spent)

and I don't understand the granite one
Granite (Mined) ??
is it different what is 2kg? different granites have different weights?
Do I do:
Granite 2kg (Mined)
Granite 5kg (Mined)

and do you guys think your scripts dev is good, anything else to make it easier?
The vars are in alphabetical order, is that all you really need?

06-14-2015, 09:26 AM
shiit guys quote me so I notice or else I don't notice anyone posted rofl
or mention or pm or skype or anything, either way.. just so I get notification

Thanks to Richard we got a sweet new "commits over time" page:
vs the old:

notice the huge loading speed difference, looks wise not too much difference.. his is a bit taller since it doesn't have the smaller graph under it to select a time span.. instead you highlight the area you want to zoom, everything works way quicker

it'll change from test.php to commit.php in 12-24 hours, making sure my timed updates work well and cache correctly... then the test.php will 404 ;P

adding to vars list:
Astral Runes (Crafted) wtf did I really just forget ONE rune?

Teak Logs (Chopped)
Teak Logs (Burned)
Mahogany Logs (Chopped)
Mahogany Logs (Burned)
Arctic Pine Logs (Chopped)
Arctic Pine Logs (Burned)

Gold (Spent)

and I don't understand the granite one
Granite (Mined) ??
is it different what is 2kg? different granites have different weights?
Do I do:
Granite 2kg (Mined)
Granite 5kg (Mined)

and do you guys think your scripts dev is good, anything else to make it easier?
The vars are in alphabetical order, is that all you really need?

I'm just trying to setup my first script with your site now.

I'd allow users to delete scripts first off, this can be really handy if a user no longer wants the script to be on there or was just using it as a test. Also I'd add in logs fletched.

Seems good so far. :)

06-14-2015, 09:43 AM
I'm just trying to setup my first script with your site now.

I'd allow users to delete scripts first off, this can be really handy if a user no longer wants the script to be on there or was just using it as a test. Also I'd add in logs fletched.

Seems good so far. :)

Won't ever have the option to delete scripts, that's a lot of data that would just randomly vanish, all those commits, all of those user stats etc need somewhere to "point" to which is that script ID, so that always has to exist otherwise all the data along with it goes away

maybe a "hide" button for a script in the users dev.. or an order so they can drop it to the bottom of their scripts and never look at it again

lmk if you see anything that isn't easy to figure out though... ideally stats should be "easy" to use, not another learning curve thing

06-14-2015, 09:57 AM
Won't ever have the option to delete scripts, that's a lot of data that would just randomly vanish, all those commits, all of those user stats etc need somewhere to "point" to which is that script ID, so that always has to exist otherwise all the data along with it goes away

maybe a "hide" button for a script in the users dev.. or an order so they can drop it to the bottom of their scripts and never look at it again

lmk if you see anything that isn't easy to figure out though... ideally stats should be "easy" to use, not another learning curve thing

Hide would probably be the second best option and I'll definitely make sure I do. :)

06-14-2015, 10:42 AM
Hide would probably be the second best option and I'll definitely make sure I do. :)

I can rename your KKK script to something else if you have a plan in the future, too.. if you want. Instead of making a new one rofl
assuming that that's you... Just looked at the scripts in the database lol.
Ordered a small SSD, curious to see the db query improvements, not even going to cache the rest of the site yet.

06-14-2015, 11:26 AM
I can rename your KKK script to something else if you have a plan in the future, too.. if you want. Instead of making a new one rofl
assuming that that's you... Just looked at the scripts in the database lol.
Ordered a small SSD, curious to see the db query improvements, not even going to cache the rest of the site yet.

Haha, that would be perfect as I'm not really a fan of KKK if you know what I mean... Would I be able to put a raincheck on the name change till I decide on my next script though? At the moment I've almost completed my first script and haven't really had time to a assess my next project?

06-14-2015, 11:31 AM
Haha, that would be perfect as I'm not really a fan of KKK if you know what I mean... Would I be able to put a raincheck on the name change till I decide on my next script though? At the moment I've almost completed my first script and haven't really had time to a assess my next project?

yea just pm me with script ID, user ID and script name -> new name
all are right there.. 31, 602, kkk
but this way I know what I'm doing lel

06-14-2015, 11:33 AM
yea just pm me with script ID, user ID and script name -> new name
all are right there.. 31, 602, kkk
but this way I know what I'm doing lel

Cheers man, appreciated heaps!

06-14-2015, 06:45 PM
I think Granite (Mined) is good, it would just be used for powermining anyway (no one in the right mind would bank that stuff lol)

06-14-2015, 08:12 PM
I think Granite (Mined) is good, it would just be used for powermining anyway (no one in the right mind would bank that stuff lol)

Lol ok added it
#138 (https://villavu.com/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=138)

06-14-2015, 11:47 PM
Quick stab at the users page for now:

(I did add some slight css changes so refresh cache (ctrl shift r) to be sure, just font size changes)

Nicknames can now be clicked on
Examples of good devs who have a few scripts that get used by x amount of peoples are ineedbot (lol just noticed your stats has s at the end of the name) and Flight

Example of someone who has a script and never did anything, ALSO never has committed anything:

Example of someone who has just committed stuff (Anonymous is not an actual user/person)

and user who hasn't done anything:

the URL should be case insensitive for usernames, as they're all unique.. let me know if anyone has problems, it'll say the person hasn't committed anytime
(did have problems but reworked it all)
I don't see it causing any, since Flight has capital F and flight FLIGHT FLIght all work etc

will add more stuff to the pages, any suggestions lmk

06-16-2015, 12:37 AM
Can you add?

06-16-2015, 12:47 AM
I'd think a widely used var would be logs fletched!

06-18-2015, 10:29 AM
I'd think a widely used var would be logs fletched!
weird the two fletching scripts only use loads & exp lol
are you actually using logs (fletched) ?

Can you add?

added herbs
Is it "Potions (Crafted)" or actually (Made) ?

seems like it's making/made in game so added that one too, lmk if different

06-18-2015, 10:59 AM
Is it "Potions (Crafted)" or actually (Made) ?

im going for made

06-18-2015, 11:17 AM
weird the two fletching scripts only use loads & exp lol
are you actually using logs (fletched) ? Sorry, meant that you adding it would probably be a good idea since its use would be greatly used.

06-18-2015, 08:16 PM
Sorry, meant that you adding it would probably be a good idea since its use would be greatly used.

maybe, but the two who made fletching scripts didn't want it, so idk if it will ;o
lmk if you make one and want it, then I'll add it :P

06-18-2015, 10:04 PM
maybe, but the two who made fletching scripts didn't want it, so idk if it will ;o
lmk if you make one and want it, then I'll add it :P

I'd definitely be down with it, would be very useful in MTC(Master Tree Chopper).
PS. Sig is awesome!

06-18-2015, 10:59 PM
I'd definitely be down with it, would be very useful in MTC(Master Tree Chopper).
PS. Sig is awesome!

Well if you're using it I'll add it ofc, but I wasn't going to if nobody had plans lol

06-18-2015, 11:43 PM
can you add Baskets(filled)

06-18-2015, 11:53 PM
can you add Baskets(filled)

never even seen a basket before ahaha

06-19-2015, 12:38 AM
never even seen a basket before ahaha

You fill them with bananas. For moneymaking.

06-19-2015, 01:48 AM
Well if you're using it I'll add it ofc, but I wasn't going to if nobody had plans lol

Sweet I'll add it into the script once ready :drool:

06-19-2015, 02:16 AM
You fill them with bananas. For moneymaking.

yea I googled it lol, just never seen them
I guess when I botted, nobody had a script that did anything with them ;o

06-19-2015, 03:50 AM
grats; Just a tad of feedback regarding the website. It seems to be extremely dimmed which I think is because of the background, not sure if you planned on this or if it's just my pc but it's extremely straining on the eyes. :blink: :)

06-19-2015, 05:33 AM
grats; Just a tad of feedback regarding the website. It seems to be extremely dimmed which I think is because of the background, not sure if you planned on this or if it's just my pc but it's extremely straining on the eyes. :blink: :)

the grey background? proven to be less straining, lol
I'm going to add a setting on the top to change your text & bg color for anyone, anyway. I guess I'll do that tonight

anyone can write their own css now

add ?csscookie= to any url, example:

now write your css, and encode it for a URL, example:

lets say your css is:
html,body{background-color:#999;color:#000;}a:link,a:visited{color:#001 4ED;}

now lets encode it
now our url will be:

stats.grats.pw?csscookie=html%2Cbody%7Bbackground-color%3A%23999%3Bcolor%3A%23000%3B%7Da%3Alink%2Ca% 3Avisited%7Bcolor%3A%230014ED%3B%7D

you can rewrite any of the sites css like this. and anything else clientside


06-19-2015, 11:59 PM
the grey background? proven to be less straining, lol
I'm going to add a setting on the top to change your text & bg color for anyone, anyway. I guess I'll do that tonight

anyone can write their own css now

add ?csscookie= to any url, example:

now write your css, and encode it for a URL, example:

lets say your css is:
html,body{background-color:#999;color:#000;}a:link,a:visited{color:#001 4ED;}

now lets encode it
now our url will be:

stats.grats.pw?csscookie=html%2Cbody%7Bbackground-color%3A%23999%3Bcolor%3A%23000%3B%7Da%3Alink%2Ca% 3Avisited%7Bcolor%3A%230014ED%3B%7D

you can rewrite any of the sites css like this. and anything else clientside


Cheers for the tip, should come in handy quite often. I'll try this out now. :stirthepot:

06-20-2015, 02:54 AM
Cheers for the tip, should come in handy quite often. I'll try this out now. :stirthepot:

Here i re-styled it a bit,with different shades of Grey/Black (http://stats.grats.pw?csscookie=body%7B%0Abackground%3A%2 0%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMF p.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0Acolor%3A%20%23999%3B %0A%7D%0A%23navbar%2C%20%23foot%7B%0A%09background-color%3A%20black%3B%0A%09background-image%3A%20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fi37yHtY. png)%3B%0A%7D%0Aa%3Alink%2C%20a%3Avisited%7B%0A%09 color%3A%20%233D9FD0%3B%0A%7D%0A.alldata%20th%2C%2 0.alldata%20td%2C%20.alldata%20tr%20%7B%0Aborder%3 A%201px%20solid%20%23777%3B%0Apadding%3A%200.2em%2 00.2em%200.2em%200.5em%3B%0Atext-align%3A%20center%3B%0A%7D%0A.c3%20svg%20%7B%0A%09 fill%3A%20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A.c3-tooltip%20td%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2013px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20padding%3A%203px%2 06px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20border-left%3A%201px%20dotted%20%23999%3B%0A%20%20%20%20b ackground%3A%20%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgu r.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A %20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A%23tooltip%20tr%20%7B%0A%09bo rder%3A%201px%20solid%20%23999%3B%0A%20%20%20%20di splay%3A%20table-row%3B%0A%20%20%20%20background%3A%20%23222%20url( %22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20re peat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A %20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A%23tooltip%20th%20%7B%0A%20%2 0%20%20background%3A%20%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F% 2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2014px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A%20%23FFF% 3B%0A%7D%0A%23graph_info%7B%0A%09text-align%3A%20center%3B%0A%7D%0A%23visualisation%20%7 B%0A%20%20%20%20font-family%3A%20%22Ubuntu%22%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2013px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20-moz-user-select%3A%20none%3B%0A%20%20%20%20fill%3A%20%23999 %3B%0A%7D%0A.c3-tooltip%20th%20%7B%0A%09display%3A%20none%3B%0A%7D %0A%23stoggle%20%2C.scripts_toggle%20a%3Alink%20%2 0%7B%0A%20%20%20%20text-decoration%3A%20underline%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3 A%20%23d03d9f%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%201.2em%3B%0A%7D%0A.scripts_manage%20input %20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20border%3A%20medium%20none%3B% 0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%201.1em%3B%0A%20%20%20%20margin-bottom%3A%200.2em%3B%0A%20%20%20%20background%3A%2 0%23444%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A%20%23999%3B%0A%7 D)

http://stats.grats.pw?csscookie=body%7B%0Abackground%3A%2 0%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMF p.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0Acolor%3A%20%23999%3B %0A%7D%0A%23navbar%2C%20%23foot%7B%0A%09background-color%3A%20black%3B%0A%09background-image%3A%20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fi37yHtY. png)%3B%0A%7D%0Aa%3Alink%2C%20a%3Avisited%7B%0A%09 color%3A%20%233D9FD0%3B%0A%7D%0A.alldata%20th%2C%2 0.alldata%20td%2C%20.alldata%20tr%20%7B%0Aborder%3 A%201px%20solid%20%23777%3B%0Apadding%3A%200.2em%2 00.2em%200.2em%200.5em%3B%0Atext-align%3A%20center%3B%0A%7D%0A.c3%20svg%20%7B%0A%09 fill%3A%20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A.c3-tooltip%20td%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2013px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20padding%3A%203px%2 06px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20border-left%3A%201px%20dotted%20%23999%3B%0A%20%20%20%20b ackground%3A%20%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgu r.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A %20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A%23tooltip%20tr%20%7B%0A%09bo rder%3A%201px%20solid%20%23999%3B%0A%20%20%20%20di splay%3A%20table-row%3B%0A%20%20%20%20background%3A%20%23222%20url( %22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20re peat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A %20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A%23tooltip%20th%20%7B%0A%20%2 0%20%20background%3A%20%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F% 2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2014px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A%20%23FFF% 3B%0A%7D%0A%23graph_info%7B%0A%09text-align%3A%20center%3B%0A%7D%0A%23visualisation%20%7 B%0A%20%20%20%20font-family%3A%20%22Ubuntu%22%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2013px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20-moz-user-select%3A%20none%3B%0A%20%20%20%20fill%3A%20%23999 %3B%0A%7D%0A.c3-tooltip%20th%20%7B%0A%09display%3A%20none%3B%0A%7D %0A%23stoggle%20%2C.scripts_toggle%20a%3Alink%20%2 0%7B%0A%20%20%20%20text-decoration%3A%20underline%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3 A%20%23d03d9f%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%201.2em%3B%0A%7D%0A.scripts_manage%20input %20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20border%3A%20medium%20none%3B% 0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%201.1em%3B%0A%20%20%20%20margin-bottom%3A%200.2em%3B%0A%20%20%20%20background%3A%2 0%23444%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A%20%23999%3B%0A%7 D

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06-20-2015, 06:38 AM
Here i re-styled it a bit,with different shades of Grey/Black (http://stats.grats.pw?csscookie=body%7B%0Abackground%3A%2 0%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMF p.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0Acolor%3A%20%23999%3B %0A%7D%0A%23navbar%2C%20%23foot%7B%0A%09background-color%3A%20black%3B%0A%09background-image%3A%20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fi37yHtY. png)%3B%0A%7D%0Aa%3Alink%2C%20a%3Avisited%7B%0A%09 color%3A%20%233D9FD0%3B%0A%7D%0A.alldata%20th%2C%2 0.alldata%20td%2C%20.alldata%20tr%20%7B%0Aborder%3 A%201px%20solid%20%23777%3B%0Apadding%3A%200.2em%2 00.2em%200.2em%200.5em%3B%0Atext-align%3A%20center%3B%0A%7D%0A.c3%20svg%20%7B%0A%09 fill%3A%20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A.c3-tooltip%20td%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2013px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20padding%3A%203px%2 06px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20border-left%3A%201px%20dotted%20%23999%3B%0A%20%20%20%20b ackground%3A%20%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgu r.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A %20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A%23tooltip%20tr%20%7B%0A%09bo rder%3A%201px%20solid%20%23999%3B%0A%20%20%20%20di splay%3A%20table-row%3B%0A%20%20%20%20background%3A%20%23222%20url( %22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20re peat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A %20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A%23tooltip%20th%20%7B%0A%20%2 0%20%20background%3A%20%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F% 2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2014px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A%20%23FFF% 3B%0A%7D%0A%23graph_info%7B%0A%09text-align%3A%20center%3B%0A%7D%0A%23visualisation%20%7 B%0A%20%20%20%20font-family%3A%20%22Ubuntu%22%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2013px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20-moz-user-select%3A%20none%3B%0A%20%20%20%20fill%3A%20%23999 %3B%0A%7D%0A.c3-tooltip%20th%20%7B%0A%09display%3A%20none%3B%0A%7D %0A%23stoggle%20%2C.scripts_toggle%20a%3Alink%20%2 0%7B%0A%20%20%20%20text-decoration%3A%20underline%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3 A%20%23d03d9f%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%201.2em%3B%0A%7D%0A.scripts_manage%20input %20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20border%3A%20medium%20none%3B% 0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%201.1em%3B%0A%20%20%20%20margin-bottom%3A%200.2em%3B%0A%20%20%20%20background%3A%2 0%23444%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A%20%23999%3B%0A%7 D)

http://stats.grats.pw?csscookie=body%7B%0Abackground%3A%2 0%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMF p.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0Acolor%3A%20%23999%3B %0A%7D%0A%23navbar%2C%20%23foot%7B%0A%09background-color%3A%20black%3B%0A%09background-image%3A%20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fi37yHtY. png)%3B%0A%7D%0Aa%3Alink%2C%20a%3Avisited%7B%0A%09 color%3A%20%233D9FD0%3B%0A%7D%0A.alldata%20th%2C%2 0.alldata%20td%2C%20.alldata%20tr%20%7B%0Aborder%3 A%201px%20solid%20%23777%3B%0Apadding%3A%200.2em%2 00.2em%200.2em%200.5em%3B%0Atext-align%3A%20center%3B%0A%7D%0A.c3%20svg%20%7B%0A%09 fill%3A%20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A.c3-tooltip%20td%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2013px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20padding%3A%203px%2 06px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20border-left%3A%201px%20dotted%20%23999%3B%0A%20%20%20%20b ackground%3A%20%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgu r.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A %20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A%23tooltip%20tr%20%7B%0A%09bo rder%3A%201px%20solid%20%23999%3B%0A%20%20%20%20di splay%3A%20table-row%3B%0A%20%20%20%20background%3A%20%23222%20url( %22http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20re peat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A %20%23999%3B%0A%7D%0A%23tooltip%20th%20%7B%0A%20%2 0%20%20background%3A%20%23222%20url(%22http%3A%2F% 2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png%22)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2014px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A%20%23FFF% 3B%0A%7D%0A%23graph_info%7B%0A%09text-align%3A%20center%3B%0A%7D%0A%23visualisation%20%7 B%0A%20%20%20%20font-family%3A%20%22Ubuntu%22%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%2013px%3B%0A%20%20%20%20-moz-user-select%3A%20none%3B%0A%20%20%20%20fill%3A%20%23999 %3B%0A%7D%0A.c3-tooltip%20th%20%7B%0A%09display%3A%20none%3B%0A%7D %0A%23stoggle%20%2C.scripts_toggle%20a%3Alink%20%2 0%7B%0A%20%20%20%20text-decoration%3A%20underline%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3 A%20%23d03d9f%3B%0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%201.2em%3B%0A%7D%0A.scripts_manage%20input %20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20border%3A%20medium%20none%3B% 0A%20%20%20%20font-size%3A%201.1em%3B%0A%20%20%20%20margin-bottom%3A%200.2em%3B%0A%20%20%20%20background%3A%2 0%23444%3B%0A%20%20%20%20color%3A%20%23999%3B%0A%7 D

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background-image: url(http://i.imgur.com/i37yHtY.png);

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damn that's pretty spiffy work there
minify the css first though, so it's all 1 line, line breaks.. break it lol

http://stats.grats.pw?csscookie=body%7Bbackground%3Aurl(h ttp%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%2050%25%200 %20repeat-x%20%23222%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23foot%2C%23navbar% 7Bbackground-color%3A%23000%3Bbackground-image%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fi37yHtY.png )%7Da%3Alink%2Ca%3Avisited%7Bcolor%3A%233D9FD0%7D. alldata%20td%2C.alldata%20th%2C.alldata%20tr%7Bbor der%3A1px%20solid%20%23777%3Bpadding%3A.2em%20.2em %20.2em%20.5em%3Btext-align%3Acenter%7D.c3%20svg%7Bfill%3A%23999%7D.c3-tooltip%20td%7Bfont-size%3A13px%3Bpadding%3A3px%206px%3Bborder-left%3A1px%20dotted%20%23999%3Bbackground%3Aurl(ht tp%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%2050%25%200% 20repeat-x%20%23222%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23tooltip%20tr%7Bbo rder%3A1px%20solid%20%23999%3Bdisplay%3Atable-row%3Bbackground%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F F4sGMFp.png)%2050%25%200%20repeat-x%20%23222%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23tooltip%20th%7Bba ckground%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp. png)%2050%25%200%20repeat-x%20%23222%3Bfont-size%3A14px%3Bcolor%3A%23FFF%7D%23graph_info%7Btex t-align%3Acenter%7D%23visualisation%7Bfont-family%3AUbuntu%3Bfont-size%3A13px%3B-moz-user-select%3Anone%3Bfill%3A%23999%7D.c3-tooltip%20th%7Bdisplay%3Anone%7D%23stoggle%2C.scri pts_toggle%20a%3Alink%7Btext-decoration%3Aunderline%3Bcolor%3A%23d03d9f%3Bfont-size%3A1.2em%7D.scripts_manage%20input%7Bborder%3A none%3Bfont-size%3A1.1em%3Bmargin-bottom%3A.2em%3Bbackground%3A%23444%3Bcolor%3A%239 99%7D


that's honestly looking really cool, might tweak it slightly and add as default and put your name in special thanks rofl
got my brothers wedding tomorrow though (saturday) so afk till monday probably.

yea that's really nice though just looked at it again lol

06-20-2015, 07:59 PM
damn that's pretty spiffy work there
minify the css first though, so it's all 1 line, line breaks.. break it lol

http://stats.grats.pw?csscookie=body%7Bbackground%3Aurl(h ttp%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%2050%25%200 %20repeat-x%20%23222%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23foot%2C%23navbar% 7Bbackground-color%3A%23000%3Bbackground-image%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fi37yHtY.png )%7Da%3Alink%2Ca%3Avisited%7Bcolor%3A%233D9FD0%7D. alldata%20td%2C.alldata%20th%2C.alldata%20tr%7Bbor der%3A1px%20solid%20%23777%3Bpadding%3A.2em%20.2em %20.2em%20.5em%3Btext-align%3Acenter%7D.c3%20svg%7Bfill%3A%23999%7D.c3-tooltip%20td%7Bfont-size%3A13px%3Bpadding%3A3px%206px%3Bborder-left%3A1px%20dotted%20%23999%3Bbackground%3Aurl(ht tp%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%2050%25%200% 20repeat-x%20%23222%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23tooltip%20tr%7Bbo rder%3A1px%20solid%20%23999%3Bdisplay%3Atable-row%3Bbackground%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F F4sGMFp.png)%2050%25%200%20repeat-x%20%23222%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23tooltip%20th%7Bba ckground%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp. png)%2050%25%200%20repeat-x%20%23222%3Bfont-size%3A14px%3Bcolor%3A%23FFF%7D%23graph_info%7Btex t-align%3Acenter%7D%23visualisation%7Bfont-family%3AUbuntu%3Bfont-size%3A13px%3B-moz-user-select%3Anone%3Bfill%3A%23999%7D.c3-tooltip%20th%7Bdisplay%3Anone%7D%23stoggle%2C.scri pts_toggle%20a%3Alink%7Btext-decoration%3Aunderline%3Bcolor%3A%23d03d9f%3Bfont-size%3A1.2em%7D.scripts_manage%20input%7Bborder%3A none%3Bfont-size%3A1.1em%3Bmargin-bottom%3A.2em%3Bbackground%3A%23444%3Bcolor%3A%239 99%7D


that's honestly looking really cool, might tweak it slightly and add as default and put your name in special thanks rofl
got my brothers wedding tomorrow though (saturday) so afk till monday probably.

yea that's really nice though just looked at it again lol

Thanks hopefully i didn't miss styling anything =D

And if you need to test any css/javascript code check out http://codepen.io/pen/

06-21-2015, 07:27 AM
Thanks hopefully i didn't miss styling anything =D

And if you need to test any css/javascript code check out http://codepen.io/pen/

I just use http://jsfiddle.net/ kinda same thing ;p

06-21-2015, 07:36 AM
grats; Cheers for adding in Logs(fletched), already stacking up the numbers. :biggrin:
goodgamescript; That new css layout is really smooth, very pleasurable to the eyes.

06-21-2015, 08:45 AM
grats; Cheers for adding in Logs(fletched), already stacking up the numbers. :biggrin:
goodgamescript; That new css layout is really smooth, very pleasurable to the eyes.

yep! nice

added this page as well

anyone can do w/e kinda styles they want

06-22-2015, 11:50 PM
grats; May you please add Bones(buried), I have a little side project I've done and just want to set it up with tracking. Cheers

06-23-2015, 02:19 AM
Same as before but just added the word stats at the top left.
http://stats.grats.pw?csscookie=%40font-face%7Bfont-family%3A%27break%27%3Bsrc%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fmatt s-web-dev.github.io%2Ffonts%2FB%2FBreakItDown.otf)%3Bsrc %3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fmatts-web-dev.github.io%2Ffonts%2FB%2FBreakItDown.woff)%20fo rmat(%22woff%22)%2Curl(http%3A%2F%2Fmatts-web-dev.github.io%2Ffonts%2FB%2FBreakItDown.otf)%20for mat(%22opentype%22)%2Curl(http%3A%2F%2Fmatts-web-dev.github.io%2Ffonts%2FB%2FBreakItDown.svg)%20for mat(%22svg%22)%7Dbody%7Bbackground%3A%23222%20url( http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23navba r%2C%23foot%7Bbackground-color%3A%23000%3Bbackground-image%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fi37yHtY.png )%7Da%3Alink%2Ca%3Avisited%7Bcolor%3A%233D9FD0%7D. alldata%20th%2C.alldata%20td%2C.alldata%20tr%7Bbor der%3A1px%20solid%20%23777%3Bpadding%3A.2em%20.2em %20.2em%20.5em%3Btext-align%3Acenter%7D.c3%20svg%7Bfill%3A%23999%7D.c3-tooltip%20td%7Bfont-size%3A13px%3Bpadding%3A3px%206px%3Bborder-left%3A1px%20dotted%20%23999%3Bbackground%3A%23222 %20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%20r epeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23toolt ip%20tr%7Bborder%3A1px%20solid%20%23999%3Bdisplay% 3Atable-row%3Bbackground%3A%23222%20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi.img ur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23toolt ip%20th%7Bbackground%3A%23222%20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi .imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200%3Bfont-size%3A14px%3Bcolor%3A%23FFF%7D%23graph_info%7Btex t-align%3Acenter%7D%23visualisation%7Bfont-family%3A%22Ubuntu%22%3Bfont-size%3A13px%3B-moz-user-select%3Anone%3Bfill%3A%23999%7D.c3-tooltip%20th%7Bdisplay%3Anone%7D%23stoggle%2C.scri pts_toggle%20a%3Alink%7Btext-decoration%3Aunderline%3Bcolor%3A%23d03d9f%3Bfont-size%3A1.2em%7D.scripts_manage%20input%7Bborder%3A medium%20none%3Bfont-size%3A1.1em%3Bmargin-bottom%3A.2em%3Bbackground%3A%23444%3Bcolor%3A%239 99%7D%23navbar%3A%3Abefore%7Bposition%3Aabsolute%3 Btop%3A0%3Bleft%3A15px%3Bfont-family%3A%27break%27%3Bcontent%3A%27STATS%27%3Btex t-align%3Aleft%3Bfont-size%3A24px%3Bpadding-top%3A15px%3Bcolor%3A%23999%3Bfill%3A%23999%3B-webkit-transition%3Aall%20.4s%20ease%3Btransition%3Aall%2 0.4s%20ease%7D%23navbar%3Ahover%3A%3Abefore%7Bcolo r%3A%233D9FD0%3Bfill%3A%233D9FD0%3Bcursor%3Apointe r%7D


06-23-2015, 05:10 AM
grats; May you please add Bones(buried), I have a little side project I've done and just want to set it up with tracking. Cheers

yep adding in a few mins

Same as before but just added the word stats at the top left.
http://stats.grats.pw?csscookie=%40font-face%7Bfont-family%3A%27break%27%3Bsrc%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fmatt s-web-dev.github.io%2Ffonts%2FB%2FBreakItDown.otf)%3Bsrc %3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fmatts-web-dev.github.io%2Ffonts%2FB%2FBreakItDown.woff)%20fo rmat(%22woff%22)%2Curl(http%3A%2F%2Fmatts-web-dev.github.io%2Ffonts%2FB%2FBreakItDown.otf)%20for mat(%22opentype%22)%2Curl(http%3A%2F%2Fmatts-web-dev.github.io%2Ffonts%2FB%2FBreakItDown.svg)%20for mat(%22svg%22)%7Dbody%7Bbackground%3A%23222%20url( http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23navba r%2C%23foot%7Bbackground-color%3A%23000%3Bbackground-image%3Aurl(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fi37yHtY.png )%7Da%3Alink%2Ca%3Avisited%7Bcolor%3A%233D9FD0%7D. alldata%20th%2C.alldata%20td%2C.alldata%20tr%7Bbor der%3A1px%20solid%20%23777%3Bpadding%3A.2em%20.2em %20.2em%20.5em%3Btext-align%3Acenter%7D.c3%20svg%7Bfill%3A%23999%7D.c3-tooltip%20td%7Bfont-size%3A13px%3Bpadding%3A3px%206px%3Bborder-left%3A1px%20dotted%20%23999%3Bbackground%3A%23222 %20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%20r epeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23toolt ip%20tr%7Bborder%3A1px%20solid%20%23999%3Bdisplay% 3Atable-row%3Bbackground%3A%23222%20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi.img ur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200%3Bcolor%3A%23999%7D%23toolt ip%20th%7Bbackground%3A%23222%20url(http%3A%2F%2Fi .imgur.com%2FF4sGMFp.png)%20repeat-x%20scroll%2050%25%200%3Bfont-size%3A14px%3Bcolor%3A%23FFF%7D%23graph_info%7Btex t-align%3Acenter%7D%23visualisation%7Bfont-family%3A%22Ubuntu%22%3Bfont-size%3A13px%3B-moz-user-select%3Anone%3Bfill%3A%23999%7D.c3-tooltip%20th%7Bdisplay%3Anone%7D%23stoggle%2C.scri pts_toggle%20a%3Alink%7Btext-decoration%3Aunderline%3Bcolor%3A%23d03d9f%3Bfont-size%3A1.2em%7D.scripts_manage%20input%7Bborder%3A medium%20none%3Bfont-size%3A1.1em%3Bmargin-bottom%3A.2em%3Bbackground%3A%23444%3Bcolor%3A%239 99%7D%23navbar%3A%3Abefore%7Bposition%3Aabsolute%3 Btop%3A0%3Bleft%3A15px%3Bfont-family%3A%27break%27%3Bcontent%3A%27STATS%27%3Btex t-align%3Aleft%3Bfont-size%3A24px%3Bpadding-top%3A15px%3Bcolor%3A%23999%3Bfill%3A%23999%3B-webkit-transition%3Aall%20.4s%20ease%3Btransition%3Aall%2 0.4s%20ease%7D%23navbar%3Ahover%3A%3Abefore%7Bcolo r%3A%233D9FD0%3Bfill%3A%233D9FD0%3Bcursor%3Apointe r%7D


nice can I get the css I'll add it to the styles page
so far I got your theme and JJs

06-23-2015, 09:14 PM
yep adding in a few mins

nice can I get the css I'll add it to the styles page
so far I got your theme and JJs

lol purely css

@font-face {
font-family: 'break';
src: url('http://matts-web-dev.github.io/fonts/B/BreakItDown.otf');
src: url('http://matts-web-dev.github.io/fonts/B/BreakItDown.woff') format('woff'), url('http://matts-web-dev.github.io/fonts/B/BreakItDown.otf') format('opentype'), url('http://matts-web-dev.github.io/fonts/B/BreakItDown.svg') format('svg');

body {
background: #222 url("http://i.imgur.com/F4sGMFp.png") repeat-x scroll 50% 0px;
color: #999;

#foot {
background-color: black;
background-image: url(http://i.imgur.com/i37yHtY.png);

a:visited {
color: #3D9FD0;

.alldata th,
.alldata td,
.alldata tr {
border: 1px solid #777;
padding: 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.5em;
text-align: center;

.c3 svg {
fill: #999;

.c3-tooltip td {
font-size: 13px;
padding: 3px 6px;
border-left: 1px dotted #999;
background: #222 url("http://i.imgur.com/F4sGMFp.png") repeat-x scroll 50% 0px;
color: #999;

#tooltip tr {
border: 1px solid #999;
display: table-row;
background: #222 url("http://i.imgur.com/F4sGMFp.png") repeat-x scroll 50% 0px;
color: #999;

#tooltip th {
background: #222 url("http://i.imgur.com/F4sGMFp.png") repeat-x scroll 50% 0px;
font-size: 14px;
color: #FFF;

#graph_info {
text-align: center;

#visualisation {
font-family: "Ubuntu";
font-size: 13px;
-moz-user-select: none;
fill: #999;

.c3-tooltip th {
display: none;

.scripts_toggle a:link {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #d03d9f;
font-size: 1.2em;

.scripts_manage input {
border: medium none;
font-size: 1.1em;
margin-bottom: 0.2em;
background: #444;
color: #999;

#navbar::before {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 15px;
font-family: 'break';
content: 'STATS';
text-align: left;
font-size: 24px;
padding-top: 15px;
color: #999;
fill: #999;
-webkit-transition: all .4s ease;
transition: all .4s ease;

#navbar:hover::before {
color: #3D9FD0;
fill: #3D9FD0;
cursor: pointer;

if anyone wants me to make a theme like the metro theme on this website just let me know

06-24-2015, 04:26 AM
lol purely css

@font-face {
font-family: 'break';
src: url('http://matts-web-dev.github.io/fonts/B/BreakItDown.otf');
src: url('http://matts-web-dev.github.io/fonts/B/BreakItDown.woff') format('woff'), url('http://matts-web-dev.github.io/fonts/B/BreakItDown.otf') format('opentype'), url('http://matts-web-dev.github.io/fonts/B/BreakItDown.svg') format('svg');

body {
background: #222 url("http://i.imgur.com/F4sGMFp.png") repeat-x scroll 50% 0px;
color: #999;

#foot {
background-color: black;
background-image: url(http://i.imgur.com/i37yHtY.png);

a:visited {
color: #3D9FD0;

.alldata th,
.alldata td,
.alldata tr {
border: 1px solid #777;
padding: 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.5em;
text-align: center;

.c3 svg {
fill: #999;

.c3-tooltip td {
font-size: 13px;
padding: 3px 6px;
border-left: 1px dotted #999;
background: #222 url("http://i.imgur.com/F4sGMFp.png") repeat-x scroll 50% 0px;
color: #999;

#tooltip tr {
border: 1px solid #999;
display: table-row;
background: #222 url("http://i.imgur.com/F4sGMFp.png") repeat-x scroll 50% 0px;
color: #999;

#tooltip th {
background: #222 url("http://i.imgur.com/F4sGMFp.png") repeat-x scroll 50% 0px;
font-size: 14px;
color: #FFF;

#graph_info {
text-align: center;

#visualisation {
font-family: "Ubuntu";
font-size: 13px;
-moz-user-select: none;
fill: #999;

.c3-tooltip th {
display: none;

.scripts_toggle a:link {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #d03d9f;
font-size: 1.2em;

.scripts_manage input {
border: medium none;
font-size: 1.1em;
margin-bottom: 0.2em;
background: #444;
color: #999;

#navbar::before {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 15px;
font-family: 'break';
content: 'STATS';
text-align: left;
font-size: 24px;
padding-top: 15px;
color: #999;
fill: #999;
-webkit-transition: all .4s ease;
transition: all .4s ease;

#navbar:hover::before {
color: #3D9FD0;
fill: #3D9FD0;
cursor: pointer;

if anyone wants me to make a theme like the metro theme on this website just let me know

according to google all you need is woff2, woff, ttf cuz everything else is ignored.. safari & some crapple products use ttf

06-24-2015, 04:34 AM
oh oh its been a min since i messed with fonts lol , took the original code from a couple year old project =s

and how do you put an image in your signature? it seems to be disabled for me =/

06-24-2015, 05:29 AM
oh oh its been a min since i messed with fonts lol , took the original code from a couple year old project =s

and how do you put an image in your signature? it seems to be disabled for me =/

yea I saw JR members as well having the problem, I guess it's members only now or something, but it's exactly how you'd expect..

and the fonts thing https://www.google.com/fonts/ they got infos around here but if you user-agent request on everything all you'll ever get is ttfs and woffs lol
when your style is done I'm gonna grab all the stuff and throw it on my server instead of imgur/github is why I mentioned it. But as it is is fine, I can use that stuff to convert etc

06-24-2015, 06:02 AM
yea I saw JR members as well having the problem, I guess it's members only now or something, but it's exactly how you'd expect..

and the fonts thing https://www.google.com/fonts/ they got infos around here but if you user-agent request on everything all you'll ever get is ttfs and woffs lol
when your style is done I'm gonna grab all the stuff and throw it on my server instead of imgur/github is why I mentioned it. But as it is is fine, I can use that stuff to convert etc

aww lol i was messing around with the dynamic sigs.

06-24-2015, 05:04 PM
aww lol i was messing around with the dynamic sigs.

Do you actually use my dynamic sig "easy to parse" text? nobody ever has so it's kinda slow, gotta cache all that lol..

and I assume you just add all of yours together

06-24-2015, 06:23 PM
aww lol i was messing around with the dynamic sigs.

Ah, my eyes! :surprised: :frusty:

06-25-2015, 03:16 AM
Ah, my eyes! :surprised: :frusty:
i don't generally mess with graphics lol i dont have an eye for it :unsure:

Do you actually use my dynamic sig "easy to parse" text? nobody ever has so it's kinda slow, gotta cache all that lol..

and I assume you just add all of yours together

And yep i just added all the items made together, i got the commit time from my user page (http://stats.grats.pw/user.php?u=GoodGameScript), And i just used your existing code on the second post and modified it with a different font and shadow. My knowledge of php is very limited :eek:

06-25-2015, 04:41 AM
i don't generally mess with graphics lol i dont have an eye for it :unsure:

And yep i just added all the items made together, i got the commit time from my user page (http://stats.grats.pw/user.php?u=GoodGameScript), And i just used your existing code on the second post and modified it with a different font and shadow. My knowledge of php is very limited :eek:

ah I see
I mean you can grab your scripts stuff here:

for example:

Herblore Master_._204_._Potions_._3654_._Herbs_._3052

06-25-2015, 02:04 PM
i don't generally mess with graphics lol i dont have an eye for it :unsure:

And yep i just added all the items made together, i got the commit time from my user page (http://stats.grats.pw/user.php?u=GoodGameScript), And i just used your existing code on the second post and modified it with a different font and shadow. My knowledge of php is very limited :eek:

Lol, I am just kidding. But def you should consider changing the font or the pattern background to make it easier to read and friendly to look at ;)

02-07-2016, 09:00 PM
Could you add Karambwan (Cooked) Anglerfish (Cooked) Chicken (Cooked), Rainbow Fish (Cooked), and Dark Crab (Cooked)

02-07-2016, 09:23 PM
I also rewrote the Stats Include to be object oriented

{ Credit to Flight
To use first register at http://stats.grats.pw/reg.php
Then create a folder in the Simba main directory called Stats.
In the Stats folder create a file called Info.txt.
Take the stats_id and password and put them in the file with this formatting:
Stats_ID=(Insert Stats_ID here)
Stats_Pass=(Insert Stats_Pass here)

StatsPath = AppPath + 'Stats\';
StatsFile = 'Info.txt';
StatsAbsolutePath = StatsPath + StatsFile;

type TStat = record
Name: string;
Value: Integer;

type TStatsUser = record
ID: string;
Password: string;
ScriptID: string;
Timer: Integer;

type TStats = record
User: TStatsUser;
Stats: Array of TStat;

procedure TStats.Setup(ScriptID : string);
ID, Password, StatsFilepath: String;
if (not DirectoryExists(StatsPath)) then
WriteINI('General', 'Stats_ID', '', StatsAbsolutePath);
writeINI('General', 'Stats_Pass', '', StatsAbsolutePath);

ID := ReadINI('General', 'Stats_ID', StatsAbsolutePath);
Password := ReadINI('General', 'Stats_Pass', StatsAbsolutePath);

if ID = '' then
case MessageBox('No Stats ID found, would you like to register?', 'Stats', 1) of
1: OpenWebPage('http://stats.grats.pw/reg.php');

Self.User := [ID, Password, ScriptID, GetSystemTime()];

procedure TStats.InitializeVariable(Name: string; Value: Integer);
Size: Integer;
Size := Length(Self.Stats);
SetArrayLength(Self.Stats, Size + 1);
Self.Stats[Size].Name := LowerCase(Name);
Self.Stats[Size].Value := Value;

procedure TStats.SetVariable(Name: string; Value: Integer);
Stat: Integer;
Name := LowerCase(Name);
for Stat := 0 to High(Self.Stats) do
if (Name = Self.Stats[Stat].Name) then
Self.Stats[Stat].Value := Value;
InitializeVariable(Name, Value);

procedure TStats.IncreaseVariable(Name: string; Value: Integer);
Stat: Integer;
Name := LowerCase(Name);
for Stat := 0 to High(Self.Stats) do
if (Name = Self.Stats[Stat].Name) then
Self.Stats[Stat].Value := Self.Stats[Stat].Value + Value;
InitializeVariable(Name, Value);

function TStats.Commit: Boolean;
Response: string;
Client, Stat, WorkedTime, ExtraTime: Integer;
ExtraTime := GetSystemTime() - User.Timer;
WorkedTime := ExtraTime div 60000;

if WorkedTime < 5 then Exit;
ExtraTime := ExtraTime - (WorkedTime * 60000);

Self.User.Timer := GetSystemTime - ExtraTime;

Client := InitializeHTTPClient(False);

if (Self.User.ID = '') then
Self.User.ID := '5';
Self.User.Password := 'anon1337';

AddPostVariable(Client, 'user_id', Self.User.ID);
AddPostVariable(Client, 'password', Self.User.Password);
AddPostVariable(Client, 'script_id', Self.User.ScriptID);
AddPostVariable(Client, 'timeamount', toStr(WorkedTime));

for Stat := 0 to High(Self.Stats) do
if (Self.Stats[Stat].Value > 0) then
AddPostVariable(Client, Self.Stats[Stat].Name, toStr(Min(Self.Stats[Stat].Value, 30000))); //Capped at 30000

Response := PostHTTPPageEx(Client, 'http://stats.grats.pw/POST.php');

case StrToIntDef(ExtractFromStr(Response, Numbers), -1) of
42: Result := True;
9001: WriteLn('Stats: Invalid user ID/Password.');
1337: WriteLn('Stats: Invalid Script ID.');
255, 496: WriteLn('Stats: Committing too fast; shame on you!');
WriteLn('Stats: No Return Code');

if Result then
for Stat := 0 to High(Self.Stats) do
if (Self.Stats[Stat].Value > 0) then
Self.Stats[Stat].Value := 0; //Clear for next commit

Example Usage

MyStats: TStats;

MyStats.InitializeVariable('var', 'value');
MyStats.SetVariable('var', 'value');
MyStats.IncreaseVariable('var', 'value');

02-13-2016, 08:54 PM
Can you add a bunch of farming vars, I'd be fine with just Snapdragons and Watermelon (Harvested)

01-18-2017, 06:34 AM
Could you add Karambwan (Cooked) Anglerfish (Cooked) Chicken (Cooked), Rainbow Fish (Cooked), and Dark Crab (Cooked)

Can you add a bunch of farming vars, I'd be fine with just Snapdragons and Watermelon (Harvested)

I'm only a year late, maybe I should wait 3 weeks so it's to the day.. but if you need those added still I can add them haha.