View Full Version : Black Scimitar Collector [100k p/h ] Reflection [AL] 72+theiving req

04-02-2015, 11:57 AM
Hey guys this method is pretty ruined now and i though i would release this. I don't have a membership anymore and don't think i will get one again.

You will need to setup Reflection and AeroLib

Lots of credits are needed

Credits to Elfyyy for his reflection include and some of his methods in his PC script, and Ineedbot's R_InteractTile function

Start in ardy castle in the black scim room with ardy tabs in the first slot in the bank and dueling rings in the second. also fill out the info procedure.

also sorry that my conventions are bad and this might be hard to read.

04-08-2015, 10:10 AM
Will try this out when i reach 72 thieving in a few days! I'll let you know then

04-19-2015, 04:13 PM
Ok, Pm me with any problems, remember to start inside the room with a ring of dueling equipped, now the price of black scims has recovered remember to wait to sell. and keep the price as high as possible.;)