View Full Version : cLib

07-07-2015, 03:02 PM
What is it?

cLib is an include with functions that I personally use often in my ogLib-based scripts. As such, this include is completely useless if you're not using ogLib. You can read more about and download ogLib here: https://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=112599

You can see what cLib has to offer on GitHub (https://github.com/yuri-moens/simba-scripts/blob/master/cLib.simba) and you are of course more than welcome to help out in developing it further.


There are two ways to install the library and both are pretty straightforward.

Using ChaosUpdater

Download the ChaosUpdater script at the bottom of the post or from GitHub (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yuri-moens/simba-scripts/master/ChaosUpdater.simba).
Run the script


Download the library at the bottom of the post (probably outdated) or from GitHub (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yuri-moens/simba-scripts/master/cLib.simba).
Put it in the Includes folder of your Simba installation.

Using cLib

You can use cLib by including it like any other include. The include already includes ogLib/lib/core/core.simba so you don't have to anymore.

{$i cLib.simba}

Once you are using cLib you don't have to worry about updating it. cLib will check for updates everytime you use it and it will keep itself at the latest version.

Known bugs




Changelog (https://github.com/yuri-moens/simba-scripts/blob/master/cLib.changelog)


Obscurity - For his work on ogLib.
Clarity - For his work on ogLib.
Bly - For his idea of the player.getId() function.
Justin - For letting me know about a HTTP proxy service.

07-07-2015, 03:11 PM
Why not just add these things to ogLib? Some great ideas in this code, especially the auto updater. Anyhow, nice work.

07-07-2015, 03:20 PM
Nice job, but would of been better to message Obscurity or Clarity to have them add these functions somewhere in the include so users of OGL don't have to download two packages. Good work on the functions though!

07-07-2015, 06:25 PM
I just made a pull request for some of the functions to be merged into ogLib. I was planning to do so earlier but I wanted to test them a bit first. Not all of them are currently working the way I want them to so I'll continue using this library as my testing area before doing PR's to ogLib.

07-14-2015, 02:19 PM
Chaos-Energy, your tLogin.logout() function doesn't work in F2P because of the ID being shared with the subscribe button; I just thought you'd like to know. :)

07-14-2015, 02:21 PM
Chaos-Energy, your tLogin.logout() function doesn't work in F2P because of the ID being shared with the subscribe button; I just thought you'd like to know. :)

Aha, so that's why someone said it opened the membership thing for them. :D

Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix it soon.