View Full Version : If you can't fix 120mm Fan for your liquid cooling in your cases this the aussie way

12-23-2015, 09:33 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12373364_959891017418012_7372859014778514035_n.jpg ?oh=5f349a386be19232dfec741188f5df01&oe=571D6B7A&__gda__=1460779211_a0d1d1218bac0b3241a94f0654d3f67 8

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1933960_959891067418007_7218770049983246522_n.jpg? oh=07410756e7d833b98903523d562258c8&oe=56D619B3&__gda__=1461292840_55f6f1a950452515281fb2f56a4d7c3 0

12-23-2015, 09:42 PM
What exactly am I looking at here? I see two grainy photographs. The first of which shows an unconventional fan installation, and the second of which seems to show nothing at all of consequence. Zip-ties are used all the time for cable-management inside towers.

12-23-2015, 09:46 PM
What exactly am I looking at here? I see two grainy photographs. The first of which shows an unconventional fan installation, and the second of which seems to show nothing at all of consequence. Zip-ties are used all the time for cable-management inside towers.

Is one ru a 88mm fan not 120mm fan so i make it fix with Zip-ties and the cpu getting at 20c with 100% in a 30c room cos it getting a lot of air.

12-23-2015, 09:56 PM
Is one ru a 88mm fan not 120mm fan so i make it fix with Zip-ties and the cpu getting at 20c with 100% in a 30c room cos it getting a lot of air.

If the CPU temp is reading below ambient then you need to offset the values coming from the sensor because they are wrong.

12-24-2015, 12:40 AM
If the CPU temp is reading below ambient then you need to offset the values coming from the sensor because they are wrong.

False. With enough fans, you can compress the air enough to get sub-ambient air temp. But practically, no, you are correct.

12-24-2015, 01:22 AM
False. With enough fans, you can compress the air enough to get sub-ambient air temp. But practically, no, you are correct.

uhh, compressing air will raise the temp. pv = nrt
plus there would be no circulation. you always want more out than in, otherwise you get static pockets.

12-24-2015, 01:31 AM
uhh, compressing air will raise the temp. pv = nrt
plus there would be no circulation. you always want more out than in, otherwise you get static pockets.

pv = nrt is not applicable to real life.

12-24-2015, 01:36 AM
pv = nrt is not applicable to real life.

Huh? Go let out some compressed air and tell me what happens to the temperature inside the tank.
Just because air isn't perfectly "ideal" doesn't mean that the law is irrelevant. In this case it's at least 95% accurate.

The point is that no, your CPU is not cooler than ambient. Especially not under load.

12-24-2015, 03:56 AM
uhh, compressing air will raise the temp. pv = nrt
plus there would be no circulation. you always want more out than in, otherwise you get static pockets.

I think his claim was "The Australian" Way which i completely agree with. There is nothing down-under we can't fix with duck-tape, zip-ties and now 'the overpowered FAN' (I'm from Western Australian btw)

While we are on this principle; ANTH said he was getting or building a fan-less laptop; I don't use heaters because my computer puts out of enough heat, to heat the small end of the house. So how can fan-less now be the case? I'm not a technical guru as i have little need to discuss this stuff, except during the couple builds I've done.

12-24-2015, 04:32 AM
While we are on this principle; ANTH said he was getting or building a fan-less laptop; I don't use heaters because my computer puts out of enough heat, to heat the small end of the house. So how can fan-less now be the case? I'm not a technical guru as i have little need to discuss this stuff, except during the couple builds I've done.

They under-clock the CPU, which consumes very little power in the first place.
Laptops already have such a large surface area to volume ratio that the fan isn't super important anyway.

12-24-2015, 04:38 AM
The surface area helps; but more important is the heat sink? which have become increasingly smaller.

And to under-clock and then have heat issues would provide a very unstable system performance wise? Based on CPU temps and the lessened ability to expel excess heat under-load?

I will keep my eye out for one of these systems now; i guess any tablet, ipad etc. doesn't have a fan; but then these have never been a stable enough platform for me.