View Full Version : [OSRS][Aerolib] Magic Include

Dan the man
09-04-2016, 11:14 AM
Hi all,

I was bored and couldn't think of any scripts to write so I decided to make a magic include because we don't have one as yet (I hope!) for Aerolib.

The include supports all current spells in Lunar, normal and ancinet spell books.

I will look at adding more functions to it later.

Hope this helps a few people :)


function getSpellBox(Name: String): Tbox;
case Capitalize(LowerCase(Name)) of
//Normal Spell Book
'Lumbridge Home Teleport': Result := toBox(559, 220, 582, 243);
'Wind Strike': Result := toBox(583, 220, 606, 243);
'Confuse': Result := toBox(607, 220, 630, 243);
'Enchant Crossbow Bolt': Result := toBox(631, 220, 654, 243);
'Water Strike': Result := toBox(655, 220, 678, 243);
'Lvl-1 Enchant': Result := toBox(679, 220, 702, 243);
'Earth Strike': Result := toBox(703, 220, 726, 243);
'Weaken': Result := toBox(559, 244, 582, 267);
'Fire Strike': Result := toBox(583, 244, 606, 267);
'Bones to Bananas': Result := toBox(607, 244, 630, 267);
'Wind Bolt': Result := toBox(631, 244, 654, 267);
'Curse': Result := toBox(655, 244, 678, 267);
'Bind': Result := toBox(679, 244, 702, 267);
'Low Level Alchemy': Result := toBox(703, 244, 726, 267);
'Water Bolt': Result := toBox(559, 268, 582, 291);
'Varrock Teleport': Result := toBox(583, 268, 606, 291);
'Lvl-2 Enchant': Result := toBox(607, 268, 630, 291);
'Earth Bolt': Result := toBox(631, 268, 654, 291);
'Lumbridge Teleport': Result := toBox(655, 268, 678, 291);
'Telekenetic Grab': Result := toBox(679, 268, 702, 291);
'Fire Bolt': Result := toBox(703, 268, 726, 291);
'Falador Teleport': Result := toBox(559, 292, 582, 315);
'Crumble Undead': Result := toBox(583, 292, 606, 315);
'Teleport to House': Result := toBox(607, 292, 630, 315);
'Wind Blast': Result := toBox(631, 292, 654, 315);
'Superhead Item': Result := toBox(655, 292, 678, 315);
'Camelot Teleport': Result := toBox(679, 292, 702, 315);
'Water Blast': Result := toBox(703, 292, 726, 315);
'Lvl-3 Enchant': Result := toBox(559, 316, 582, 339);
'Iban Blast': Result := toBox(583, 316, 606, 339);
'Snare': Result := toBox(607, 316, 630, 339);
'Magic Dart': Result := toBox(631, 316, 654, 339);
'Ardougne Teleport': Result := toBox(655, 316, 678, 339);
'Earth Blast': Result := toBox(679, 316, 702, 339);
'High Level Alchemy': Result := toBox(703, 316, 726, 339);
'Charge Water Orb': Result := toBox(559, 340, 582, 363);
'Lvl-4 Enchant': Result := toBox(583, 340, 606, 363);
'Watchtower Teleport': Result := toBox(607, 340, 630, 363);
'Fire Blast': Result := toBox(631, 340, 654, 363);
'Charge Earth Orb': Result := toBox(655, 340, 678, 363);
'Bones to Peaches': Result := toBox(679, 340, 702, 363);
'Saradomin Strike': Result := toBox(703, 340, 726, 363);
'Claws of Guthix': Result := toBox(559, 364, 582, 387);
'Flames of Zamorak': Result := toBox(583, 364, 606, 387);
'Trollheim Teleport': Result := toBox(607, 364, 630, 387);
'Wind Wave': Result := toBox(631, 364, 654, 387);
'Charge Fire Orb': Result := toBox(655, 364, 678, 387);
'Teleport to Ape Atoll': Result := toBox(679, 364, 702, 387);
'Water Wave': Result := toBox(703, 364, 726, 387);
'Charge Air Orb': Result := toBox(559, 388, 582, 411);
'Vulnerability': Result := toBox(583, 388, 606, 411);
'Lvl-5 Enchant': Result := toBox(607, 388, 630, 411);
'Teleport to Kourend': Result := toBox(631, 388, 654, 411);
'Earth Wave': Result := toBox(655, 388, 678, 411);
'Enfeeble': Result := toBox(679, 388, 702, 411);
'Teleother Lumbridge': Result := toBox(703, 388, 726, 411);
'Fire Wave': Result := toBox(559, 412, 582, 435);
'Entangle': Result := toBox(583, 412, 606, 435);
'Stun': Result := toBox(607, 412, 630, 435);
'Charge': Result := toBox(631, 412, 654, 435);
'Teleother Falador': Result := toBox(655, 412, 678, 435);
'Tele Block': Result := toBox(679, 412, 702, 435);
'Teleport to Bounty Target': Result := toBox(703, 412, 726, 435);
'Lvl-6 Enchant': Result := toBox(559, 436, 582, 459);
'Teleother Camelot': Result := toBox(583, 436, 606, 459);
'Lvl-7 Enchant': Result := toBox(607, 436, 630, 459);
//Lunar SpellBook
'Lunar Home Teleport': Result := toBox(555, 213, 578, 236);
'Bake Pie': Result := toBox(585, 213, 608, 236);
'Cure Plant': Result := toBox(615, 213, 638, 236);
'Monster Examine': Result := toBox(645, 213, 668, 236);
'NPC Contact': Result := toBox(675, 213, 698, 236);
'Cure Other': Result := toBox(705, 213, 728, 236);
'Humidify': Result := toBox(555, 242, 578, 265);
'Moonclan Teleport': Result := toBox(585, 242, 608, 265);
'Tele Group Moonclan': Result := toBox(615, 242, 638, 265);
'Cure Me': Result := toBox(645, 242, 668, 265);
'Hunter Kit': Result := toBox(675, 242, 698, 265);
'Waterbirth Teleport': Result := toBox(705, 242, 728, 265);
'Tele Group Waterbirth': Result := toBox(555, 271, 578, 294);
'Cure Group': Result := toBox(585, 271, 608, 294);
'Stat Spy': Result := toBox(615, 271, 638, 294);
'Barbarian Teleport': Result := toBox(645, 271, 668, 294);
'Tele Group Barbarian': Result := toBox(675, 271, 698, 294);
'Superglass Make': Result := toBox(705, 271, 728, 294);
'Tan Leather': Result := toBox(555, 300, 578, 323);
'Khazard Teleport': Result := toBox(585, 300, 608, 323);
'Tele Group Khazard': Result := toBox(615, 300, 638, 323);
'Dream': Result := toBox(645, 300, 668, 323);
'String Jewellery': Result := toBox(675, 300, 698, 323);
'Stat Restore Pot Share': Result := toBox(705, 300, 728, 323);
'Magic Imbue': Result := toBox(555, 329, 578, 352);
'Fertile Soil': Result := toBox(585, 329, 608, 352);
'Boost Potion Share': Result := toBox(615, 329, 638, 352);
'Fishing Guild Teleport': Result := toBox(645, 329, 668, 352);
'Teleport to Bounty Target': Result := toBox(675, 329, 698, 352);
'Tele Group Fishing Guild': Result := toBox(705, 329, 728, 352);
'Plank Make': Result := toBox(555, 358, 578, 381);
'Catherby Teleport': Result := toBox(585, 358, 608, 381);
'Tele Group Catherby': Result := toBox(615, 358, 638, 381);
'Recharge Dragonstone': Result := toBox(645, 358, 668, 381);
'Ice Plateau Teleport': Result := toBox(675, 358, 698, 381);
'Tele Group Ice Plateau': Result := toBox(705, 358, 728, 381);
'Energy Transfer': Result := toBox(555, 387, 578, 410);
'Heal Other': Result := toBox(585, 387, 608, 410);
'Vengeance Other': Result := toBox(615, 387, 638, 410);
'Vengeance': Result := toBox(645, 387, 668, 410);
'Heal Group': Result := toBox(675, 387, 698, 410);
'Spellbook Swap': Result := toBox(705, 387, 728, 410);
'Geomancy': Result := toBox(555, 416, 578, 439);
'Spin Flax': Result := toBox(585, 416, 608, 439);
//Ancient spells
'Edgeville Home Teleport': Result := toBox(566, 213, 589, 236);
'Smoke Rush': Result := toBox(611, 213, 634, 236);
'Shadow Rush': Result := toBox(657, 213, 680, 236);
'Paddewwa Teleport': Result := toBox(698, 213, 721, 236);
'Blood Rush': Result := toBox(566, 241, 589, 264);
'Ice Rush': Result := toBox(611, 241, 634, 264);
'Senntisten Teleport': Result := toBox(657, 241, 680, 264);
'Smoke Burst': Result := toBox(698, 241, 721, 264);
'Shadow Burst': Result := toBox(566, 269, 589, 292);
'Kharyrll Teleport': Result := toBox(611, 269, 634, 292);
'Blood Burst': Result := toBox(657, 269, 680, 292);
'Ice Burst': Result := toBox(698, 269, 721, 292);
'Lassar Teleport': Result := toBox(566, 297, 589, 320);
'Smoke Blitz': Result := toBox(611, 297, 634, 320);
'Shadow Blitz': Result := toBox(657, 297, 680, 320);
'Dareeyak Teleport': Result := toBox(698, 297, 721, 320);
'Blood Blitz': Result := toBox(566, 325, 589, 348);
'Ice Blitz': Result := toBox(611, 325, 634, 348);
'Carrallangar Teleport': Result := toBox(657, 325, 680, 348);
'Teleport to Bounty Target': Result := toBox(698, 325, 721, 348);
'Smoke Barrage': Result := toBox(566, 353, 589, 376);
'Shadow Barrage': Result := toBox(611, 353, 634, 376);
'Annakarl Teleport': Result := toBox(657, 353, 680, 376);
'Blood Barrage': Result := toBox(698, 353, 721, 376);
'Ice Barrage': Result := toBox(566, 381, 589, 404);
'Ghorrock Teleport': Result := toBox(611, 381, 634, 404);


.. code-block:: AeroLib

isSpellSelected: Boolean;

Returns true if the specified spell is selected.


if isSpellSelected then
WriteLn('We currently have a spell clicked.');


function isSpellSelected: boolean;
Color_SpellActive: TColEx;

result := False
Color_SpellActive.create(7829766, 25, 0.68, 0.42);
if Color_SpellActive.FindIn(ToBox(40, 6, 108, 20)) then
if waitUpTextMulti(['->', '>'], 500) then
result := True


.. code-block:: AeroLib

CastSpell(SpellName: String): Boolean;

Casts a spell with the designated name.


if CastSpell('Smoke Burst') then
WriteLn('We cast ' +SpellName);

CastSpell('Smoke Burst');


function CastSpell(SpellName: String): Boolean;
Box: Tbox;

Result := False;
if GameTab(TAB_MAGIC) then
Box := getSpellBox(SpellName);
Gaussmousebox(Box.X1, Box.Y1, Box.X2, Box.Y2, MOUSE_MOVE);
if waitUpTextMulti([SpellName], 500) then
warn('Spell missing. May be incorrect spell book.', WT_CORE);

09-04-2016, 01:47 PM
What's the point in SpellBox? it's a totally unneeded wrapper and why use Variant for getSpellBox? Kinda pointless when it can only use a string currently.

Edit: for isSpellSelected do "Result := False;" at the start of the func since it saves 3 lines and removes the need for the two elses

09-04-2016, 02:54 PM
Great include. I really like this concept. It would be nice to have this in aerolib to use.

Dan the man
09-05-2016, 02:19 AM
What's the point in SpellBox? it's a totally unneeded wrapper and why use Variant for getSpellBox? Kinda pointless when it can only use a string currently.

Edit: for isSpellSelected do "Result := False;" at the start of the func since it saves 3 lines and removes the need for the two elses

Adjusted accordingly. Cheers for the feedback.

09-06-2016, 01:19 PM
Adjusted accordingly. Cheers for the feedback.
and you can also just do Exit(True); instead of Result := True; Exit;

09-06-2016, 01:22 PM
Perfect example of how not to exit (https://github.com/Harrierr/SRL-Scripts/blob/master/SRL-Cooker/SRL-Cooker.simba#L107)
Harrier; :p

09-06-2016, 07:11 PM
Perfect example of how not to exit (https://github.com/Harrierr/SRL-Scripts/blob/master/SRL-Cooker/SRL-Cooker.simba#L107)
Harrier; :p
Yes, lets look at a function which I wrote over a year ago in a unfinished script which I ripped SimbaExt out of without re-optimising the code and only uploaded it to github since people bugged me on IRC for an example script for SRL/SRL.

Dan the man
09-07-2016, 04:26 AM
Exit(True) is a good one to know, cheers. Edited.

09-08-2016, 10:04 AM
ooo this is cool. I have an idea for a script that I'll be putting together once I get more of the basics down...

A little crumble the undead action :D