View Full Version : RSPS, need some help with rsps bot's

10-09-2018, 07:15 AM
Hi there!
I'm new to this community and i already dd some dig on Simba, did some tutorials and etc, I bot mainly for learning purposes, that being said i don't pretend to bot in osrs or not in a continuous way until i feel confident about my skills (doing tutorials i wrote 2 miners, 1 in aerolib based on a tutorial here, and another based on the cabbage picker on srl got 30 mining and still up lol)...

I used t o bot with AutoIt but lack of those juicy includes that makes everything easier in osrs, and i found that if i want to earn simba in rsps's i dont hve much to do, since SRL doesn't work as far as i know, at least having some extras like the complex ACA, and the MMouse movements would be a great help for my pourpose...

i Sar "RJ" guide, but his guide isn't updated, but i got the idea, and that's what i want to get on working, by this moment my simba rsps bots are just simple sleepers with coordinates clickers that get the job done but not what i want.

Thx for your time sorry if i commit any grammatical errors, English isn't my native.

10-09-2018, 12:59 PM
I've written a few scripts from scratch for privates servers:

All of them use Simba's native OCR to handle text. That might be a good place to start if you want to script for a private server without using an include.

10-09-2018, 04:17 PM
Thanks A lot! Ill be studying these!
I want to use includes but seems that they wont work properly with rsps.

Or they may work but i haven't the knowledge to make them work properly.
thanks a lot!