View Full Version : FindColorRadial

07-26-2007, 11:17 PM
heres a few funtions i made that are variations of radialwalex which i found useful for color finding, road finding, etc....

included in the script is an example of how to use the function which must be run at lumby castle in front of the stairs.

the differences in this function from radialwalkex is that this one allows for color arrays and progressive tol. i made a function that also allows for searching for a color from center to specified radius, which is the opposite of what radialwalkex does.

note: i think there is already a function called called FindColorRadial in xmapwalk.scar..

full credit goes to wizzup and wt-fakawi (i think) for radialwalex which was modified by me slightly, so please don't post saying i didn't credit properly in script because here it is..

if you try this out please post back to tell me if you like it. if you don't, tell me if there was anything wrong in it.

..and heres one simple question: can someone explain to me how these procedures work to produce arc paths for the color finding of radialwalkex because i can't seem to wrap my brain around it and i thought i was good at trig..

x1 := Round(Radius * Sine(i)) + cx;
y1 := Round(-Radius * Cose(i)) + cy;

07-27-2007, 04:00 AM
Thank you so much! It works really well.