View Full Version : A few questions... I'm an extreme newbie at Java

09-29-2007, 08:15 PM
So, my brother told me to learn Java... and I'm trying to. I know a small bit of C++, and I heard Java uses the same syntax as it does, so w/e. This is the first time I've really used .Java files or .class files by themselves (meaning w/o the aid of another program, such as a game or application or something), and I've got a few newbish questions...

Is there any sort of GUI with Java (I hope I'm using that word right), like how SCAR has the interface for code, or Borland C++ has the interface for writing code and compiling it, or could somebody give me a reccomendation for one? So far, I've just made a basic hello world program by opening up Notepad, writing the code, saving it as .java, then saving it in the jdk\bin and then opening up command prompt to use javac helloworldapp.java to make it a .class file and then running it (run-on sentence).

*can't think of other questions ATM*

Also, anything that you think I should know about Java, please post here or PM me! As I said before, I'm a total Java newbie (and I guess you could say a partial-computer newbie).

Thanks :D

09-30-2007, 03:07 AM
For a Java IDE their is NetBeans (www.netbeans.org), EasyEclipse (www.easyeclipse.org), or IDEA (this one is pay, but it's really good) (http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/). I personally use IDEA. Their are more but I think those are the best. You could install all 3 and use NetBeans for building GUI's, Eclipse when you need to make something fast, and IDEA when you are going to do a long term project. (IDEA takes a good minute to load up so if you open it then make sure you have it open for a while)

09-30-2007, 03:31 AM
Try googling PCGrasp or JGRasp, it's somewhat similar to SCAR's GUI

10-01-2007, 12:25 AM
Eclipse is best. EasyEclispse is gay :p.

10-02-2007, 11:59 PM
My bro referred me to Eclipse (he's pretty much the reason why I'm learning Java - and the fact that RS is Java).

12-01-2007, 07:43 AM
I agree with kikand r0vot1 eclipse is the best to use