View Full Version : The Almighty TPA Tutorial

11-27-2007, 04:58 PM

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to use TPAs - TPointArrays a.k.a Arrays of TPoint.

Lets start from how to declare a TPointArray.

How to declare a TPoint array

1. Most cool looking and the fastest to type
TPA: TPointArray;

2. The "old" way TPA: Array of TPoint;

With the way 2 you can declare the length of the array when declaring.

Now, you may think that TPointArrays are more complex or harder than other arrays, but thats just figment of your imagination.

Now, lets have a small example:

Procedure TPAExample;
TPA: TPointArray;
SetArrayLength(TPA, 1);
// Remember that SetArrayLength sets it so that first slot is 0!
TPA[0].x := 10;
TPA[0].y := 5;
Writeln('TPA[0].x = '+IntToStr(TPA[0].x)+'.');
Writeln('TPA[0].y = '+IntToStr(TPA[0].y)+'.');
// Now, another way for setting a point in a TPA
TPA[0] := IntToPoint(10, 5);
Writeln('TPA[0].x = '+IntToStr(TPA[0].x)+'.');
Writeln('TPA[0].y = '+IntToStr(TPA[0].y)+'.');

There you have a TPointArray with one slot, and two ways of setting the point.

Now, you all wonder how to surf through a TPA with your mouse?
Nothing more special than writelning an integer array.

Procedure TPAMouseExample;
TPA: TPointArray;
I, C: Integer;
SetArrayLength(TPA, 10);
For I := 0 To High(TPA) Do // High = highest slot
TPA[i].x := (i + 1) * 10;
TPA[i].y := (i + 1) * 20;
// Now, we go through with it using mouse, watch...
For C := 0 To High(TPA) Do
MoveMouse(TPA[c].x, TPA[c].y);

Always remember that a point is two integers, X and Y.

Now, you all think "Omfgz0r m003vfmouse d00z not fawnd me objz0r"

FindColorsSpiralTolerance & FindColorsTolerance

The difference between these two wonderful functions is that FindColorsSpiralTolerance searches starting from the two first params, spiralling out.

FindColorsTolerance instead just Finds from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2.

Try messing with this:

Procedure TPAColorExample(StartX, StartY, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
TPA: TPointArray;
I: Integer;
FindColorsSpiralTolerance(StartX, StartY, TPA, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0);
Writeln('Now, we go through the points found by FindColorsSpiralTolerance');
For I := 0 To High(TPA) Do
MoveMouse(TPA[i].x, TPA[i].y);
FindColorsTolerance(TPA, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0);
Writeln('Now we go through the points from FindColorsTolerance');
For I := 0 To High(TPA) Do
MoveMouse(TPA[i].x, TPA[i].y);

I gotta stop for today, but don't worry, I'll be back writing this Tut after about 19 hours :)

Cya, hope you learnt something though this session wasn't very long!


So, now you know a little, you should be able to make a TPointArray, and do something with the points :)

Multidimensional TPointArrays

Sometimes you may face this feeling that one array just isn't enough, and its
a) Stupid
b) Waste of time
to write like "A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6: TPointArray".

Then, just like any other array, you can make a multidimensional array.

For example, you want to find the player pixels of minimap.

You would first do a FindColors with spiral or not to get all the white points.

But now, you have a messy array with points around, you can use that to get the points of the players:) To get the amount of players you can do just like
Players := Round(GetArrayLength(whitePoints) / 9)

Note that the 9 propably isn't the right amount one dot has pixels.

Now, back on topic, now you would want to get the dots.

What do you think you are going to do?

You would (should, IMO) use SplitTPA from WizzyPlugin, or a function of your own that serves the same purpose.

SplitTPA creates a two dimensional array - Array of TPointArray
of one TPointArray, making a TPointArray of each group of points that are next to each other.

Now you would do something like:
PlayerDots := SplitTPA(whitePoints); There you've got your player dots.

But, you can't click a TPointArray, or can you?

Well its kind of how you like to say it, you can click the TPointArray's middle, or the point in middle of the array, or something else.

Well the first option makes most sence, so, you will then have a for loop, and a new TPointArray.

Then you do something like this:

For I := 0 To High(PlayerDots) Do
TheRealDamnPlayerDots[i] := MiddleTPA(PlayerDots[i]);
Writeln('Seems like we had shitty points.');

The try except is because if some array had too low amount of points, our story would end sadly in a runtime error.

I made today early one function for checking the amount of players so the brand new autotalker in my script won't be chatting with JaGeX.

Try to learn something of it :

Function GetPlayers: Integer;
PlayerDots: Array of TPointArray;
WhitePixels: TPointArray;
CTS, X, Y, I: Integer;
CTS := GetColorToleranceSpeed;
If Not CTS = 2 Then ColorToleranceSpeed(2);
FindColorsTolerance(WhitePixels, 16711422, MMX1, MMY1, MMX2, MMY2, 3);
PlayerDots := SplitTPA(WhitePixels);
For I := 0 To High(PlayerDots) Do
If GetArrayLength(PlayerDots[i]) > 9 Then
MiddleTPAEx(PlayerDots[i], X, Y);
If Distance(MMCX, MMCY, X, Y) <= 22 Then
Result := Result + 1;

^^ free to use in scripts if I'm being credited.

Simple, isnt it? But even more effective :)

I don't have anything to teach about TPAs in mind atm, but request here if you have something to ask! :)

Cya ppl!


Okay, request number one!

Pros and Cons of TPoint Arrays

Pro - Effective
Pro - Fast to make, unlike DDTMs or something like that.
Con - Slow to sort through a TPA and do changes, like any array. (Plugins though)


Number two - using TPAs in loops fast.

Number one, don't do
For I := 0 To High(TPA) Do

You can do that, but if you are fighting of milliseconds you need to do

Le := High(TPA);
For I := 0 To Le Do

That ways, it doesn't have to call High every time, and can save you tens of milliseconds.

Then, another thing, since now we have WizzyPlugin in our .Includes/SRL/SRL/Misc/
we should use its functions over your home-made scar ones, unless yours are more effective.

For example, if you first do a FindColors, and then for each point you would like to know how much of color is around it, don't make a loop that does FindColors around each point, instead, just make an Array of TPointArray, and then do like
TPAA := TPAToATPA(TPA, Distance)

Thats propably some of the important things, also common sense will help you.

11-27-2007, 09:20 PM
Ness all im saying is: You're amazing with TPA's ;) A bit too amazing sometimes.

Good tut ;)

King of Knives
11-27-2007, 09:31 PM
I knew you were gonna make one for this :D I'll promise to read :D I need to learn more about them :P I want to beat you :D (Impossible dream)


11-27-2007, 09:36 PM
mh, go to the link in my sig and find some more interresting stuff on tpa(its not really explained though but i'm willing to explain on msn...) it also has atpa;) but nice job on the guide it doesnt really belong in the advanced section though...

11-28-2007, 12:53 AM
Goody.... I had to learn this myself :(. Anyways... n3ss3s you still want a tut on trigonometry?

11-28-2007, 01:10 AM
TPointArrays aren't advanced at all, unless you plan on doing something I've never heard of. All you need to know is how to use a TPoint. . . And how to use an array. . . Now that Wizzup made a plugin you don't really have to do anything yourself, you just put in the parameters ;)

Who knows, though, you may know something I don't.

11-28-2007, 03:54 PM
@Zephyr: I'd love to see one
@Killerdou: Your sig is advertising your finder already
@JuKKa: Thanks
@Town: No, they are simple, but many people have said that z0mg hard etc..

Now, I'm back and continue writing it :stirthepot:

11-28-2007, 04:01 PM
i always wanted to know about tpa's. i learned them myself and n3s33s comes with a tut :p

good tut dude :)

11-28-2007, 04:01 PM
can you write pros and cons of em?

11-28-2007, 04:11 PM
Okay, hold on :)

Okay, added, though don't have more than three in total in my mind atm...

11-28-2007, 04:42 PM
Too bad i had to learn this the hard way.. Teaching my self :(

11-28-2007, 04:48 PM
Haha, well thats how I learnt it too :)

Though I thought / think of it as fun :p

11-29-2007, 04:20 PM
Nice :)
You could add the optimizing of loops for TPA's..

11-30-2007, 06:43 AM

I'll do it today after school :)

So, now I'm back from school, what do you mean by optimizing?

11-30-2007, 09:46 PM
Make it faster. Like how you and Ben and all those people were comparing times on the Mining Procedure thread.

12-01-2007, 07:42 AM
I can't explain it, after all it isn't anything so special...

Umm the one below is propably bit under 100ms, haven't tested... it was 78 or 62 I think.

Function FindRockVein(Var Rx, Ry: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean;
L, I, Mx, My, P, Col, CTS: Integer;
TPA, TPA2, TPA3: TPointArray;
Box, B2: TBox;
TP: TPoint;
If Not LoggedIn Then Exit;
CTS := GetColorToleranceSpeed;
Box := IntToBox(MSCX - 15, MSCY - 20, MSCX + 15, MSCY + 20);
FindColorsSpiralTolerance(MSCX, MSCY, TPA, RockColor, x1, y1, x2, y2, 15);
L := GetArrayLength(TPA) - 1;
For I := 0 To L Do
TP := TPA[i];
If(Not(PointInBox(TP, Box)))Then
FindColorsTolerance(TPA2, MudColor, TP.x - 10, TP.y - 10, TP.x + 10, TP.y + 10, 15);
If(GetArrayLength(TPA2) >= 100)Then
MiddleTPAEx(TPA2, TP.x, TP.y);
B2 := IntToBox(TP.x - 10, TP.y - 10, TP.x + 10, TP.y + 10);
Mx := B2.x1 + ((B2.x2 - B2.x1) / 2);
My := B2.y1 + ((B2.y2 - B2.y1) / 2);
FindColorsSpiralTolerance(Mx, My, TPA3, RockColor, B2.x1, B2.y1, B2.x2, B2.y2, 15);
If(GetArrayLength(TPA3) >= 25)Then
P := Round((GetArrayLength(TPA3) / GetArrayLength(TPA2)) * 100);
If(P > 3) And (P < 20)Then
Result := True;
MiddleTPAEx(TPA3, Rx, Ry);
RockColor := GetColor(TPA3[0].x, TPA3[0].y);

And the one I used in competition, 47ms =

Function FindRock(All: Boolean; var RockTPA: TPointArray; Color: Integer): Boolean;
I, D, C, B, X, Y, A, Z, M, N: Integer;
TPA: TPointArray;
A := GetClientWindowHandle;
B := GetSystemTime;
C := GetColorToleranceSpeed;
I := BitmapFromString(762, 502, '');
CopyClientToBitmap(i, 0, 0, 762, 502);
FindColorsTolerance(TPA, Color, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2 - 5, MSY2 + 5, 0);
Z := GetArrayLength(TPA);
If(Not(Z <= 0))Then
For D := 0 To Z - 1 Do
FastSetPixel(i, TPA[d].x, TPA[d].y, 255);
X := MSX2;
Y := MSY2;
If(FindColorSpiral2(X, Y, 255, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2))Then
Result := True;
FindColorsTolerance(TPA, 255, X - 15, Y - 15, X + 15, Y + 15, 0);
SetArrayLength(RockTPA, 1);
RockTPA[0] := MiddleTPA(TPA);
End Else
FindColorsSpiralTolerance(MSCX, MSCY, RockTPA, 255, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2, 0);
If(GetArrayLength(TPA) > 0)Then
Result := True;
M := GetSystemTime;
N := M - B;

Though I believe I could make better now...

12-01-2007, 09:26 AM

I'll do it today after school :)

So, now I'm back from school, what do you mean by optimizing?

Store the arraylength in a variable to speed up loops, do a rangecheck before you do heavier work (in ATPA's). Don't do FindColors twice, like this:

FindColorsTolerance(p, 0, 5, 5, 515, 336, 15);
l := Length(p);
for i := 0 to l -1 do
FindColorsTolerance(tp, 0, p[i].x -5, p[i].y -5, p[i].x +5, p[i].y +5, 15);

IMO it's better to do a TPAtoATPA here.
That's pretty much all I can think of now :p

12-01-2007, 09:33 AM
Oh, ty, I'll start working on it :)

12-15-2007, 04:45 PM
n3s, could you make few examples about object finding...
and examples how to use most used functions from Wizzup's plugin...
and would be cool if you explain all of them : TPoint, TPointArray and Array of TPointArray.

Thank you.

Ok, it may be too much asked...just obj finding... I mean I want to make chicken killer.

Chicken brown colors are hard to seperate from planks and crates and from other same colored stuff...

So what i wanna do is to find chickens red head color, make 30*30 box on it,
and in that box i try to find the brown color center...so far I almost done it, put after few kills i get runtime error, or it won't start at all because of type mismatch...[wrong variables] thats why someone shoud exmplain TPoint, TPointArray and Array of TPointArray.


12-16-2007, 07:22 PM
Just do a FindColorsSpiralTolerance(RedThing.x - 5, RedThing.y + 8, TehTPA.....)

with the brown color, and then do MiddleTPAEx(TehTPA, ChX, ChY);

12-16-2007, 07:26 PM

12-16-2007, 07:35 PM
Sorry, but I think this should be in Tutorials for Intermediates, BECAUSE there's really not any advanced methods here yet.

But well done tutorial.

12-16-2007, 07:38 PM
Thanks BullZeye, and yeah, maybe to Intermeds?

Woah, stickied? omg lol, my tut got a sticky xD Thx..

12-17-2007, 06:23 PM
Sorry, but I think this should be in Tutorials for Intermediates, BECAUSE there's really not any advanced methods here yet.

But well done tutorial.

Agreed, this is something that shouldn't just be reserved for advanced scripters, because after all, it isn't all that advanced. If you ask me, it should be one of the first things you learn when it comes to finding objects effectively in rs.

Is it effective? Very.
Does it belong in the Advanced Section? No.

Nice tutorial though, N3ss.

12-18-2007, 01:28 AM
I think you should add stuff like TPA/ATPA size, TPA/ATPA locations, as in middle points related to a point, and mixing TPA/ATPAs, both additive and subtractive. Then I think it would be advanced.

12-20-2007, 03:29 PM
I have requested for it to be in the beginner or intermediate...

Btw, can the Jrs see only beginner section?

Sir R. M8gic1an
01-20-2008, 07:02 PM
I'm not sure i completly understood SplitTPA. if you use SplitTPA an array will be created from each TPoing the other array had?


ThisTPA[0].x := 20; ThisTPA[0].y := 50;
ThisTPA[1].x := 30; ThisTPA[1].y := 40;
ThisTPA[2].x := 40; ThisTPA[2].y := 30;
ThisTPA[3].x := 50; ThisTPA[3].y := 20;

test:= SplitTPA(thisTPA);

test[0][0].x = 20; ?
test[0][1].x = 0; ?
test[1][0].x = 30; ?
test[1][1].x = 0?
test[1][2].x = 0?

would the test ATPA have the values i showed there?

and waht exactly will MiddleTPA do? it'll analyse all the TPA points and find out the exact middle? so...

ThisTPA[0].x := 0; ThisTPA[0].y := 0;
ThisTPA[1].x := 0; ThisTPA[1].y := 100;
ThisTPA[2].x := 100; ThisTPA[2].y := 0;
ThisTPA[3].x := 100; ThisTPA[3].y := 100;
{100*100 square}
ThisTPoint := MidleTPA(ThisTPA);

ThisTPoint.x = 50?
ThisTPoint.y = 50?

and what the hell does TPAA := TPAToATPA(TPA, Distance) do? I'll make an ATPA with the TPoints of distance x, but how does it know which color we want?

great tut, maybe a few more explained examples?


01-20-2008, 07:07 PM
and what the hell does TPAA := TPAToATPA(TPA, Distance) do? I'll make an ATPA with the TPoints of distance x, but how does it know which color we want?

Don't mix TPAs and colors - you get the TPA with the colors you want with FindColorsSpiralTolerance.

TPAToATPA splits a TPointArray to multiple TPointArrays by the areas they are in, like:


TPAToATPA(TPA, 3) wouldn't count the Point in because its a "two", only Point1, pixel, pixel would go there.

I think you just overthink it...

and I have no idea wtf were you talking about SplitTPA? SplitTPA(TPA), or nowadays SplitTPA(TPA, 1) puts the points that are connected to eachother to their separate tpas.

Sir R. M8gic1an
01-20-2008, 07:25 PM
Don't mix TPAs and colors - you get the TPA with the colors you want with FindColorsSpiralTolerance.

TPAToATPA splits a TPointArray to multiple TPointArrays by the areas they are in, like:


TPAToATPA(TPA, 3) wouldn't count the Point in because its a "two", only Point1, pixel, pixel would go there.

I think you just overthink it...

and I have no idea wtf were you talking about SplitTPA? SplitTPA(TPA), or nowadays SplitTPA(TPA, 1) puts the points that are connected to eachother to their separate tpas.

so in TPAToATPA each point will become a TPA? :) thanks :)


01-20-2008, 10:46 PM
i dont know anythign at all i dont even know what it means

so i would appreciate it if you would like 1st start out by telling what is it for/definition


01-22-2008, 03:07 AM
i dont know anythign at all i dont even know what it means

so i would appreciate it if you would like 1st start out by telling what is it for/definition


Is that not what the first line says? If you don't know what a TPoint is then maybe you should start with a beginner tutorial.

01-22-2008, 03:27 PM
Evil -

Function OgreFound(Var Ox, Oy: Integer): Boolean;
BmX, BmY, R, CTS, I: Integer;
TPAA: Array of TPointArray;
TPA, TPAb: TPointArray;
B: TBox;
CTS := GetColorToleranceSpeed;
Ox := MSCX;
Oy := MSCY;
FindColorsSpiralTolerance(MSCX, MSCY, TPAb, 8365756, 30, 30, 470, 293, 10);
For I := 0 To High(TPAb) Do
Ox := TPAb[i].x;
Oy := TPAb[i].y;
B := IntToBox(Ox - 20, Oy - 20, Ox + 20, Oy + 20);
BmX := B.x2 - B.x1 shr 1;
BmY := B.y2 - B.y1 shr 1;
FindColorsSpiralTolerance(BmX, BmY, TPA, 8365756, B.x1, B.y1, B.x2, B.y2, 10);
If GetArrayLength(TPA) > 100 Then
R := Random(GetArrayLength(TPAA));
SetArrayLength(TPA, GetArrayLength(TPAA[r]));
TPA := TPAA[r];
MiddleTPAEx(TPA, Ox, Oy);
Result := Not(BusyAt(Ox, Oy));

Go to SRL Members Forum -> SRL New Functions and go through until you find
"SCAR code of mine", there is few more.

02-19-2008, 01:08 PM
this and neegal's tutorials helped me a lot thanks

04-14-2008, 03:53 PM
Props on the tut, that was a great refresher.

on one of your examples,
"For I := 0 To High(PlayerDots) Do"
did you mean
"For i := 0 To High(PlayerDots) Do"?

04-14-2008, 05:49 PM
Props on the tut, that was a great refresher.

on one of your examples,
"For I := 0 To High(PlayerDots) Do"
did you mean
"For i := 0 To High(PlayerDots) Do"?

what is the diff if it is capital or not?

Thanks N3ss3s i made my first lesser demon finder and it works pretty good :D

Press Play
06-04-2008, 09:00 AM
wat was this --> "Omfgz0r m003vfmouse d00z not fawnd me objz0r"
l0l p10X 0Mg!! =p

very nice tut..short..but detailed..thanx
im going to put it into my miner for V3.0

man slaughter
06-08-2008, 05:42 AM
thanks is not enough, ive been going through these tutorials for a while. among all the tpa tutorials this has been the most helpful. before sitting down and reading the tutorial from top to bottom, i did not know how a tpa could be used to find anything.

now to criticism:
there are a lot of grammatical errors on the tut. its hard to for some including me, to try and deduce what your trying to say.

the only thing i could think of that could be missing is using an array of T2DPA to find areas that have certain colors. im going to embrace this project tomorrow.

06-08-2008, 09:31 AM
Hehe, I made this some time ago, I think it would be different if I would write one now, but I hope you get atleast a basic understanding...

Only part people actually need to learn there is to learn use an array.

Using a FindColors(Spiral)Tolerance doesn't differ from using any other function, the purpose of it does but like writing the params etc...

If you know how to use an array, which shouldn't be very hard, you won't have much trouble using a 2D -Array either, and then you need only to find functions that fit your purpose...

07-11-2008, 12:16 AM
I'm afraid I don't get why people make tutorials on how to add '.x' or '.y' to something.

What you should teach is how to use them....

07-11-2008, 12:49 AM
Wow im afraid this stuff is way over my head... Idk why i just dont seem to get it... i really wanna learn it too :(

07-12-2008, 06:52 AM
I reccomend u read the TPA made easy guide on the Intermediates section. Otherwise try finding scripts that use these functions and study it. BUT DONT STEAL IT AND SAY ITS YOURS! Your cheating yourself, u lose respect, u know the deal...

07-16-2008, 11:10 AM
Woo, I'm gonna use this in my Monk Killer + Healer :D *sets bar to 80%*

Yush Dragon
08-13-2010, 12:06 AM
nice tutorial man, helped me to understand some stuff of TPA/ATPA, Thanks!! =D


12-20-2010, 10:35 PM
wow, powerful shit

my own count-the-players-on-the-minimap function (made it for practice and because his seemed a little outdated--calling SplitTPA with only 1 arg?)

function CountPlayers : Integer;
WhiteDots : TPointArray;
PlayerDots : T2DPointArray;
SingleDot : TPoint;
I, ArrayHigh : Integer;
if FindColorsTolerance(WhiteDots, 16777215, MMX1, MMY1, MMX2, MMY2, 3) then
PlayerDots := SplitTPA(WhiteDots, 9);
ArrayHigh := High(PlayerDots);
for I := 0 to ArrayHigh do
SingleDot := MiddleTPA(PlayerDots[I]);
MoveMouse(SingleDot.x, SingleDot.y);
Result := High(PlayerDots) + 1;
WriteLn('No players found');
Result := 0;

is the if-then necessary or will FindColorsTolerance just return an array with a high of 0?

12-20-2010, 10:52 PM
wow, powerful shit

my own count-the-players-on-the-minimap function (made it for practice and because his seemed a little outdated--calling SplitTPA with only 1 arg?)

function CountPlayers : Integer;
WhiteDots : TPointArray;
PlayerDots : T2DPointArray;
SingleDot : TPoint;
I, ArrayHigh : Integer;
if FindColorsTolerance(WhiteDots, 16777215, MMX1, MMY1, MMX2, MMY2, 3) then
PlayerDots := SplitTPA(WhiteDots, 9);
ArrayHigh := High(PlayerDots);
for I := 0 to ArrayHigh do
SingleDot := MiddleTPA(PlayerDots[I]);
MoveMouse(SingleDot.x, SingleDot.y);
Result := High(PlayerDots) + 1;
WriteLn('No players found');
Result := 0;

is the if-then necessary or will FindColorsTolerance just return an array with a high of 0?

Indeed it would return a length of '0'. Doesn't much matter either way though. :)

04-13-2012, 03:12 AM
Great tut, really helped me understand how everything really works instead of just using it and hoping it's right =p

08-10-2012, 07:52 AM
Number two - using TPAs in loops fast.

Number one, don't do
For I := 0 To High(TPA) Do

You can do that, but if you are fighting of milliseconds you need to do

Le := High(TPA);
For I := 0 To Le Do

That ways, it doesn't have to call High every time, and can save you tens of milliseconds.

Does calling High really take any amount of time? I always thought functions like this would not even take 1 millisecond.

08-10-2012, 11:17 PM
Does calling High really take any amount of time? I always thought functions like this would not even take 1 millisecond.

I always thought that it did and then some members told me that it didn't, so I officially have no idea.

Having said that, no harm in doing it I guess :p

08-10-2012, 11:29 PM
I always thought that it did and then some members told me that it didn't, so I officially have no idea.

Having said that, no harm in doing it I guess :p

Decide for yourself.

Procedure aaa;
i, t: Integer;
hhh: Array [0..100] of TPoint;
for i := 0 to high(hhh) do
// for i := 0 to 100 do

08-11-2012, 12:02 AM
Decide for yourself.

Procedure aaa;
i, t: Integer;
hhh: Array [0..100] of TPoint;
for i := 0 to high(hhh) do
// for i := 0 to 100 do

Yeah that was what i did ytd, there was no observable difference with anything below 100 (empty) loops (both took 0 milliseconds). Just tried again increasing the loop to 10k and there is actually a difference of ~15000 milliseconds in total, of which the increasing difficulty of High functions to count a larger number also attributes to its increasing significance.

So basically dont bother with declaring another variable if your loop is under 100. Not common for a RS script to go over even 20 anyway. (and even if it's at 10k, it will only save u 1.5milliseconds/loop)

08-11-2012, 12:43 AM
Yeah that was what i did ytd, there was no observable difference with anything below 100 (empty) loops (both took 0 milliseconds). Just tried again increasing the loop to 10k and there is actually a difference of ~15000 milliseconds in total, of which the increasing difficulty of High functions to count a larger number also attributes to its increasing significance.

So basically dont bother with declaring another variable if your loop is under 100. Not common for a RS script to go over even 20 anyway. (and even if it's at 10k, it will only save u 1.5milliseconds/loop)The difference is 0ms if you're using La-pe, though :)

11-27-2012, 01:56 AM
Can't even run examples...

[Error] (1:1): Unexpected end of file at line 0
Compiling failed.

so then i changed it to:
Procedure TPAColorExample(StartX, StartY, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
TPA: TPointArray;
I: Integer;
FindColorsSpiralTolerance(StartX, StartY, TPA, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0);
Writeln('Now, we go through the points found by FindColorsSpiralTolerance');
For I := 0 To High(TPA) Do
MoveMouse(TPA[i].x, TPA[i].y);
FindColorsTolerance(TPA, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0);
Writeln('Now we go through the points from FindColorsTolerance');
For I := 0 To High(TPA) Do
MoveMouse(TPA[i].x, TPA[i].y);
procedure TPAColorExample;

[Error] (23:1): Identifier expected at line 22
Compiling failed.

11-27-2012, 02:02 AM
Can't even run examples...

[Error] (1:1): Unexpected end of file at line 0
Compiling failed.

so then i changed it to:
Procedure TPAColorExample(StartX, StartY, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
TPA: TPointArray;
I: Integer;
FindColorsSpiralTolerance(StartX, StartY, TPA, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0);
Writeln('Now, we go through the points found by FindColorsSpiralTolerance');
For I := 0 To High(TPA) Do
MoveMouse(TPA[i].x, TPA[i].y);
FindColorsTolerance(TPA, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0);
Writeln('Now we go through the points from FindColorsTolerance');
For I := 0 To High(TPA) Do
MoveMouse(TPA[i].x, TPA[i].y);
procedure TPAColorExample;

[Error] (23:1): Identifier expected at line 22
Compiling failed.

When you call a procedure, just call the name:


Spartan 117
03-01-2013, 03:41 PM
I find this concept soo confusing. Maybe some examples of how to actually use in rs besides the players such as object finding!

11-02-2015, 09:26 PM
Wow thanks for this simple tutorial! It's helping me a lot when finding objects for my script.