View Full Version : My Change

03-13-2006, 07:14 AM
I have comrades,
I have friends,
but then my world began to change,
then it to me, a realization came.
The friends I had, were there no more.
my comrades, had become my friends.
I feel I’m lost,
I don’t know what to do.
My world has changed, and so have I.
The friends I had are gone
the little time I spend with them.
I feel I can’t enjoy
with this poem I say goodbye....
Good times can never last
we grow up over time and
experience life in different ways.
When they leave the drugs behind,
perhaps we’ll meet again
then I can have fun and talk,
and maybe call you friends again.

All rights reserved, © sugar dream poet. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.

Sry to have to have my stuff copyrighted but found a couple of my poems on another website i have never been to before and went nuts on the guy that did it. So I started getting all my poem copyrighted.