View Full Version : Against or For Abortion?

SKy Scripter
04-04-2008, 12:11 AM
I am just curious if any of you are against or for abortion.

And Why?

04-04-2008, 12:22 AM
Against. Life is life and that's that.

04-04-2008, 12:26 AM
For it, life is subjective, not everyone's life is of equal value

04-04-2008, 01:21 AM
Which one gets the girls?

King of the Nites
04-04-2008, 01:26 AM
against, its just wrong to get an abortion! It is going to be a living matter and im positive that if you were a tiny cell about to grow into a baby and you could hear that your parents wanted to kill you, you wouldn't like it. Its also like now, do you want your parents to kill you now? Abortion is just like murder. There are other ways to solve this problem if you can't take care of a child. You can put them up for adoption, for the less fortunate adults who can't have kids.
edit for robot1* I am pretty sure girls are against it aswell, atleast for the nice girls. Some emo/goth people probably don't care.( please no one get offended)

SKy Scripter
04-04-2008, 01:54 AM
Interesting... Keep them coming. :)

By the way, If any one is curious I am against abortion.

In less.

2 Things happen.

1. Proven that you were raped and cannot not afford a baby.
2. The mother has other children to take care of, and she has a possibility of

04-04-2008, 02:04 AM
Against, unless in special cases like you said. Their is a video of an abortion on YouTube, I have never watched it but it sounds horrible.


That might be it, but like I said, I've never watched it.

04-04-2008, 02:06 AM
At the risk of being flamed by all you non-sentient automitons I'm for............................................... .......................

At what point do you call life, life?
At what point is that life sentient?

Those are the more relavent questions..

For all those of you that are against remember every sperm is sacred and a potential life. I really hope that none of you have had a sly one off the wrist recently.. That odd 5 finger show can really screw with your belief system.......

04-04-2008, 04:10 AM
I'll have to agree with SKy... unless the woman was raped, dying, or something else happens that will give the child a bad life, I am against it. However I think it should be legal, because I believe that the mother should decide if it should live or die. I know, it may sound harsh, but that's what I think.

04-04-2008, 04:22 AM
sperm is only a haploid cell (n) as with egg, thus they are gametes...
only a union to form a zygote will make a life-viable cell with all the chromosomes (2n)
I feel that if the "life" is fully dependent on something else it is the "creature that is nurturing the dependent"'s deiscrision whether it lives or dies...
look at animals...in many cases, if the mother or father is dying of starvation, they just eat the young, or just stop feeding it.
It's part of life, people are born, people die, some earlier than others.

The video mention above is interesting, but clearly very biased towards pro-life....

04-04-2008, 04:50 AM
I have 2 friends.. (both 16, im 15) one has already got his girl, they didnt want a abortion. Then the other one... She has already once gotten a abortion now she has to get one again, because of last week. Now im clearly FOR abortion in this age when ur still young and shouldnt get a responsibility that is this big. Life.
Abortion should always be a option if it wasent planned. My friend that has already got his girl, his life is probably destroyed. Imagine his girl will be 15 when hes 30. Thats just wrong.

04-04-2008, 07:25 AM
I'm for it when your younger then 25.

A stupid kid can ruin some-one's life at a young age :)

04-04-2008, 07:36 AM
sure... make it against.. ban abortion

if girls cant have legally have it, they will get one anyway, but that involves going to the estate and getting the old lady to scrap out your uterus,
you're likely to die, you will almost certainly become infertile, but girls will do it, its their only choise

04-04-2008, 12:47 PM
In finland if ur under 18 you'll get a abortion for free. Which is good thinking that its about 130€ and when ur under 18 its pretty hard to get 130€ when ur so young...

Torrent of Flame
04-04-2008, 01:12 PM
Depends how old they are. If it still in the embryotic stage I think you can get an abortion, but if its 3 weeks old+ then im against it.

Im split =]

04-04-2008, 01:41 PM
Interesting... Keep them coming. :)

By the way, If any one is curious I am against abortion.

In less.

2 Things happen.

1. Proven that you were raped and cannot not afford a baby.
2. The mother has other children to take care of, and she has a possibility of

Agreed, but it is still a life, just pretend like they killed you even you would accept your, mismade life, dunno how to say, i think god gave it to you even when you did something wrong and then you should not kill a baby

04-04-2008, 02:41 PM
sure... make it against.. ban abortion

if girls cant have legally have it, they will get one anyway, but that involves going to the estate and getting the old lady to scrap out your uterus,
you're likely to die, you will almost certainly become infertile, but girls will do it, its their only choise

Agreed. I think banning aborting is horrible...
If the pope would just allow contraconception we would save lots of lifes in Africa and make the life of lots of girls alot easier. :rolleyes:
It's all about regilion, anyway.

I am in favour of abortion, it can only do good. I don't like to see someone's life ruined because they get a baby at a too young age, or get a baby which might make them unhappy for the rest of their life. (One which will probably die before they die themself, and will never become a 'real' human, if you understand what I mean...)

Just my view... Most of you probably won't agree. ;)

Torrent of Flame
04-04-2008, 03:22 PM
People say "Abortion is Murder", it is in some cases.

Its like people say a 4 day old embryo is human life, so shouldnt be used to treat things such as cancer and parkinsons, I say thats murder. In my eyes, a 4-5 day embryo ISNT life, it cant think because it doesnt have a brain yet, it is just a ball of multiplying cells.

If you humanly do it (Letal injection or whatever you want to call it) then fine, you know, your not murdering it, your putting it down, like a sick dog or something. But using the suction method, thats just inhumane.

Personally, now I think about it, I will probably vote For Abortion, because it does more good then bad. Killing a foetus isnt as bad as the child growing up in a defunct household really, or even a household where it isnt loved.

And adoption isnt that good either, because it oculd end up again in an abusive or unloving family.

04-04-2008, 05:48 PM
Abortion is murder. And I think they should change the ammount of weeks you can abort to 12, then the baby wont feel as much pain.

04-04-2008, 06:12 PM
Just my view... Most of you probably won't agree. ;)

I disagree with Wizzup? in a some ways :p

Like, if you are under 18 (and you had peer pressure, and stuff like that against you to have sex, then yes, you need it), or were raped (same as above) it is okay.

All else it is wrong to do, the little kid inside of you has no say if it can be murdered or not. Wrong.

Or make it code $10,000 :garfield: :p

Dan Cardin
04-04-2008, 06:20 PM
I have 2 friends..

only two? :p

anyways, i dont think that abortion is murder unless its quite far into the pregnancy(i.e. it looks like a baby). Im against abortion, not because its murder, but because they made their choice when they had sex. If they're willing to do that then they should accept the consequences. Abortion should be used though, in extreme cases, such as when someone is raped and doesnt want to have the baby, because it wasnt their choice, or if their baby is going to kill them(i.e. a complication of some sort and they wouldnt be able to save both, they should be given the choice of who they want to save)

04-04-2008, 06:35 PM
When the embryo is like < 3 months old, you can't really call it life imo. Then it's more a part of the mother's body, and she's the boss of her own body. After 3, 4 months it'll get more the proportions of life. After that period of time it should only be legal for special cases: big health risk, or an extremely handicapped child, that will suffer its whole life.

The operation itself is pretty easy (if done legally, illegal it's like killing): they just anaesthetize the mother, then with some little pump they'll get the embryo out and trash it I think?

SKy Scripter
04-04-2008, 08:07 PM
sperm is only a haploid cell (n) as with egg, thus they are gametes...
only a union to form a zygote will make a life-viable cell with all the chromosomes (2n)
I feel that if the "life" is fully dependent on something else it is the "creature that is nurturing the dependent"'s deiscrision whether it lives or dies...
look at animals...in many cases, if the mother or father is dying of starvation, they just eat the young, or just stop feeding it.
It's part of life, people are born, people die, some earlier than others.

The video mention above is interesting, but clearly very biased towards pro-life....

I don't think you should compare our lifes with animals.
we have intelligence, I would hope we use it. ;)

Well i am convinced, That if the Person is under the age of 18 and
would like to have an abortion before the first Condition of fetal stage. Then they can do so.

Maybe you can also have two times to do it too. :p

04-04-2008, 08:19 PM
But we are animals...
The only thing we have going for us is the ability to destroy our own environment :p
We slaughter hundreds of thousands of creatures a day...so why can't we stop some of our own from being born?
If you base it on intelligence, then why don't all the smart people in the world kill off the stupid ones?

Dan Cardin
04-04-2008, 08:23 PM
i dont think we should act like we are better than other animals.we are animals, albeit smarter than others. look at mice!(a superintelligent pan-dimensional race).

Whitefang OC
04-04-2008, 08:38 PM
Against it by a lot. As a catholic I view it as "justified" murder.

04-04-2008, 09:12 PM
"Would you bring life into a world of suffering, or bring suffering into a world of life?" - it's a quote by someone (not sure who) and I always use it when discussing abortion, because it highlights 2 of the biggest questions - Is it fair to bring a child into a family where it won't be loved and treated fairly, and is it fair to give birth to a child that would hinder the lives of others, whether it be because it's handicapped or that it's a poor family that can barely support itself without another child. I always feel that these are the most important choices, not including religion as that's always a difficult subject when it comes to matters of life and death, so it often prompts me to vote in favour of abortion, as long as it is controlled fairly strictly so that it's not abused.

04-04-2008, 09:49 PM
Why so many exceptions? Thats all this thread is. It's all 'if', 'but', 'why not'. The thing is, if you exempt one person from something then everyone wants to be exempted.

Therefore, it fails.

04-04-2008, 11:34 PM

04-04-2008, 11:55 PM
I think it's bad, it's just killing someone before they know what hit them. Inless it's in the case of rape or something.

04-05-2008, 12:28 AM
There we go again: 'unless'.

What makes a rape victim's baby less important?

04-05-2008, 12:30 AM
but thats the thing...they CAN'T know whats hitting them, they aren't alive yet, they are simply part of their mother's body.
This is kind of a bad analogy, but it's similar to having a parasite, but the parasite is actually its own seperate living creature...so are you against removing hook worms if you are against abortion?
And rofl, scrubs is funny, silly jesus, you don't matter

I agree with Robot, how can you have such exceptions?
is a rape baby NOT life?
just allow it completely, you can't say, "well this baby is more important than that baby"

04-05-2008, 12:33 AM
There we go again: 'unless'.

What makes a rape victim's baby less important?

Are you kidding what makes a rape victim's baby less important? Umm.. its the child of a rapist and was created with the seed of a man whom didn't feel for the woman whatsoever against her will. Do you really think in the case of rape if a woman were to become pregnant that she should have the child? And what should she do with it? Care for it on her own? Life isn't like what happened in Juno people don't just have a child and care for it for 9 months and then feel no attachment for it. And then what the kid goes to school one day when he is grown up and someone asks who is dad is, what should he answer a convicted rapist who is in prison? That kids life won't be too fucked up.

04-05-2008, 12:40 AM
Are you kidding what makes a rape victim's baby less important? Umm.. its the child of a rapist and was created with the seed of a man whom didn't feel for the woman whatsoever against her will. Do you really think in the case of rape if a woman were to become pregnant that she should have the child? And what should she do with it? Care for it on her own? Life isn't like what happened in Juno people don't just have a child and care for it for 9 months and then feel no attachment for it. And then what the kid goes to school one day when he is grown up and someone asks who is dad is, what should he answer a convicted rapist who is in prison? That kids life won't be too fucked up.

That's not the point at all....
WHAT concrete factor makes this child's life worth less than a traditionally conceived child?
Is it the child's fault that the mother was raped? and that's why it deserves to "die"?

04-05-2008, 01:03 AM
I don't think the point of view of the mother and parents is viewed enough. People think of the child and as "when is it alive?", "when can it think?" way to much when I think all cases should be up to the parents and/or mother to decide. Just like many of you have already have said "if" "but" "unless" about it already.

For the sake of saving my brain and "wrist" muscles I agree with PriSoner and mixter here:

At what point do you call life, life?
At what point is that life sentient?

Those are the more relavent questions..

For all those of you that are against remember every sperm is sacred and a potential life. I really hope that none of you have had a sly one off the wrist recently.. That odd 5 finger show can really screw with your belief system.......

"Would you bring life into a world of suffering, or bring suffering into a world of life?" - it's a quote by someone (not sure who) and I always use it when discussing abortion, because it highlights 2 of the biggest questions - Is it fair to bring a child into a family where it won't be loved and treated fairly, and is it fair to give birth to a child that would hinder the lives of others, whether it be because it's handicapped or that it's a poor family that can barely support itself without another child. I always feel that these are the most important choices, not including religion as that's always a difficult subject when it comes to matters of life and death, so it often prompts me to vote in favour of abortion, as long as it is controlled fairly strictly so that it's not abused.

I concur with both.

04-05-2008, 01:54 AM
I am saying it would not make sense to judge when or when not an abortion is allowed; simply make all or none legal.