View Full Version : HowTo Set up a Script [DeclarePlayers, const]

04-19-2008, 02:11 PM
Another short tut :) Many people have been having problems with this recently, so I'll help by posting a short tutorial on how to do it.

You'll see this in most scripts, or something like it

procedure DeclarePlayers;
SRLID:= '';
SRLPassword:= '';

HowManyPlayers := 5;
CurrentPlayer := 0;

Players[0].Name :='';
Players[0].Pass :='';
Players[0].Nick :='';

Players[1].Name :='';
Players[1].Pass :='';
Players[1].Nick :='';

Players[2].Name :='';
Players[2].Pass :='';
Players[2].Nick :='';

Players[3].Name :='';
Players[3].Pass :='';
Players[3].Nick :='';

Players[4].Name :='';
Players[4].Pass :='';
Players[4].Nick :='';


Now, let me explain each part separately.

SRLID:= '';
SRLPassword:= '';

This is your SRL Stats ID (the number) and your password (for SRL Stats). If you have no idea what this is, look through the various tuts on how to get one.

HowManyPlayers := 5;
CurrentPlayer := 0;

Usually, you don't have to touch HowManyPlayers. This is saying how many player arrays* there are. Many people wrongly edit this thinking that is how many players they're using, but that causes an error. I'll explain how to set the amount of players you want to use later.

*A player array is one of these

Players[0].Name :='';
Players[0].Pass :='';
Players[0].Nick :='';

CurrentPlayer is what player you want to start with. In a player array, after the word 'Players' there is a [0] or any other number in it. Whichever player array you used to set up the player you want to use first, take a look at the number after Players and put that in after 'CurrentPlayer :='.

Don't touch NumberofPlayers unless you know what you're doing ;)

Players[0].Name :='';
Players[0].Pass :='';
Players[0].Nick :='';

Players[1].Name :='';
Players[1].Pass :='';
Players[1].Nick :='';

Players[2].Name :='';
Players[2].Pass :='';
Players[2].Nick :='';

Players[3].Name :='';
Players[3].Pass :='';
Players[3].Nick :='';

Players[4].Name :='';
Players[4].Pass :='';
Players[4].Nick :='';

Ah, the player arrays They're pretty simple really. Lets break it down to just one...

Players[0].Name :='';
Players[0].Pass :='';
Players[0].Nick :='';

The Name is your runescape name. The Pass is your runescape password. The Nick* is 3-4 letters from the middle of your runescape name. You CANNOT use a part of your name that has spaces in it. Active is whether you want to use this player or not (true or false). This is how you can set the amount of players you want to use. For every player you DONT want to use, make it False.

* Examples of a Nick...If your name is Ilikecheese, you can use 'like', 'ike', 'eese', 'chee', 'hee', whatever you want. If your name is Ilike cheese, you CANNOT use 'ke_c' or 'e_ch', on account of there being a space. Nicks are used for random event detection.

Sometimes there may be something like this

Players[0].Booleans[0]:=false; //Instructions should be here

These can be used for a variety of things. The author usually labels what to put in where I labeled 'Instructions should be here'.

And one last thing...

You may see something like this...


FirstPlayer = 0; //Player to start with
world = 49;

Well, that's usually pretty simple. The author should label what to put in, and put that in.

I hope you liked my tut :)

Happy Autoing!

04-19-2008, 02:17 PM
Great tut, explains about what to put in scripts perfectly. Rep++

EDIT: Grr, need to "spread some more around"

04-19-2008, 10:57 PM
Lol, yeah, I hate that. Happens to me pretty often :p

EDIT: Wow, people must like to rep me (look at below post :p)

04-20-2008, 03:23 AM
this is realy good, i've been having a bit of trouble with this part of the scripts but i think i have it now :)

rep++(got to spread it around :(

04-20-2008, 08:27 AM
Lol, people must really love you. I might just give bad to rep to gravediggers in the first script section, always fun :p Then I coul give it too you :)

04-20-2008, 02:40 PM
I'm starting to near in on 100 rep xD Need...to...write....more...tuts....

Any ideas on other tuts anybody? :p

04-20-2008, 02:41 PM
I'm starting to near in on 100 rep xD Need...to...write....more...tuts....

Any ideas on other tuts anybody? :p

How to not ask for rep :p
Don't forget about the Rep++ button (that is, if you liked the tut)

04-20-2008, 02:50 PM
You see.... That would be an OK idea, but the catch is...I can't write a tut on something I can't do... :p

04-20-2008, 02:55 PM
How to not ask for rep :p

And what comes from WHO?!

06-10-2008, 09:01 PM
Very Helpful. Thanks.

06-29-2008, 10:23 PM
Just a question would we have to put are runescape name and password in between the pink/red colors? and what if are character has a short letter name?

Yes to your first question, and to your second question, you mean if it's a 3 letter name or a name with spaces (ex: I_O_W_N)? Then sorry, Scar won't be able to solve randoms for you.

06-30-2008, 04:57 AM
but could you put a name like add_O_I_O
cause then ur nick would be add?

06-30-2008, 01:04 PM
You mean if your RS username is 'Add_O_I_O'? You're probably out of luck there too, as all but two letters of your name are capitalized. You could try just 'dd', but it might not work too well.

06-30-2008, 01:08 PM
You mean if your RS username is 'Add_O_I_O'? You're probably out of luck there too, as all but two letters of your name are capitalized. You could try just 'dd', but it might not work too well.

I thought all names were compitable with the new nickname thing from srl:rolleyes:
Doesn't matter, caps, special characters, I heard it can solve all:D

Btw, nice tut, rep++;)

06-30-2008, 01:27 PM
Oh? Really? Link me please :) I haven't seen anyone say that yet :p

06-30-2008, 01:29 PM
Hmm, it was a time ago Nauman said it..
And more people too, I'll try to find a link for it:)

Here it is..
It is not the post I wanted to find..
But it tells that srl uses TPA's to find your nickname.
So it isn't even needed to enter your .nick :p
Go here for the info^^:

Luke boro
07-16-2008, 10:18 AM
thanx scapian it did help me alot, but im stuck again lol