View Full Version : [PHP] EGenius Encryption

04-21-2008, 04:13 PM
EGenius Encryption decryptor - Something else i made, really really simple.

The EGenius Encrpytion is used on very few websites but this does come in handy when you have an encrypted hash.

For example:

Some big websites that use this encryption include 'Cambridge Universitys Rugby Club'.


Class EGenius_Encryption {
/* Version:
Namespace: eGenius
An object to encrypt strings of text
such as passwords.

s_array: An array.
K_array: An array.

get_ascii_val: obtains the ascii value
of the character.
encrypt_value: encrypts and decrypts a value.
encrypt: uses encrypt_values to encrypt and then
wraps the encrypted value with further
decrypt: unwraps the encrypted value and uses
encrypt_value to decrypt the value.
var $s_array = array();
var $K_array = array();
var $return_val;
var $num_count;
var $alp_count;
var $lwr_count;
var $cms_c;
var $cms_m;

// Method to return the decimal value of an ascii character...
function get_ascii_val($passed_val){
//This assigns all the ascii vals to the $asc_chars() array...
for($x_val = 0; $x_val <= $this->cms_c; $x_val = $x_val + 1){
$asc_chars[chr($x_val)] = $x_val;
return $asc_chars[$passed_val];
} // end (method)get_ascii_val

// Basic method to encrypt/decrypt. Input_val gets crypted/decrypted using key_val...
Function encrypt_value($input_val, $key_val){
$this->cms_c = 256;
$this->cms_m = $this->cms_c+1;

//Create an array of 0 - 255 and initialise
for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->cms_c; $i++){
$s_array[$i] = $i;

$j = 1;
// Create an array of 0 - 255 and initialise with a calculated chr value...
for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->cms_c; $i++){
if ($j > strlen($key_val)){
$j = 1;
$K_array[$i] = $this -> get_ascii_val(substr($key_val, $j, 1));

// Shuffle the array values around to give a 'random' value...
$j = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->cms_c; $i++){
$j = ($j + $s_array[$i] + $K_array[$i]) % $this->cms_m;
$temp_var = $s_array[$i];
$s_array[$i] = $s_array[$j];
$s_array[$j] = $temp_var;

// Create the 'encrypted' string from the 2 initialised arrays...
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($input_val); $x++){
$i = ($i + 1) % $this->cms_m;
$j = ($j + $s_array[$i]) % $this->cms_m;
$temp_var = $s_array[$i];
$s_array[$i] = $s_array[$j];
$s_array[$j] = $temp_var;
$t = ($s_array[$i] + ($s_array[$j] % $this->cms_m)) % $this->cms_m;
$y = $s_array[$t];
$comp_val = $this -> get_ascii_val(substr($input_val, $x, 1)) ^ $y;
$calc_val = Chr($this -> get_ascii_val(substr($input_val, $x, 1)) ^ $y);
$return_val = $return_val.$calc_val;
return $return_val;
} // end (method) encrypt_value

function encrypt($data) {
return base64_encode($this->encrypt_value($data, '5f292279a9bdde42d51bcc9cf130741e'));
} // end (method) encrypt

function decrypt($data) {
return $this->encrypt_value(base64_decode($data), '5f292279a9bdde42d51bcc9cf130741e');
} // end (method) decrypt
} // end (class) eGenius.Encryption
$cryptit = new EGenius_Encryption();

echo "<HTML>";
echo "<TITLE>EGenius - Decryptor</TITLE>";
echo "<BODY>";
echo "<body BGCOLOR=Silver>";
echo "<center><h1><u>E-Genius Decryptor - Created by KOUM</u></h1></center>";
echo '<form action="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '" method="post">';
echo "<B>Enter Encrypted Pass:</b><br>";
echo '<input type="text" name="password" /><br><br>';
echo '<input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Decrypt Me!" />';
echo '</form>';
echo '<br><br><br>';
echo '<center>&copy; Koum (TheDefaced.org)</center>';
echo '</body>';
echo '</HTML>';

$password = $_POST["password"];
$decrypt = $cryptit->decrypt($password);
echo $_POST["password"] . " Decrypted Returns the value of <b><u>" . $decrypt . "</b></u>";


04-27-2008, 03:17 AM
MD5 lol! (http://us.php.net/md5)

SHA1 rofl! (http://us3.php.net/sha1)

05-25-2008, 10:49 PM
okay your a fucking retard lol,

check it again.

08-22-2008, 03:26 AM
an MD5 sum is not encryption. in fact, even for password checking (generate an MD5 sum for the password and check the md5sum of any input) it is not all that great and has been broken.

SHA1 has been broken as well, though its solution is a bit more complex.

I've never hear of the EGenius encryption method, Ill have to check it out some day.