View Full Version : [DW/PS/FW]My Company Website - Web 2.0

12-14-2008, 03:19 AM
Over the past few days I've been designing my company website as a project for the career center I attend for school. I used Photoshop to design the header image and navigation bar, used Fireworks to add the slices to the navigation bar, and used Dreamweaver to both hand code and visually design the website. I have to turn it in by mid-class tomorrow, but I intend to tweak it for a few days and update it with new content. Currently it's hosted under a subdomain of a domain owned by Swift. I plan to purchase my own hosting and domain in the future.


Torrent of Flame
12-14-2008, 10:55 AM
I don't like the background. It's too distracting.

I'm not a big fan of slices, either, to be honest, although you have coded it cleanly.

I think you could add some padding at the top more though, so the main header isn't so close to the navagation bar.

12-15-2008, 12:45 AM
If you're reading the content, you don't really notice the background (at least not on a huge monitor).

Using a combination of Fireworks to add the slices then exporting it into Dreamweaver causes very little problems.

I don't want any background appearing between the header and nav bar, nor do I want to make the header or buttons any larger.

Thanks for the input.

Torrent of Flame
12-15-2008, 06:19 PM
You mis-read me.

I said add some padding to the main content, not put a background between it.

Like so;

|||||||Maincontent box padding||||||||
||Text blablablabla|||||||||||||||||||||

And trust me, on a big monitior, the background would be even more distractive.

You ask for CnC then tell me that my views are wrong basically?

And where did I mention making the nav bar or header bigger? I said your background is distracting?

And I said I don't like to use slices, I didnt say dont use them.

Get out your own e-arse enough to take critisism and actuall read what someone puts.


12-15-2008, 08:16 PM
why not code it with divs? it shows up better in most browsers and it's more flexiable.

12-15-2008, 08:29 PM
I did not use a div to position the page because I couldn't find a way to automatically position the div in the center of the page.

12-15-2008, 10:12 PM
just put everything in a div called wrapper.

then in CSS:

margin: auto 0;

if that doesnt work i will show something else :P