View Full Version : A - Z on Failsafes!

Sir R. M8gic1an
03-10-2009, 08:57 PM
The A - Z Manual

Here I will teach you some of the most jealously guarded secrets of how you can make those color scripts run for a very, very long time. How can you look perfectly human, how you avoid getting lost and finally, how if all fails you still manage to get up.

The first thing to know about failsafes is that 3 is the magical number. No less, no real need for more. But let's not start from here.

When running a script, you want it to waste as little time as possible, to think as fast, if not faster than a human would. How do you achieve this?

Let's look at this example of browsing a bank:
[ Bank 1 ]
We are aiming to take out the bronze axe.
If we search with color, we might end up on the surrounding bronze items.
If we search with a DTM Mask, we might end up on the mithril axe.
Bitmaps often break, so they are not a great choice either.
If we search for a DTM with a center point of the bronze color, we might not add enough tolerance and it will break soon enough.
So how can you be absolutely sure?

Also, a human does not go hovering over similar items, he goes straight to what he wants, so how do we do that?

My suggestion? A DTM Mask AND color.
It's incredibly easy to make a DTM mask, you just make 5 or 6 points, all from the outline, the same way you'd do a normal DTM, except you don't use a middle point.

TItem = Record
Name: string;
UpText: string;
DTM: integer;
Color: integer;
Tol: integer;
LastSpot: integer;

Also, there is little point in searching the WHOLE MainScreen, the smaller the area you search, the faster and less likely of mistakes.

[ Bank 2 ]
No point in searching outside that area, as the rest does not interest you.
* Constants for these are now in SRL; MBX1, MBY1, MBX2, MBY2 *

So first, we do a simple color check.

program New;
TPA: TPointArray;
ATPA: T2DPointArray;
i, x, y: integer;
if FindColorsTolerance(TPA, Item.Color, MBX1, MBY1, MBX2, MBY2, Item.tol) then
//now we break it up to bank spots
ATPA := TPAToATPAEx(TPA, 40, 40); //assuming each bank spot is 40*40
//now that we have the TPA broken up into an ATPA we can start looking for the dtm.
for i:=0 to High(ATPA) do
MiddleTPAEx(ATPA[i], x, y);
if FindDTM(Item.DTM, x, y, x-30, y-30, x+30,y+30) then
//we have found the color and the DTM
//therefore we are pretty damn sure it is the right thing
//so now, we move the mouse and do the last check
MMouse(x, y, 5, 5);
if WaitUpText('ze axe', 300) then
writeln('yay, we got it!');

It's good to be sure we find it so accurately, right? No messing around, the mouse going all over the place to find the right thing. Notice how it used 3 checks? Color + DTM + UpText.

Could we improve this? Definitely. Maybe make it remember in which bank spot your item is, and next time it checks that spot first? I'll let you figure out on your own how to do that ;)

Now, onto a different part of failsafes!

What is the magical number again? 3

We are chopping a tree... the one to the bottom right of our player

[ Tree 1 ]

How do I know I am chopping thing tree, and how do I know when it's gone?

Inv Count
Color Check

1: Inv Count

CurrentCount, NextCount: integer;
CurrentCount := InvCount;
NextCount := CurrentCount + 1;

if not WaitInvCount(NextCount, 15000) then
//we haven't cut a log in 15 secs, therefore we are not cutting

2: Color Check

TreeColor = 123123123;

function MouseAtTree: boolean;
Result := false;
// mouse is hovering over the tree
GetMousePos(x, y);
if SimilarColors(GetColor(x, y), TreeColor, 10) then
Result := true;
//if we are here, then the colors didn't match
//Perhaps one of the surrounding pixels will match
if FindColorTolerance(x, y, TreeColor, x-5, y-5, x+5, y+5, 10) then
Result := true;
MMouse(x, y, 0, 0);
//we move the mouse to the exact point, to avoid future trouble


3. UpText

Result := IsUpText('hop');

Individually these checks are ok, but if all put into one... they work miracles.

Function WaitUntilCut(which: TTree; x, y:integer): boolean;
Color, Time, x2, y2, Counts, NextCount: integer;
Result := true;
Color := GetColor(x, y);
Time := GetSystemTime + (5+Random(3))*1000;
NextCount := InvCount + 1;

if GetSystemTime > Time then
Time := GetSystemTime + (5+Random(3))*1000;

GetMousePos(x2, y2);
//x, y is the place where we found the color
// (done later in loop)
if Distance(x, y, x2, y2) > 10 then
MMouse(x, y, 3, 3);
//if the distance between our mouse and the color is too big,
//we bring the mouse closer to be sure we are able to get the UpText

if not WaitUpTextMulti(Which.UpText, 500) then
RMDebug('WaitUntilCut - No Text');


if not SimilarColors(GetColor(x, y), Color, 10) then
//if the color is not at the exact place, we search around it
if not FindColorTolerance(x, y, Color, x - 5, y - 5, x + 5, y + 5, 10) then
//if it is not around it, then likely the tree is gone
RMDebug('WaitUntilCut - no color');

if not WaitInvCount(NextCount, 250) then
//if we don't get a log then we increment "Counts"
if Counts > (Players[CurrentPlayer].Integers[2] / 500) then
//if the number of Counts*WaitTime(250) is more than the script user
//set as maximum wait time then
//we assume we are not cutting the tree
RMDebug('WaitUntilCut - NoInvCount');
end else begin
//if we do get a log then we prepare it for the next log
NextCount := InvCount + 1 ;
Counts := 0;


And so, once again, you have 3 checks to be sure you are doing the right thing.

Why? Very simple, because none of them is perfect.

InvCount - you might just be a slow chopper
Color - the tree might be gone, but the grass color is similar
UpText - the text might be there, but you might be checking the wrong tree

And so, each failsafe complements each other.

Another Important thing on failsafes: You don't want to be stuck in a loop.
Once again, there are 3 things you definitely want to check for.

Am I logged In?
Am I in a Random?
Have i been here for the past hour? ... or ...
Have i tried to do this a million times?

Function AreWeGood: boolean;
Timer, Counts: Integer;
Result := False;
Timer := GetSystemTime + 25000;
while BankScreen do
if not LoggedIn then exit;
if FindNormalRandoms then exit;
if Count > 5 then exit; //we've tried 5 times and still failed.
//Something's just not working
if Timer >= GetSystemTime then exit; //we've been here too long


Result := True;

Finally, walking. Walking is what usually needs the most failsafes, especially for long walks.
Once again, what do we go for? 3 failsafes. But here it's a bit different.

For example, you're not going to make 3 DDTMs as a failsafe, no. Here you should use 3 different techniques.

Here is a list of a few:


A DDTM is a Dynamic DTM, for those who don't know. You'd use this over a normal DTM because you can change it during runtime, meaning that you can for example change the color of your points with your autocolor functions.

[Draynor 1]
Let's have a look here. We want to Fish some anchovies. How are we going to get to that fishing spot?

We Try to walk to the symbol
We Try to walk to the water
We Try to walk in the tree's direction (light green color)
And Finally - because this is a very short walk, we can use MouseAngle

Again, we found 3 good refference points, and because it is a very short distance we could risk using a coords clikc with some randomness.

If not FindSymbol('fish', ...) then
if not WaterWalk( ...) then
if not RadialWalk( TreeColor, ...) then
MouseAngle((MMCX - 7), (MMCY + 7), 3, 3);

[ Edgy 1 ]

Another Important thing is to constantly know where we are.
Explanation of changing fishing spots etc

[ AK 1 ]
Few ways of checking where we are

to be finished another time...


Sir R. M8gic1an
08-16-2009, 07:09 PM
This tut is now open, as i won't have the time to finish it anytime soon.


08-16-2009, 09:12 PM
A good tutorial :)
Well explained and it's easy to understand.

08-19-2009, 06:15 PM
Only thing I don't exactly agree is the part where you combined a DTM and a TPA for axe finding. IMHO a proper DDTM(autocolor+tolerance change) is good enough.