View Full Version : how to install java on ubuntu

08-31-2009, 02:25 AM
how to get java on ubuntu. ok this takes a bit. so have some time. first have ubuntu thats a good start. when you get it up and running click on apps here
see apps (http://i28.tinypic.com/116m3w7.png) pic
then click on the bottom option it reads
it should show this see add (http://i31.tinypic.com/90u8aa.png) pic
then scroll down and find this see screenshot (http://i32.tinypic.com/foeut0.png) pic
check them both if they are not already
then hit apply changes
now to get it to run runescape
go to runescape.com
open game
it will say you dont have java
click click here to install
then it will open up java.com
there will be a verify now button
click it and give it time once thats done
refresh your runescape and it should go
if not talk to me like pm or msn

edit: changes pics from attachments to tinypic

08-31-2009, 03:04 AM
go to the Terminal and type in
'sudo apt-get sun-java6-jre'


08-31-2009, 02:06 PM
Ive installed all the javas in ubuntu using Sympathic or what ever it is called...
but i didnt install the plugin for browsers.. Which i just found out like 1 day ago :(