View Full Version : help?

12-17-2009, 09:01 PM
well this problem i cant have it come out as a decimal teacher said theres a way to convert something but i dont know any help?


12-17-2009, 09:05 PM
Well, the answer (if I'm not stupid) is


I'm not sure exactly how else you teacher wants you to write the number though?
I doubt that can be turned into a neat fraction or anything, do you remember anything else she said?

12-17-2009, 09:07 PM
well she said something like 3√2^2 earlyer that day but i wasnt pay attention :(

12-18-2009, 01:56 AM
I'm not clear if you mean
((2^32)/300) + 1 or
(2^(32/300)) + 1
Assuming you mean:
(2^(32/300)) + 1
Remember that:
√x = x^(1/2)
√(x^2) = x^(2/2) = x
So for any value raised to a power that is a fraction, you can rewrite it as a root, where the denominator is the degree of the root (square, cubic, etc), and the numerator is the power of the value inside the root. (I'm bad at explaining things ;) )
So for your problem,
= http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?\sqrt[75]{2^8} + 1
Maybe that's what she wanted, because as YoHoJo pointed out, that's not likely to turn out a whole number or nice fraction.

If you meant the first one [((2^32)/300) + 1], then you basically need to get 300 as a power of two (dunno if you have learned this yet)...
300 = 2^x
x = log2(300)
= 8.289
((2^32)/300) + 1
= ((2^32)/(2^8.289))+1
= 2^(32-8.289) + 1
= 2^23.711 + 1
Although this is probably even more decimal-y than the other one ;)

12-27-2009, 06:33 PM
(2^(32 / 300)) + 1 = 2.07673757


((2^32) / 300) + 1 = 14316558.7


There are couple different ways to calculate it... Don't know what you are looking for exactly...

just didn't know if the exponent was 32 or 32/300 ...

Would of been easier if you had more details...