View Full Version : Need help with C# mapping application!

08-21-2010, 12:35 PM

I've been working on a mapwalker, using predefined roadsystems (made in the mapping application) in order to find the shortest route and walking that route until it's close enough to walk to the tile specified in the walking function.

I'm using the A* algorithm for the path finding, if you want to read about it, here it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*

If you'd like to help, please add me to MSN, PM me or reply.. But I really prefer MSN :)

Current things to do:

Need help with drawing functions!!!
Not fixed all menustrip functions yet (lazy)

The mapping application is nearly done, but it's got one major bug and several small bugs I'd love help with, since I'm not a skilled C# programmer, more like a try-and-fail-programmer. :)

Source code with a working executeable in "\Emazizs Roadsystem Mapping Tool\bin\Debug" is located here:
(Crappy internet made attaching hard)

Please post or PM any questions!