View Full Version : Here's a challange for you..

08-21-2010, 09:24 PM
I'm working on a mapwalker using a predefined set of nodes (tiles) and connectors, just like cities and roads. I've read a lot about pathfinding and I find the A* algorithm to be the best one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*

I've twisted my brain several times trying to figure out how I can implement that algorithm in my script, but it just gives me an headache. :duh:

If anyone could help me translate the pseudocode in the wiki article into pascal, I'd be really really grateful!

Please add me on MSN or reply for more information should you want to help me! :)
MSN: Aleksandersleire@hotmail.com

08-21-2010, 11:11 PM
Checkout SPAMS by mixster in the Test Corner. Pretty sure he used A*. Also, if you want to incorporate other means of transport like gnome gliders etc, check out Dijkstra in the same place.