View Full Version : [Fishing] Catherby Lobster/Swordfish or shark

08-30-2010, 05:36 PM
I think this would be a great script for making some cash whilst on the way to 68 to use some of the guild fishing scripts.

Also, having some variety for the higher level fishing spots would be cool as well.

08-30-2010, 07:24 PM
Hmm.. this script doesn't seem that tricky to make at all really, im sure if someone has a member account [such as yourself] they can make one pretty easily. I mean, by easy i mean no humongous headaches on what to do ^^. You should take a go at this bro!

08-30-2010, 11:28 PM
I've read most of the tutorials and I'm still lost as how to get started scripting.

Idk, maybe with Simba and new some new tutorials or something I can take a crack at it.

08-30-2010, 11:32 PM
I've read most of the tutorials and I'm still lost as how to get started scripting.

Idk, maybe with Simba and new some new tutorials or something I can take a crack at it.

I get what your saying ^^ the tuts don't teach you how to -directly- script into runescape. They teach what you need to just script :D, and its hard to understand the information without a lot of practice [ well for me :P ]. Coh3n's all-in-one tutorial taught me everything i really needed, after i got the idea of what he was doing, a serious practice script just reinforced everything into my head. Just gotta take your time with it ^^. It takes lots of practice and time.

09-14-2010, 12:31 AM
I'd love to see one. I'm considering attempting to make one, but it'll take me a little while.

09-14-2010, 12:37 AM
If I still had my old catherby sharker I would revamp it into an AIO catherby fisher as I've gotten a lot better at scripting lately.