View Full Version : Software H/w

10-21-2010, 11:18 AM
I don't get these questions i need to write these questions in pseudocode

Write an algorithm that sets a Boolean variable named Danger to True and stops reading in the data if Pressure ( the double variable being read in ) exceeds 510.0. Use Dangers as the flag to control the loop.

The Claw
10-21-2010, 11:32 AM
danger == true
while danger = true
if pressure > 510 then
danger == false


10-21-2010, 04:26 PM
danger = false
while not danger:
danger = pressure >= 510.0


10-21-2010, 08:03 PM
Write a program using nested loop(s) to produce the following output

1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4

10-21-2010, 08:47 PM
We aren't here for your homework, man.

10-21-2010, 09:20 PM
+ 1
We aren't here for your homework, man.

But if you would like the logic for that next question I have the problem written out below... Cheating won't help you in the long run. I wrote it in pseudo C. The logic is the same. You should be able to get it if you need the help. It took me just a couple minutes to write out. Just give it a few minutes and if you need the help feel free to show what you have and how you are stuck. Give it a few minutes more and try by imagining or actually drawing out what you need to accomplish and the steps you would need to get there. Give it a try. It's not to bad. :)

int main (void) { // main program directive

int initial_num = 0, final_num = 0, current_num = 0, print_num = 0; //numbers to use

get_initial_num // from end user - in this case it is 1
get_final_num // from end user - in this case it is 4

current_num = initial_num; // sets the current number to the initial number

do { // begin the first loop while current number is <= final number

print_num = initial_num; //initializes the first number to be printed as "initial"

while (print_num <= current_num) { // starts the printing loop

print (print_num ); //prints from initial to current

print_num = print_num + 1; //adds one to the next number to be printed

} // end nested loop

print(enter[newline]); // enter/return down one line

current_num = current_num + 1; // adds one to the current end number

} while (current_num <= final num); //end main loop/conditional

return 0;


11-06-2010, 12:27 AM
We aren't here for your homework, man.

I know but if you read the post i didn't understand the questions

+ 1

int main (void) { // main program directive

int initial_num = 0, final_num = 0, current_num = 0, print_num = 0; //numbers to use

get_initial_num // from end user - in this case it is 1
get_final_num // from end user - in this case it is 4

current_num = initial_num; // sets the current number to the initial number

do { // begin the first loop while current number is <= final number

print_num = initial_num; //initializes the first number to be printed as "initial"

while (print_num <= current_num) { // starts the printing loop

print (print_num ); //prints from initial to current

print_num = print_num + 1; //adds one to the next number to be printed

} // end nested loop

print(enter[newline]); // enter/return down one line

current_num = current_num + 1; // adds one to the current end number

} while (current_num <= final num); //end main loop/conditional

return 0;


BEGIN mainprogram

SET initialNum = 1
SET finalNum = 4
SET currentNum = 0
SET printNum = 0

currentNum = initialNum

WHILE currentNum <= finalNum

printNum = initialNum

WHILE printNum <= currentNum

PRINT printNum

printNum = printNum + 1



currentNum = currentNum + 1


END mainprogram

Thats what i did :)

I don't really get this question i started it off with

Write and a procedure NextLight which accepts that previous value of type StopLightType as declared below:

StopLightType = [Green, Amber, Red]

And returns the value that would come next on a "real-life" light. For instance, after amber comes red; then after red comes green, etc.

BEGIN NextLight(Value)

SET S = 0

IF Value = StopLightType[2] THEN

PRINT "Green"



FOR i = 0 to 2

IF Value = StopLightType[i] THEN

S = i

IF StopLightType[S] = StopLightType[S - 1] THEN

PRINT StopLightType[S + 1]




END NextLight