View Full Version : Possible Opportunity for anyone with experience in Rails/heavy math

12-14-2010, 11:11 PM
Lately I've been working heavily on a startup (www.MoveThatBlock.com) which currently functions as a property networking site similar to costar and loopnet (any real estate people?) the only difference is that we remain competely free to use and our revenue is derived through advertising. This isn't a revolutionary business model, it just has never been applied in this niche.

We are finally starting to gain traction in the industry and are starting to see revenue but we have hit a snag with our advertising logic and at this point its rather weighty and were toying with the idea of simply re-writing it from scratch.

I'd like to extend an offer to anyone with a very strong math background (experience with rails is a plus but I'll port just about anything) to work with me in developing the logic behind a new algorithm.

This is a real offer that provides very valuable experience that will shine on any resume and based of the success of the work has a very real chance of compensation.

12-14-2010, 11:13 PM
Just wondering; why rails? Also, what kind of math are you talking about?
I'm mainly interested though; I fear I'm currently already overloaded with work. :)

12-14-2010, 11:32 PM
Well everything on our back-end currently runs on rails being the language of choice of our initial developer.

I suppose I the I'm associating the math requirement with being analytical, Our advertisements derive their value from the ability to accurately target a demographic that the advertiser is trying to reach.

The goal is to be efficient as possible in selecting an ad. The common example I throw out is that after gathering profile data on a user the logic should be able to determine that the user has searched in two or more geographic locations consistently and then pull an ad from Southwest airlines showing pricing between those locations and where the user commonly accesses the site from.

Location is remains the easiest bit though since its just a given, developing a concrete profile to index against the ad rotation on almost every level requires slightly more development.