View Full Version : Efficiency

10-03-2011, 07:28 PM
Can anyone figure out a more efficient way to do the, no output file statement, to print to console even though the output file does not exist.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main(){

ifstream In;
string fname, town;

cout<< "Welcome to the Engineering Lab." << endl
<< "This program will calculate the average carbon footprint and corresponding fine." << endl
<< "Please be ready to provide the data file name for carbon FP for US cities." << endl
<< "Please enter the full path of input data file name: ";



if (In){

cout<< "Please provide full path to output file: ";

ofstream out;

if (out){

out<< "Welcome to the Engineering Lab." << endl
<< "This program will calculate the average carbon footprint and corresponding fine." << endl;

int numTn = 0;
int totalFP = 0;
cout<< "************************************************** **************"<<endl;
cout<< "* City Rounded Average Carbon FP Fine *" <<endl;
cout<< "************************************************** **************"<<endl;

out<< "************************************************** **************"<<endl;
out<< "* City Rounded Average Carbon FP Fine *" <<endl;
out<< "************************************************** **************"<<endl;

while (In){

cout <<"* " << town;
out <<"* " << town;

int sumFP = 0;
int numFP = 0;
int number = 0;
int rounded;
int FP;
double average;


if (number < 0){

cout<< " No value on carbon FP. No fine. *" << endl;
FP = 0;

out<< " No value on carbon FP. No fine. *" << endl;
FP = 0;


while(number >= 0){

sumFP += number;
numFP += 1;
In >> number;

if (numFP >= 0)
average = 1.0*sumFP/numFP;
rounded = int(average + 0.5);

if (rounded > 7){

FP = 4500000;

else if ((7>= rounded)&(rounded > 5)){

FP = 3000000;

else if ((5>= rounded)&(rounded > 3)){

FP = 2000000;

else if ((3>= rounded)&(rounded > 1)){

FP = 1000000;

else if (rounded <= 1){

FP = 0;


cout<< setw(30 - town.size() ) << rounded << setw(21) << FP << ".00 *" << endl;

out<< setw(30 - town.size() ) << rounded << setw(21) << FP << ".00 *" << endl;


numTn = numTn + 1;
totalFP = FP + totalFP;


if (In.eof()) {

cout<< "************************************************** **************"<<endl;
cout<< "Number of cities: " << numTn << endl;
cout<< "Total Fine: " << totalFP <<".00" << endl
<< "Thank you for using the Engineering Lab. ";

out<< "************************************************** **************"<<endl;
out<< "Number of cities: " << numTn << endl;
out<< "Total Fine: " << totalFP <<".00" << endl
<< "Thank you for using the Engineering Lab. ";



cout << "Failed to open output file. Data will only be displayed on console." <<endl;

int numTn = 0;
int totalFP = 0;
cout<< "************************************************** **************"<<endl;
cout<< "* City Rounded Average Carbon FP Fine *" <<endl;
cout<< "************************************************** **************"<<endl;

while (In){

cout <<"* " << town;
out <<"* " << town;

int sumFP = 0;
int numFP = 0;
int number = 0;
int rounded;
int FP;
double average;


if (number < 0){

cout<< " No value on carbon FP. No fine. *" << endl;
FP = 0;


while(number >= 0){

sumFP += number;
numFP += 1;
In >> number;

if (numFP >= 0)
average = 1.0*sumFP/numFP;
rounded = int(average + 0.5);

if (rounded > 7){

FP = 4500000;

else if ((7>= rounded)&(rounded > 5)){

FP = 3000000;

else if ((5>= rounded)&(rounded > 3)){

FP = 2000000;

else if ((3>= rounded)&(rounded > 1)){

FP = 1000000;

else if (rounded <= 1){

FP = 0;


cout<< setw(30 - town.size() ) << rounded << setw(21) << FP << ".00 *" << endl;


numTn = numTn + 1;
totalFP = FP + totalFP;


if (In.eof()) {

cout<< "************************************************** **************"<<endl;
cout<< "Number of cities: " << numTn << endl;
cout<< "Total Fine: " << totalFP <<".00" << endl
<< "Thank you for using the Engineering Lab. ";


cout<< "Error opening input file. File Either does not exist or has no read permission." << endl
<< "Thank you for using the Engineering Lab. ";



return 0;

10-03-2011, 07:44 PM
use a string array for thd output. Also you could move the calculations into their own method to keep it easier to read. Just pass the vars into the method by reference so you can set them without worrying about returning multiple pieces of data.