View Full Version : Sokoban - Early Development

12-13-2011, 12:11 AM
I'm currently in the process of making a game for my A level computing project, my take on the 1980s Japanese video game called Sokoban, where you move crates around in an area attempting to get all the crates in the target slots. All code is in Java, although ultimately there will be an online highscores system (hence PHP, HTML, MySQL will be used).

As I've stated in the title, this game is in early development, it's really very basic as it is, and the level counter doesn't really work yet (apparently you're indefinitely on level 0), and it only has three levels at the moment. The graphics is at a half point at the moment, initially I had been using purely pixelated graphics acquired from Google or made in paint, but my other half has been making some of the images (the crates and walls you'll notice are far more graphically pleasing than the character and targets). Also, I apologise that the background is cyan, it'll all be made better soon!

Note: This game runs as a full screen application, to exit it, press the esc key at any time. Currently the only supported resolutions are as follows:


If you feel like editing the levels, then go into bin -> resources -> lvl, and then edit any three of the .lvl files. To create them, W means wall, T means target, C means crate, S means the starting position of the character, and K means both a target and a crate spot.

This will be updated as I develop the game, which will essentially be every day, so if you think the version you have is absolute rubbish (which it will be), then come back tomorrow and it may have improved. Update log:

15/12/2011 - 3 extra levels added. AtomicIntegers used to allow current level to change when progressing through levels. Early stages of an undo function (currently only repositions the character), press Z to use.

22/12/2011 - Up to 15 levels in total. The undo function works entirely, removing the bug where it stores moves from the previous level, causing a somewhat dramatic glitch. Still press Z to undo (note, this doesn't remove moves/pushes, couldn't make it too easy for you!)

26/12/2011 - Nothing that can really be noticed in this update (not that a huge number of people are taking notice of this game :p). Added a new thread for drawing, so everything now works incredibly smoothly, and the undo function is entirely perfect now (no NPEs when undoing some crates, due to synchronisation of getters and setters). The archive is now a .zip file, as it has come to my attention that a lot of people didn't have software to open .rar archives. What to expect in the next update? I plan to add every single level, not difficult, just time consuming, and there will be a level selector interface once the game has loaded, eventually becoming a whole main menu system.

All sources and resources included, the .jar must be run from within the extracted folder or it will not work.


01-05-2012, 01:00 PM
Nice game dude!Good job.