View Full Version : Simba 3D Engine

01-22-2012, 05:36 PM
A simple 3D Rendering engine that loads the .obj file format and displays 3D models.


program new;

FILE_NAME = 'monkey.obj';



TPoint3D = record
x, y, z: Extended;
TVector3D = TPoint3D;

TMatrix3x3 = record
Data: Array of Extended;

TMatrix4x4 = record
Data: Array[0..15] of Extended;

TTriangleFace = record
a, b, c: Integer;

TEntity = record
Name: String;
Vertices: Array of TPoint3D;
VertexNormals: Array of TPoint3D;
Faces: Array of TTriangleFace;
FaceNormals: Array of TVector3D;
WorldPosition: TPoint3D;

TLight = record
Direction: TVector3D;

MainForm: TForm;
StartButton: TButton;

function Point3D(x, y, z: Extended): TPoint3D;
Result.x := x;
Result.y := y;
Result.z := z;

function Vector3D(x, y, z: Extended): TVector3D;
Result.x := x;
Result.y := y;
Result.z := z;

function Multiply_Point3D_Matrix3x3(p: TPoint3D; m: TMatrix3x3): TPoint3D;
Result.x := (m.Data[0] * p.x) + (m.Data[1] * p.y) + (m.Data[2] * p.z);
Result.y := (m.Data[3] * p.x) + (m.Data[4] * p.y) + (m.Data[5] * p.z);
Result.z := (m.Data[6] * p.x) + (m.Data[7] * p.y) + (m.Data[8] * p.z);

function DeclareLighting: Array of TLight;
SetLength(Result, 1);

Result[0].Direction := Vector3D(-2.0, 2.0, 2.0);

procedure DrawLine(c: TCanvas; p1, p2: TPoint; Color: Integer);
c.Pen.Color := Color;
c.MoveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
c.LineTo(p2.x, p2.y);

procedure DrawPixel(c: TCanvas; x, y, Color: Integer);
DrawLine(c, Point(x, y), Point(x, y+1), Color);

procedure DrawTriangleF(const Canvas: TCanvas; const p1, p2, p3: TPoint; Color: Integer);
DxyLeft, DxyRight, xs, xe, tv1, tv2: Extended;
i: Integer;
tv1 := (p3.x-p1.x);
tv2 := (p3.y-p1.y);
DxyLeft := tv1/tv2;
tv1 := p2.x-p1.x;
tv2 := p2.y-p1.y;
DxyRight := tv1/tv2;

xs := p1.x;
xe := p1.x;

if p1.y < p2.y then
for i := p1.y to p2.y do
DrawLine(Canvas, Point(round(xs), i), Point(round(xe), i), Color);
xs := xs + DxyLeft;
xe := xe + DxyRight;
for i := p1.y downto p2.y do
DrawLine(Canvas, Point(Round(xs), i), Point(Round(xe), i), Color);
xs := xs - DxyLeft;
xe := xe - DxyRight;

procedure DrawTriangle(const Canvas: TCanvas; const p1, p2, p3: TPoint; Color: Integer);
tv1, tv2, dxy: Extended;
tpay: TPointArray;
FourthPoint: TPoint;
tpay := [p1, p2, p3];

SortTPAByY(tpay, True);

if (tpay[0].y = tpay[1].y) and (tpay[0].y = tpay[2].y) and (tpay[1].y = tpay[2].y) then

if (tpay[0].y = tpay[1].y) then
DrawTriangleF(Canvas, tpay[2], tpay[0], tpay[1], Color);
end else
if (tpay[1].y = tpay[2].y) then
DrawTriangleF(Canvas, tpay[0], tpay[1], tpay[2], Color);

tv1 := (tpay[2].x-tpay[0].x);
tv2 := (tpay[2].y-tpay[0].y);
dxy := tv1/tv2;

FourthPoint := Point(Round(tpay[0].x + (dxy * (tpay[1].y - tpay[0].y))), tpay[1].y);

DrawTriangleF(Canvas, tpay[0], FourthPoint, tpay[1], Color);
DrawTriangleF(Canvas, tpay[2], tpay[1], FourthPoint, Color);


function SplitRegExprEx(Expr, Data: string): TStringArray;
DataArr: TStringList;
I: integer;
DataArr := TStringList.Create;
SplitRegExpr(Expr, Data, DataArr);
SetArrayLength(Result, DataArr.Count);
for I := 0 to DataArr.Count - 1 do
Result[I] := DataArr.Strings[I];

function CombineStringArrays(const a: Array of TStringArray): TStringArray;
i, j, c, l, h: Integer;
h := High(a);
for i := 0 to h do
IncEx(l, Length(a[i]));

SetLength(Result, l);

c := 0;

for i := 0 to h do
for j := 0 to High(a[i]) do
Result[c] := a[i][j];

function LoadEntity(FileName: String): TEntity;
OBJFile: Longint;
OBJString: String;
i, j, c, a, b, f, SLength, tl: integer;
S: TStringArray;
SL: Array of TStringArray;
Face: TStringArray;
TmpVertexNormals: Array of TVector3D;
OBJFile := OpenFile(FileName, True);
ReadFileString(OBJFile, OBJString, FileSize(OBJFile));
S := SplitRegExprEx('\n', OBJString);

SLength := Length(S);
SetLength(SL, SLength);

c := 0;

for i := 0 to SLength-1 do
if Length(S[i]) <> 0 then
if not ExecRegExpr('#', S[i]) then
SL[c] := SplitRegExprEx('\s', S[i]);

SetLength(SL, c);
tl := Length(SL);
SetLength(Result.Vertices, tl);
SetLength(TmpVertexNormals, tl);
SetLength(Result.Faces, tl);
SetLength(Result.VertexNormals, tl);

a := 0;
b := 0;
f := 0;
for i := 0 to c-1 do

if SL[i][0] = 'v' then
Result.Vertices[a] := Point3d(StrToFloat(SL[i][1]), StrToFloat(SL[i][2]), StrToFloat(SL[i][3]));
end else

if SL[i][0] = 'vn' then
TmpVertexNormals[b] := Vector3d(StrToFloat(SL[i][1]), StrToFloat(SL[i][2]), StrToFloat(SL[i][3]));
end else

if SL[i][0] = 'f' then
Face := CombineStringArrays([SplitRegExprEx('\/', SL[i][1]),
SplitRegExprEx('\/', SL[i][2]),
SplitRegExprEx('\/', SL[i][3])]);

Result.Faces[f].a := StrToInt(Face[0])-1;
Result.Faces[f].b := StrToInt(Face[3])-1;
Result.Faces[f].c := StrToInt(Face[6])-1;

Result.VertexNormals[Result.Faces[f].a] := TmpVertexNormals[StrToInt(Face[2])-1];
Result.VertexNormals[Result.Faces[f].b] := TmpVertexNormals[StrToInt(Face[5])-1];
Result.VertexNormals[Result.Faces[f].c] := TmpVertexNormals[StrToInt(Face[8])-1];


SetLength(Result.Vertices, a);
SetLength(Result.VertexNormals, b);
SetLength(Result.Faces, f);
Result.Name := FILE_NAME;
Result.WorldPosition := Point3D(0, 0, 5.0);

function PerspectiveProject(Vertices: Array of TPoint3D): TPointArray;
h, i: Integer;
SetLength(Result, Length(Vertices));
h := High(Vertices);

for i := 0 to h do
with Result[i] do
x := Round((Vertices[i].x * (1.0 / Vertices[i].z)) * 400);
y := Round((Vertices[i].y * (1.0 / Vertices[i].z)) * 400);

function RotatePointsY(p: Array of TPoint3D; pheta{radians}: Extended): Array of TPoint3D;
m: TMatrix3x3;
i, l: integer;
SetLength(m.Data, 9);
m.Data := [Cos(pheta), 0, Sin(pheta),
0, 1, 0,
-Sin(pheta), 0, Cos(pheta)];

l := Length(p);
SetLength(Result, l);
for i := 0 to l-1 do
Result[i] := Multiply_Point3D_Matrix3x3(p[i], m);


function V_Subtract(vr1, vr2: TVector3D): TVector3D;
Result.x := vr1.x - vr2.x;
Result.y := vr1.y - vr2.y;
Result.z := vr1.z - vr2.z;

function Dot(vr1, vr2: TVector3D): Extended;
Result := vr1.x * vr2.x + vr1.y * vr2.y + vr1.z * vr2.z;

function Cross(vr1, vr2: TVector3D): TVector3D;
Result := Vector3D( (vr1.y * vr2.z) - (vr1.z * vr2.y),
(vr1.z * vr2.x) - (vr1.x * vr2.z),
(vr1.x * vr2.y) - (vr1.y * vr2.x));

function BackfaceCull(var e: TEntity): array of Boolean;
u, v, FaceNormal, CameraVector: TVector3D;
p1, p2, p3: TPoint3D;
i, Len: Integer;
Check: Extended;
Len := Length(e.Faces);
SetLength(Result, Len);
SetLength(e.FaceNormals, Len);
for i := 0 to Len-1 do
p1 := e.Vertices[e.Faces[i].a];
p2 := e.Vertices[e.Faces[i].b];
p3 := e.Vertices[e.Faces[i].c];
u := V_Subtract(p2, p1);
v := V_Subtract(p3, p1);

e.FaceNormals[i] := Cross(u, v);

CameraVector := Vector3D(0, 0, 1);

Check := Dot(e.FaceNormals[i], CameraVector);

Result[i] := Check >= 0;

function CalculateFaceColor(FaceNormal: TVector3D; Lighting: Array of TLight): Integer;
Len, i: Integer;
a: Extended;
Len := Length(Lighting);
for i := 0 to Len-1 do
a := Dot(Lighting[i].Direction, FaceNormal);

Result := HSLToColor(1, 0, 100 - (100*a)*1.6);

procedure Render(Sender: TObject);
Cube: TEntity;
i, j, L, Offsetx, Offsety, t, fp1, fp2, FaceColor: Integer;
mbmp: TMufasaBitmap;
tbmp: TBitmap;
CubePoints: TPointArray;
p1, p2: TPoint;
Backfaces: Array of Boolean;
Lighting: Array of TLight;

Cube := LoadEntity(FILE_NAME);
Lighting := DeclareLighting;
t := GetSystemTime;

L := Length(Cube.Vertices);

Cube.Vertices := RotatePointsY(Cube.Vertices, radians(180.0));

Backfaces := BackfaceCull(Cube);

for i := 0 to L-1 do // change to Matrix transformation if speed permits
Cube.Vertices[i].x := Cube.Vertices[i].x + Cube.WorldPosition.x;
Cube.Vertices[i].y := Cube.Vertices[i].y + Cube.WorldPosition.y;
Cube.Vertices[i].z := Cube.Vertices[i].z + Cube.WorldPosition.z;

CubePoints := PerspectiveProject(Cube.Vertices);

Offsetx := SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
Offsety := SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;

for i := 0 to L - 1 do
CubePoints[i].x := CubePoints[i].x + Offsetx;
CubePoints[i].y := (-CubePoints[i].y) + Offsety;

mbmp := TMufasaBitmap.Create;
//mbmp.DrawTPA(CubePoints, clWhite);
tbmp := mbmp.ToTBitmap;


for i := 0 to High(Cube.Faces) do
if Backfaces[i] then
FaceColor := CalculateFaceColor(Cube.FaceNormals[i], Lighting);
DrawTriangle(tbmp.Canvas, CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].a], CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].b], CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].c], FaceColor);
{for j := 0 to 2 do
fp1 := j;
fp2 := (j+1) mod 3;
case fp1 of
0: p1 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].a];
1: p1 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].b];
2: p1 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].c];
case fp2 of
0: p2 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].a];
1: p2 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].b];
2: p2 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].c];
DrawLine(tbmp.Canvas, p1, p2, clBlack);
end; }

mbmp.DrawToCanvas(0, 0, MainForm.Canvas);
WriteLn(GetSystemTime - t);

procedure InitForm;
MainForm := TForm.Create(nil);

with MainForm do
Caption := 'Pumbaa';
Position := poScreenCenter;

StartButton := TButton.Create(MainForm);
with StartButton do
Parent := MainForm;
Caption := 'Start';
OnClick := @Render;


procedure SafeInitForm;
v: TVariantArray;
setarraylength(V, 0);
ThreadSafeCall('InitForm', v);

procedure ShowFormModal;

procedure SafeShowFormModal;
v: TVariantArray;
setarraylength(V, 0);
ThreadSafeCall('ShowFormModal', v);

procedure ShowForm;


Save the following as "monkey.obj" in the same directory as you save the above:

# Blender v2.61 (sub 0) OBJ File: ''
# www.blender.org
o Monkey
v 0.437500 0.176654 0.762818
v -0.437500 0.176654 0.762818
v 0.500000 0.105064 0.685862
v -0.500000 0.105064 0.685862
v 0.546875 0.064205 0.577146
v -0.546875 0.064205 0.577146
v 0.351562 -0.013266 0.617490
v -0.351562 -0.013266 0.617490
v 0.351562 0.043087 0.718138
v -0.351562 0.043087 0.718138
v 0.351562 0.145666 0.778956
v -0.351562 0.145666 0.778956
v 0.273438 0.177169 0.794064
v -0.273438 0.177169 0.794064
v 0.203125 0.105965 0.740542
v -0.203125 0.105965 0.740542
v 0.156250 0.065363 0.647449
v -0.156250 0.065363 0.647449
v 0.078125 0.252966 0.652171
v -0.078125 0.252966 0.652171
v 0.140625 0.254382 0.738097
v -0.140625 0.254382 0.738097
v 0.242188 0.255283 0.792777
v -0.242188 0.255283 0.792777
v 0.273438 0.341209 0.791361
v -0.273438 0.341209 0.791361
v 0.203125 0.402800 0.735651
v -0.203125 0.402800 0.735651
v 0.156250 0.448124 0.641142
v -0.156250 0.448124 0.641142
v 0.351562 0.525723 0.608609
v -0.351562 0.525723 0.608609
v 0.351562 0.464905 0.711187
v -0.351562 0.464905 0.711187
v 0.351562 0.372197 0.775223
v -0.351562 0.372197 0.775223
v 0.437500 0.340694 0.760115
v -0.437500 0.340694 0.760115
v 0.500000 0.401899 0.680971
v -0.500000 0.401899 0.680971
v 0.546875 0.446965 0.570839
v -0.546875 0.446965 0.570839
v 0.625000 0.251422 0.558434
v -0.625000 0.251422 0.558434
v 0.562500 0.253224 0.667794
v -0.562500 0.253224 0.667794
v 0.468750 0.254640 0.753720
v -0.468750 0.254640 0.753720
v 0.476562 0.254897 0.769342
v -0.476562 0.254897 0.769342
v 0.445312 0.348763 0.775609
v -0.445312 0.348763 0.775609
v 0.351562 0.388206 0.798400
v -0.351562 0.388206 0.798400
v 0.265625 0.349407 0.814667
v -0.265625 0.349407 0.814667
v 0.226562 0.255669 0.816211
v -0.226562 0.255669 0.816211
v 0.265625 0.169743 0.817627
v -0.265625 0.169743 0.817627
v 0.351562 0.255798 0.824023
v -0.351562 0.255798 0.824023
v 0.351562 0.130429 0.802648
v -0.351562 0.130429 0.802648
v 0.445312 0.169100 0.778570
v -0.445312 0.169100 0.778570
v 0.000000 0.441857 0.735008
v 0.000000 0.365029 0.814409
v 0.000000 -0.667496 0.745473
v 0.000000 -0.307398 0.786421
v 0.000000 -0.174346 0.799856
v 0.000000 -0.761491 0.731395
v 0.000000 0.416106 0.594788
v 0.000000 0.579631 0.560839
v 0.000000 0.889306 -0.561603
v 0.000000 0.548394 -0.860714
v 0.000000 0.056660 -0.829171
v 0.000000 -0.388553 -0.345208
v 0.203125 -0.178207 0.565513
v -0.203125 -0.178207 0.565513
v 0.312500 -0.428045 0.577443
v -0.312500 -0.428045 0.577443
v 0.351562 -0.685822 0.581690
v -0.351562 -0.685822 0.581690
v 0.367188 -0.881752 0.545851
v -0.367188 -0.881752 0.545851
v 0.328125 -0.936561 0.538940
v -0.328125 -0.936561 0.538940
v 0.179688 -0.959480 0.570572
v -0.179688 -0.959480 0.570572
v 0.000000 -0.974717 0.594264
v 0.437500 -0.131854 0.533495
v -0.437500 -0.131854 0.533495
v 0.632812 -0.030176 0.539633
v -0.632812 -0.030176 0.539633
v 0.828125 0.155754 0.442807
v -0.828125 0.155754 0.442807
v 0.859375 0.439411 0.586590
v -0.859375 0.439411 0.586590
v 0.710938 0.494606 0.616935
v -0.710938 0.494606 0.616935
v 0.492188 0.612807 0.677496
v -0.492188 0.612807 0.677496
v 0.320312 0.769808 0.721790
v -0.320312 0.769808 0.721790
v 0.156250 0.731137 0.745868
v -0.156250 0.731137 0.745868
v 0.062500 0.504477 0.741789
v -0.062500 0.504477 0.741789
v 0.164062 0.426749 0.766511
v -0.164062 0.426749 0.766511
v 0.125000 0.317260 0.760501
v -0.125000 0.317260 0.760501
v 0.203125 0.105965 0.740542
v -0.203125 0.105965 0.740542
v 0.375000 0.027207 0.702772
v -0.375000 0.027207 0.702772
v 0.492188 0.073561 0.670754
v -0.492188 0.073561 0.670754
v 0.625000 0.198158 0.645260
v -0.625000 0.198158 0.645260
v 0.640625 0.307518 0.643458
v -0.640625 0.307518 0.643458
v 0.601562 0.385890 0.657794
v -0.601562 0.385890 0.657794
v 0.429688 0.449282 0.711445
v -0.429688 0.449282 0.711445
v 0.250000 0.481171 0.749987
v -0.250000 0.481171 0.749987
v 0.000000 -0.753422 0.746889
v 0.109375 -0.706554 0.746117
v -0.109375 -0.706554 0.746117
v 0.117188 -0.824111 0.724613
v -0.117188 -0.824111 0.724613
v 0.062500 -0.871237 0.709763
v -0.062500 -0.871237 0.709763
v 0.000000 -0.879178 0.702080
v 0.000000 -0.182930 0.753116
v 0.000000 -0.128378 0.744404
v 0.101562 -0.136190 0.744532
v -0.101562 -0.136190 0.744532
v 0.125000 -0.214175 0.753631
v -0.125000 -0.214175 0.753631
v 0.085938 -0.276796 0.746849
v -0.085938 -0.276796 0.746849
v 0.398438 -0.035799 0.672556
v -0.398438 -0.035799 0.672556
v 0.617188 0.064977 0.624014
v -0.617188 0.064977 0.624014
v 0.726562 0.213008 0.598134
v -0.726562 0.213008 0.598134
v 0.742188 0.385761 0.649983
v -0.742188 0.385761 0.649983
v 0.687500 0.425976 0.719642
v -0.687500 0.425976 0.719642
v 0.437500 0.559929 0.787757
v -0.437500 0.559929 0.787757
v 0.312500 0.654310 0.825270
v -0.312500 0.654310 0.825270
v 0.203125 0.631133 0.841279
v -0.203125 0.631133 0.841279
v 0.101562 0.443530 0.836556
v -0.101562 0.443530 0.836556
v 0.125000 -0.088163 0.814063
v -0.125000 -0.088163 0.814063
v 0.210938 -0.433539 0.718177
v -0.210938 -0.433539 0.718177
v 0.250000 -0.691703 0.698991
v -0.250000 -0.691703 0.698991
v 0.265625 -0.809261 0.677487
v -0.265625 -0.809261 0.677487
v 0.234375 -0.903513 0.647786
v -0.234375 -0.903513 0.647786
v 0.164062 -0.919136 0.648043
v -0.164062 -0.919136 0.648043
v 0.000000 -0.934630 0.656112
v 0.000000 0.058839 0.725692
v 0.000000 0.223523 0.762046
v 0.328125 0.488725 0.734235
v -0.328125 0.488725 0.734235
v 0.164062 0.152962 0.747581
v -0.164062 0.152962 0.747581
v 0.132812 0.223394 0.754234
v -0.132812 0.223394 0.754234
v 0.117188 -0.675308 0.745602
v -0.117188 -0.675308 0.745602
v 0.078125 -0.432896 0.757235
v -0.078125 -0.432896 0.757235
v 0.000000 -0.432896 0.757235
v 0.000000 -0.315853 0.747493
v 0.093750 -0.260529 0.785649
v -0.093750 -0.260529 0.785649
v 0.132812 -0.213403 0.800499
v -0.132812 -0.213403 0.800499
v 0.109375 -0.119923 0.783332
v -0.109375 -0.119923 0.783332
v 0.039062 -0.112112 0.783203
v -0.039062 -0.112112 0.783203
v 0.000000 -0.189454 0.831359
v 0.046875 -0.135031 0.814835
v -0.046875 -0.135031 0.814835
v 0.093750 -0.142843 0.814964
v -0.093750 -0.142843 0.814964
v 0.109375 -0.212888 0.831745
v -0.109375 -0.212888 0.831745
v 0.078125 -0.236709 0.808697
v -0.078125 -0.236709 0.808697
v 0.000000 -0.275766 0.809341
v 0.257812 -0.303319 0.559761
v -0.257812 -0.303319 0.559761
v 0.164062 -0.230442 0.714831
v -0.164062 -0.230442 0.714831
v 0.179688 -0.300745 0.715989
v -0.179688 -0.300745 0.715989
v 0.234375 -0.240828 0.558731
v -0.234375 -0.240828 0.558731
v 0.000000 -0.863555 0.701822
v 0.046875 -0.855743 0.701694
v -0.046875 -0.855743 0.701694
v 0.093750 -0.808488 0.724356
v -0.093750 -0.808488 0.724356
v 0.093750 -0.730117 0.738691
v -0.093750 -0.730117 0.738691
v 0.000000 -0.770332 0.669032
v 0.093750 -0.738958 0.676329
v -0.093750 -0.738958 0.676329
v 0.093750 -0.801835 0.653924
v -0.093750 -0.801835 0.653924
v 0.046875 -0.841021 0.646756
v -0.046875 -0.841021 0.646756
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s off
f 47//1 1//1 3//1
f 47//1 3//1 45//1
f 4//2 2//2 48//2
f 4//2 48//2 46//2
f 45//3 3//3 5//3
f 45//3 5//3 43//3
f 6//4 4//4 46//4
f 6//4 46//4 44//4
f 3//5 9//5 7//5
f 3//5 7//5 5//5
f 8//6 10//6 4//6
f 8//6 4//6 6//6
f 1//7 11//7 9//7
f 1//7 9//7 3//7
f 10//8 12//8 2//8
f 10//8 2//8 4//8
f 11//9 13//9 15//9
f 11//9 15//9 9//9
f 16//10 14//10 12//10
f 16//10 12//10 10//10
f 9//11 15//11 17//11
f 9//11 17//11 7//11
f 18//12 16//12 10//12
f 18//12 10//12 8//12
f 15//13 21//13 19//13
f 15//13 19//13 17//13
f 20//14 22//14 16//14
f 20//14 16//14 18//14
f 13//15 23//15 21//15
f 13//15 21//15 15//15
f 22//16 24//16 14//16
f 22//16 14//16 16//16
f 23//17 25//17 27//17
f 23//17 27//17 21//17
f 28//18 26//18 24//18
f 28//18 24//18 22//18
f 21//19 27//19 29//19
f 21//19 29//19 19//19
f 30//20 28//20 22//20
f 30//20 22//20 20//20
f 27//21 33//21 31//21
f 27//21 31//21 29//21
f 32//22 34//22 28//22
f 32//22 28//22 30//22
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f 25//23 33//23 27//23
f 34//24 36//24 26//24
f 34//24 26//24 28//24
f 35//25 37//25 39//25
f 35//25 39//25 33//25
f 40//26 38//26 36//26
f 40//26 36//26 34//26
f 33//27 39//27 41//27
f 33//27 41//27 31//27
f 42//28 40//28 34//28
f 42//28 34//28 32//28
f 39//29 45//29 43//29
f 39//29 43//29 41//29
f 44//30 46//30 40//30
f 44//30 40//30 42//30
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f 47//33 51//33 49//33
f 52//34 38//34 48//34
f 52//34 48//34 50//34
f 37//35 35//35 53//35
f 37//35 53//35 51//35
f 54//36 36//36 38//36
f 54//36 38//36 52//36
f 35//37 25//37 55//37
f 35//37 55//37 53//37
f 56//38 26//38 36//38
f 56//38 36//38 54//38
f 25//39 23//39 57//39
f 25//39 57//39 55//39
f 58//40 24//40 26//40
f 58//40 26//40 56//40
f 23//41 13//41 59//41
f 23//41 59//41 57//41
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f 60//42 24//42 58//42
f 13//43 11//43 63//43
f 13//43 63//43 59//43
f 64//44 12//44 14//44
f 64//44 14//44 60//44
f 11//45 1//45 65//45
f 11//45 65//45 63//45
f 66//46 2//46 12//46
f 66//46 12//46 64//46
f 1//47 47//47 49//47
f 1//47 49//47 65//47
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f 50//48 2//48 66//48
f 61//49 65//49 49//49
f 50//50 66//50 62//50
f 63//51 65//51 61//51
f 62//52 66//52 64//52
f 61//53 59//53 63//53
f 64//54 60//54 62//54
f 61//55 57//55 59//55
f 60//56 58//56 62//56
f 61//57 55//57 57//57
f 58//58 56//58 62//58
f 61//59 53//59 55//59
f 56//60 54//60 62//60
f 61//61 51//61 53//61
f 54//62 52//62 62//62
f 61//63 49//63 51//63
f 52//64 50//64 62//64
f 89//65 174//65 176//65
f 89//65 176//65 91//65
f 176//66 175//66 90//66
f 176//66 90//66 91//66
f 87//67 172//67 174//67
f 87//67 174//67 89//67
f 175//68 173//68 88//68
f 175//68 88//68 90//68
f 85//69 170//69 172//69
f 85//69 172//69 87//69
f 173//70 171//70 86//70
f 173//70 86//70 88//70
f 83//71 168//71 170//71
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f 81//73 166//73 168//73
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f 79//75 92//75 146//75
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f 92//77 148//77 146//77
f 149//78 95//78 93//78
f 149//78 93//78 147//78
f 94//79 96//79 150//79
f 94//79 150//79 148//79
f 151//80 97//80 95//80
f 151//80 95//80 149//80
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f 96//81 152//81 150//81
f 153//82 99//82 97//82
f 153//82 97//82 151//82
f 98//83 100//83 154//83
f 98//83 154//83 152//83
f 155//84 101//84 99//84
f 155//84 99//84 153//84
f 100//85 102//85 156//85
f 100//85 156//85 154//85
f 157//86 103//86 101//86
f 157//86 101//86 155//86
f 102//87 104//87 158//87
f 102//87 158//87 156//87
f 159//88 105//88 103//88
f 159//88 103//88 157//88
f 104//89 106//89 160//89
f 104//89 160//89 158//89
f 161//90 107//90 105//90
f 161//90 105//90 159//90
f 106//91 108//91 162//91
f 106//91 162//91 160//91
f 163//92 109//92 107//92
f 163//92 107//92 161//92
f 108//93 67//93 68//93
f 108//93 68//93 162//93
f 68//94 67//94 109//94
f 68//94 109//94 163//94
f 110//95 128//95 160//95
f 110//95 160//95 162//95
f 161//96 129//96 111//96
f 161//96 111//96 163//96
f 128//97 179//97 158//97
f 128//97 158//97 160//97
f 159//98 180//98 129//98
f 159//98 129//98 161//98
f 126//99 156//99 158//99
f 126//99 158//99 179//99
f 159//100 157//100 127//100
f 159//100 127//100 180//100
f 124//101 154//101 156//101
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f 157//102 125//102 127//102
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f 122//103 154//103 124//103
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f 155//104 123//104 125//104
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f 120//105 152//105 122//105
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f 153//106 121//106 123//106
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f 118//107 150//107 120//107
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f 151//108 119//108 121//108
f 116//109 146//109 148//109
f 116//109 148//109 118//109
f 149//110 147//110 117//110
f 149//110 117//110 119//110
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f 110//115 68//115 112//115
f 68//116 163//116 111//116
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f 184//120 177//120 178//120
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f 144//131 190//131 189//131
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f 189//134 186//134 69//134
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f 130//135 185//135 69//135
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f 186//135 130//135 69//135
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f 139//140 195//140 140//140
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f 138//142 197//142 139//142
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f 192//145 190//145 70//145
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f 207//147 70//147 208//147
f 71//148 199//148 200//148
f 71//148 200//148 197//148
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f 201//149 71//149 198//149
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f 199//156 202//156 200//156
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f 207//159 199//159 205//159
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f 139//160 164//160 177//160
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f 142//164 213//164 211//164
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f 167//167 145//167 214//167
f 81//168 209//168 213//168
f 81//168 213//168 166//168
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f 209//170 211//170 213//170
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f 212//171 210//171 214//171
f 79//172 164//172 211//172
f 79//172 211//172 215//172
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f 67//246 108//246 284//246
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f 285//247 67//247 73//247
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f 89//270 91//270 306//270
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f 81//288 326//288 342//288
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f 79//292 300//292 92//292
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f 77//294 324//294 352//294
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f 76//306 316//306 324//306
f 76//306 324//306 77//306
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f 325//307 76//307 77//307
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f 75//312 316//312 76//312
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f 471//445 421//445 473//445
f 418//446 420//446 472//446
f 418//446 472//446 474//446
f 473//447 421//447 419//447
f 473//447 419//447 475//447
f 458//448 456//448 480//448
f 458//448 480//448 478//448
f 481//449 457//449 459//449
f 481//449 459//449 479//449
f 478//450 480//450 482//450
f 478//450 482//450 484//450
f 483//451 481//451 479//451
f 483//451 479//451 485//451
f 484//452 482//452 488//452
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f 489//453 483//453 485//453
f 489//453 485//453 487//453
f 486//454 488//454 490//454
f 486//454 490//454 492//454
f 491//455 489//455 487//455
f 491//455 487//455 493//455
f 464//456 476//456 486//456
f 464//456 486//456 492//456
f 487//457 477//457 465//457
f 487//457 465//457 493//457
f 452//458 484//458 486//458
f 452//458 486//458 476//458
f 487//459 485//459 453//459
f 487//459 453//459 477//459
f 452//460 462//460 478//460
f 452//460 478//460 484//460
f 479//461 463//461 453//461
f 479//461 453//461 485//461
f 458//462 478//462 462//462
f 458//462 462//462 460//462
f 463//463 479//463 459//463
f 463//463 459//463 461//463
f 454//464 474//464 480//464
f 454//464 480//464 456//464
f 481//465 475//465 455//465
f 481//465 455//465 457//465
f 472//466 482//466 480//466
f 472//466 480//466 474//466
f 481//467 483//467 473//467
f 481//467 473//467 475//467
f 470//468 488//468 482//468
f 470//468 482//468 472//468
f 483//469 489//469 471//469
f 483//469 471//469 473//469
f 468//470 490//470 488//470
f 468//470 488//470 470//470
f 489//471 491//471 469//471
f 489//471 469//471 471//471
f 466//472 492//472 490//472
f 466//472 490//472 468//472
f 491//473 493//473 467//473
f 491//473 467//473 469//473
f 464//474 492//474 466//474
f 467//475 493//475 465//475
f 392//476 390//476 504//476
f 392//476 504//476 502//476
f 505//477 391//477 393//477
f 505//477 393//477 503//477
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f 394//478 502//478 500//478
f 503//479 393//479 395//479
f 503//479 395//479 501//479
f 396//480 394//480 500//480
f 396//480 500//480 498//480
f 501//481 395//481 397//481
f 501//481 397//481 499//481
f 398//482 396//482 498//482
f 398//482 498//482 496//482
f 499//483 397//483 399//483
f 499//483 399//483 497//483
f 400//484 398//484 496//484
f 400//484 496//484 494//484
f 497//485 399//485 401//485
f 497//485 401//485 495//485
f 388//486 400//486 494//486
f 388//486 494//486 506//486
f 495//487 401//487 389//487
f 495//487 389//487 507//487
f 494//488 502//488 504//488
f 494//488 504//488 506//488
f 505//489 503//489 495//489
f 505//489 495//489 507//489
f 494//490 496//490 500//490
f 494//490 500//490 502//490
f 501//491 497//491 495//491
f 501//491 495//491 503//491
f 496//492 498//492 500//492
f 501//493 499//493 497//493
f 314//494 382//494 388//494
f 314//494 388//494 506//494
f 389//495 383//495 315//495
f 389//495 315//495 507//495
f 314//496 506//496 504//496
f 314//496 504//496 322//496
f 505//497 507//497 315//497
f 505//497 315//497 323//497
f 320//498 322//498 504//498
f 320//498 504//498 390//498
f 505//499 323//499 321//499
f 505//499 321//499 391//499

01-22-2012, 05:52 PM
This looks epic!!!! I might do some secret work on it now that I know it's possible.. I asked this question before and not a single person besides DGBY and Richard knew what I was talking about..

My question was actually if simba can render 3D images so I can use Gouraud/Phong shading on it..

Try it! I will try it :)

01-22-2012, 05:56 PM
Gourad shading is easy, I've already started it. You just need the vertex normals (which my parser already stores) and rasterize triangles with interpolation between the 3 colours. Give me 10 minutes and I'll post an example. :P Phong will take far too long in Simba unfortunately.

I'm glad someone's interested. What would be very cool is to make a Simba Community game.

01-22-2012, 06:05 PM
What would be very cool is to make a Simba Community game.

It would sure be an interesting project. But wouldn't making the game in simba make it very slow?

01-22-2012, 06:08 PM
Ooooh this looks interesting *subscribes*

01-22-2012, 06:29 PM
Very cool!

01-22-2012, 06:36 PM
I did say 10 minutes, but I got stuck on interpolation. Thought people might find this interesting:

Will implement gouroud now.

Thanks everyone

01-22-2012, 08:01 PM
wow, quite interesting! I used to do some stuff using Maya, but now I don't have it on computer. Might go back to it!
Anyways, the monkeys looks good! Keep on the road :D


01-22-2012, 10:11 PM
Very cool stuff, great work :D

01-22-2012, 10:24 PM
Gourad shading is easy, I've already started it. You just need the vertex normals (which my parser already stores) and rasterize triangles with interpolation between the 3 colours.


01-22-2012, 10:31 PM
woo the blender monkey!

and yea that would be cool to have a community simba game, like blender has that game they've been working on

what genre?

01-22-2012, 10:35 PM
How fast is it?

E: That is actually pretty fast..! Well done! now add rotation :D

01-22-2012, 11:07 PM
Threads like this make me feel so retarded

01-23-2012, 04:33 AM
Thank you for the comments guys :)

Gouraud implementation:
Looks absolutely dreadful, it could be to do with the Z order. I'm also not sure how all the smudges are being formed. I think I need to try with simpler models so I can be sure I have the basics right.

I also played around with the colour and rotation a little bit. I'm getting ghost colours so I'm not sure if I've fudged a calculation somewhere.




program new;

// hit Q to stop

FILE_NAME = 'monkey.obj';



TPoint3D = record
x, y, z: Extended;
TVector3D = TPoint3D;

TMatrix3x3 = record
Data: Array of Extended;

TMatrix4x4 = record
Data: Array[0..15] of Extended;

TTriangleFace = record
a, b, c: Integer;

TEntity = record
Name: String;
Vertices: Array of TPoint3D;
VertexNormals: Array of TPoint3D;
Faces: Array of TTriangleFace;
FaceNormals: Array of TVector3D;
WorldPosition: TPoint3D;

TLight = record
Direction: TVector3D;

MainForm: TForm;
StartButton: TButton;

function Point3D(x, y, z: Extended): TPoint3D;
Result.x := x;
Result.y := y;
Result.z := z;

function Vector3D(x, y, z: Extended): TVector3D;
Result.x := x;
Result.y := y;
Result.z := z;

function Multiply_Point3D_Matrix3x3(p: TPoint3D; m: TMatrix3x3): TPoint3D;
Result.x := (m.Data[0] * p.x) + (m.Data[1] * p.y) + (m.Data[2] * p.z);
Result.y := (m.Data[3] * p.x) + (m.Data[4] * p.y) + (m.Data[5] * p.z);
Result.z := (m.Data[6] * p.x) + (m.Data[7] * p.y) + (m.Data[8] * p.z);

function DeclareLighting: Array of TLight;
SetLength(Result, 1);

Result[0].Direction := Vector3D(1.0, -1.0, 0.5);

procedure DrawLine(c: TCanvas; p1, p2: TPoint; Color: Integer);
c.Pen.Color := Color;
c.MoveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
c.LineTo(p2.x, p2.y);

procedure DrawPixel(c: TCanvas; x, y, Color: Integer);
DrawLine(c, Point(x, y), Point(x, y+1), Color);

function InterpolateColor(c1, c2: Integer; Percentage: Extended): Integer;
c1r, c1g, c1b, c2r, c2g, c2b, R, G, B: Integer;
ColorToRGB(c1, c1r, c1g, c1b);
ColorToRGB(c2, c2r, c2g, c2b);

R := Round((c1r * Percentage + c2r * (1 - Percentage)));
G := Round((c1g * Percentage + c2g * (1 - Percentage)));
B := Round((c1b * Percentage + c2b * (1 - Percentage)));

Result := RGBtoColor(R, G, B);

procedure DrawTriangle(const Canvas: TCanvas; const p1, p2, p3: TPoint; Color: TIntegerArray; Gouroud:Boolean);
DxyLeft, DxyRight, NewDxyRight, xs, xe, tv1, tv2, percenta, percentb: Extended;
i, j, a, b: Integer;
tv1 := (p3.x-p1.x);
tv2 := (p3.y-p1.y);
DxyLeft := tv1/tv2;
tv1 := p2.x-p1.x;
tv2 := p2.y-p1.y;
DxyRight := tv1/tv2;

if (p2.y <> p3.y) then
tv1 := p2.x-p3.x;
tv2 := p2.y-p3.y;
NewDxyRight := tv1/tv2;

xs := p1.x;
xe := p1.x;

if p2.y > p1.y then
for i := p1.y to p3.y do
if Gouroud then

if i <= p2.y then
percenta := ((100.0 / (p2.y - p1.y)) * (i - p1.y))/100; //(i - p1.y)/(p2.y - p1.y); //
a := InterpolateColor(Color[1], Color[0], percenta);
end else
percenta := ((100.0 / (p3.y - p2.y)) * (i - p2.y))/100;
a := InterpolateColor(Color[2], Color[1], percenta);
percentb := ((100.0 / (p3.y - p1.y)) * (i - p1.y))/100; //(i - p1.y)/(p3.y - p1.y); //
b := InterpolateColor(Color[2], Color[0], percentb);

if p2.x > p3.x then
for j := round(xs) to round(xe) do
if xs = xe then
DrawPixel(Canvas, j, i, Color[0])
DrawPixel(Canvas, j, i, InterpolateColor(a, b, ((100 / (xe - xs)) * (j - xs))/100)); //(j - xs)/(xe - xs)));
for j := round(xs) downto round(xe) do
if xs = xe then
DrawPixel(Canvas, j, i, Color[0])
DrawPixel(Canvas, j, i, InterpolateColor(a, b, ((100 / (xe - xs)) * (j - xs))/100)); //(j - xs)/(xe - xs)));
end else
DrawLine(Canvas, Point(round(xs), i), Point(round(xe), i), Color[0]);
xs := xs + DxyLeft;
xe := xe + DxyRight;

if i = p2.y then
DxyRight := NewDxyRight;
for i := p1.y downto p3.y do
if Gouroud then

percenta := ((100.0 / (p1.y - p2.y)) * (i - p2.y))/100; //(i - p1.y)/(p2.y - p1.y); //
a := InterpolateColor(Color[0], Color[1], percenta);
b := InterpolateColor(Color[0], Color[2], percenta);

for j := round(xs) to round(xe) do
if xs = xe then
DrawPixel(Canvas, j, i, Color[0])
DrawPixel(Canvas, j, i, InterpolateColor(a, b, ((100 / (xe - xs)) * (j - xs))/100)); //(j - xs)/(xe - xs)));
end else
DrawLine(Canvas, Point(round(xs), i), Point(round(xe), i), Color[0]);
xs := xs - DxyLeft;
xe := xe - DxyRight;

procedure ShadeTriangle(const Canvas: TCanvas; const p1, p2, p3: TPoint; Color: TIntegerArray; Gouroud:Boolean);
tpay: TPointArray;
CA: TIntegerArray;
i: Integer;
tpay := [p1, p2, p3];
SortTPAByY(tpay, True);

Setlength(CA, 3);

if Gouroud then
for i := 0 to 2 do
if tpay[i] = p1 then
CA[i] := Color[0]
if tpay[i] = p2 then
CA[i] := Color[1]
if tpay[i] = p3 then
CA[i] := Color[2];
end else
CA[0] := Color[0];

if (tpay[0].y = tpay[1].y) and (tpay[0].y = tpay[2].y) and (tpay[1].y = tpay[2].y) then

if (tpay[0].y = tpay[1].y) then
if tpay[0].x > tpay[1].x then
DrawTriangle(Canvas, tpay[2], tpay[0], tpay[1], [CA[2], CA[0], CA[1]], Gouroud)
DrawTriangle(Canvas, tpay[2], tpay[1], tpay[0], [CA[2], CA[1], CA[0]], Gouroud);
end else
if (tpay[1].y = tpay[2].y) then
if tpay[2].x > tpay[1].x then
DrawTriangle(Canvas, tpay[0], tpay[2], tpay[1], [CA[0], CA[2], CA[1]], Gouroud)
DrawTriangle(Canvas, tpay[0], tpay[1], tpay[2], [CA[0], CA[1], CA[2]], Gouroud);

DrawTriangle(Canvas, tpay[0], tpay[1], tpay[2], [CA[0], CA[1], CA[2]], Gouroud)

function SplitRegExprEx(Expr, Data: string): TStringArray;
DataArr: TStringList;
I: integer;
DataArr := TStringList.Create;
SplitRegExpr(Expr, Data, DataArr);
SetArrayLength(Result, DataArr.Count);
for I := 0 to DataArr.Count - 1 do
Result[I] := DataArr.Strings[I];

function CombineStringArrays(const a: Array of TStringArray): TStringArray;
i, j, c, l, h: Integer;
h := High(a);
for i := 0 to h do
IncEx(l, Length(a[i]));

SetLength(Result, l);

c := 0;

for i := 0 to h do
for j := 0 to High(a[i]) do
Result[c] := a[i][j];

function LoadEntity(FileName: String): TEntity;
OBJFile: Longint;
OBJString: String;
i, c, a, b, f, SLength, tl: integer;
S: TStringArray;
SL: Array of TStringArray;
Face: TStringArray;
TmpVertexNormals: Array of TVector3D;
OBJFile := OpenFile(FileName, True);
ReadFileString(OBJFile, OBJString, FileSize(OBJFile));
S := SplitRegExprEx('\n', OBJString);

SLength := Length(S);
SetLength(SL, SLength);

c := 0;

for i := 0 to SLength-1 do
if Length(S[i]) <> 0 then
if not ExecRegExpr('#', S[i]) then
SL[c] := SplitRegExprEx('\s', S[i]);

SetLength(SL, c);
tl := Length(SL);
SetLength(Result.Vertices, tl);
SetLength(TmpVertexNormals, tl);
SetLength(Result.Faces, tl);
SetLength(Result.VertexNormals, tl);

a := 0;
b := 0;
f := 0;
for i := 0 to c-1 do

if SL[i][0] = 'v' then
Result.Vertices[a] := Point3d(StrToFloat(SL[i][1]), StrToFloat(SL[i][2]), StrToFloat(SL[i][3]));
end else

if SL[i][0] = 'vn' then
TmpVertexNormals[b] := Vector3d(StrToFloat(SL[i][1]), StrToFloat(SL[i][2]), StrToFloat(SL[i][3]));
end else

if SL[i][0] = 'f' then
Face := CombineStringArrays([SplitRegExprEx('\/', SL[i][1]),
SplitRegExprEx('\/', SL[i][2]),
SplitRegExprEx('\/', SL[i][3])]);

Result.Faces[f].a := StrToInt(Face[0])-1;
Result.Faces[f].b := StrToInt(Face[3])-1;
Result.Faces[f].c := StrToInt(Face[6])-1;

Result.VertexNormals[Result.Faces[f].a] := TmpVertexNormals[StrToInt(Face[2])-1];
Result.VertexNormals[Result.Faces[f].b] := TmpVertexNormals[StrToInt(Face[5])-1];
Result.VertexNormals[Result.Faces[f].c] := TmpVertexNormals[StrToInt(Face[8])-1];


SetLength(Result.Vertices, a);
SetLength(Result.VertexNormals, a);
SetLength(Result.Faces, f);
Result.Name := FILE_NAME;
Result.WorldPosition := Point3D(0, 0, 5.0);

function PerspectiveProject(Vertices: Array of TPoint3D): TPointArray;
h, i: Integer;
SetLength(Result, Length(Vertices));
h := High(Vertices);

for i := 0 to h do
with Result[i] do
x := Round((Vertices[i].x * (1.0 / Vertices[i].z)) * 400);
y := Round((Vertices[i].y * (1.0 / Vertices[i].z)) * 400);

function RotatePointsY(p: Array of TPoint3D; pheta{radians}: Extended): Array of TPoint3D;
m: TMatrix3x3;
i, l: integer;
SetLength(m.Data, 9);
m.Data := [Cos(pheta), 0, Sin(pheta),
0, 1, 0,
-Sin(pheta), 0, Cos(pheta)];

l := Length(p);
SetLength(Result, l);
for i := 0 to l-1 do
Result[i] := Multiply_Point3D_Matrix3x3(p[i], m);


function V_Subtract(vr1, vr2: TVector3D): TVector3D;
Result.x := vr1.x - vr2.x;
Result.y := vr1.y - vr2.y;
Result.z := vr1.z - vr2.z;

function Dot(vr1, vr2: TVector3D): Extended;
Result := vr1.x * vr2.x + vr1.y * vr2.y + vr1.z * vr2.z;

function Cross(vr1, vr2: TVector3D): TVector3D;
Result := Vector3D( (vr1.y * vr2.z) - (vr1.z * vr2.y),
(vr1.z * vr2.x) - (vr1.x * vr2.z),
(vr1.x * vr2.y) - (vr1.y * vr2.x));

function BackfaceCull(var e: TEntity): array of Boolean;
u, v, CameraVector: TVector3D;
p1, p2, p3: TPoint3D;
i, Len: Integer;
Check: Extended;
Len := Length(e.Faces);
SetLength(Result, Len);
SetLength(e.FaceNormals, Len);
for i := 0 to Len-1 do
p1 := e.Vertices[e.Faces[i].a];
p2 := e.Vertices[e.Faces[i].b];
p3 := e.Vertices[e.Faces[i].c];
u := V_Subtract(p2, p1);
v := V_Subtract(p3, p1);

e.FaceNormals[i] := Cross(u, v);

CameraVector := Vector3D(0, 0, 1);

Check := Dot(e.FaceNormals[i], CameraVector);

Result[i] := Check >= 0;

function CalculateFaceColor(FaceNormal: TVector3D; Lighting: Array of TLight): Integer;
Len, i: Integer;
a: Extended;
Len := Length(Lighting);
for i := 0 to Len-1 do
a := Dot(Lighting[i].Direction, FaceNormal);

Result := HSLToColor(10, 50, 100 - (100*a));

procedure Render(Cube: TEntity; Lighting: Array of TLight; Rotation: Extended);
i, L, Offsetx, Offsety, t, FaceColor, c1, c2, c3: Integer;
mbmp: TMufasaBitmap;
tbmp: TBitmap;
CubePoints: TPointArray;
Backfaces: Array of Boolean;

t := GetSystemTime;

L := Length(Cube.Vertices);

Cube.Vertices := RotatePointsY(Cube.Vertices, radians(Rotation));

Backfaces := BackfaceCull(Cube);

for i := 0 to L-1 do // change to Matrix transformation if speed permits
Cube.Vertices[i].x := Cube.Vertices[i].x + Cube.WorldPosition.x;
Cube.Vertices[i].y := Cube.Vertices[i].y + Cube.WorldPosition.y;
Cube.Vertices[i].z := Cube.Vertices[i].z + Cube.WorldPosition.z;

CubePoints := PerspectiveProject(Cube.Vertices);

Offsetx := SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
Offsety := SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;

for i := 0 to L - 1 do
CubePoints[i].x := CubePoints[i].x + Offsetx;
CubePoints[i].y := (-CubePoints[i].y) + Offsety;

mbmp := TMufasaBitmap.Create;
//mbmp.DrawTPA(CubePoints, clWhite);
tbmp := mbmp.ToTBitmap;


for i := 0 to High(Cube.Faces) do
if Backfaces[i] then
//FaceColor := CalculateFaceColor(Cube.FaceNormals[i], Lighting);
//ShadeTriangle(tbmp.Canvas, CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].a], CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].b], CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].c], [FaceColor], False);

c1 := CalculateFaceColor(Cube.VertexNormals[Cube.Faces[i].a], Lighting);
c2 := CalculateFaceColor(Cube.VertexNormals[Cube.Faces[i].b], Lighting);
c3 := CalculateFaceColor(Cube.VertexNormals[Cube.Faces[i].c], Lighting);

ShadeTriangle(tbmp.Canvas, CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].a], CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].b], CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].c], [c1, c2, c3], True);

{for j := 0 to 2 do
fp1 := j;
fp2 := (j+1) mod 3;
case fp1 of
0: p1 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].a];
1: p1 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].b];
2: p1 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].c];
case fp2 of
0: p2 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].a];
1: p2 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].b];
2: p2 := CubePoints[Cube.Faces[i].c];
DrawLine(tbmp.Canvas, p1, p2, clBlack);
end; }

mbmp.DrawToCanvas(0, 0, MainForm.Canvas);
WriteLn(GetSystemTime - t);

procedure Start(Sender: TObject);
Cube: TEntity;
Lighting: Array of TLight;
Rotation: Extended;
Cube := LoadEntity(FILE_NAME);
Lighting := DeclareLighting;
Rotation := 190.0;

Render(Cube, Lighting, Rotation);

if IsKeyDown(VK_RIGHT) then
Rotation := Rotation + 10;
Render(Cube, Lighting, Rotation);
if IsKeyDown(VK_LEFT) then
Rotation := Rotation - 10;
Render(Cube, Lighting, Rotation);
if IsKeyDown(51) then
until False; }

procedure InitForm;
MainForm := TForm.Create(nil);

with MainForm do
Caption := 'Pumbaa';
Position := poScreenCenter;

StartButton := TButton.Create(MainForm);
with StartButton do
Parent := MainForm;
Caption := 'Start';
OnClick := @Start;


procedure SafeInitForm;
v: TVariantArray;
setarraylength(V, 0);
ThreadSafeCall('InitForm', v);

procedure ShowFormModal;

procedure SafeShowFormModal;
v: TVariantArray;
setarraylength(V, 0);
ThreadSafeCall('ShowFormModal', v);

procedure ShowForm;


01-23-2012, 04:37 AM
For gouraud shading, don't u need a hell of a lot more polygons/shapes on the monkey? Like wayyyyyy more triangles?

01-23-2012, 04:42 AM
For gouraud shading, don't u need a hell of a lot more polygons/shapes on the monkey? Like wayyyyyy more triangles?

It depends on the model. For the monkey, yes because it's detailed. Simpler things can still use gouraud shading effectively though.

The third one, I posted looks slightly better as I adjusted the lighting.

Another issue is that I'm not using z-sorting atm, so it not dealing with concave areas well at all, there is no order in the way faces are being rendered.

Dan Cardin
01-23-2012, 05:17 AM
A couple of people have made very simple 2d things before in SCAR afaik, I remember making a very very simple rotating cube/object thing. This, however far surpasses everything done before. Very very cool.

01-23-2012, 10:55 AM
RSG, I could look into exporting the OGL API to scripts if that would help. I think Dgby had started some work on this actually. Then you could do this with hardware acceleration.

01-23-2012, 12:34 PM
A couple of people have made very simple 2d things before in SCAR afaik, I remember making a very very simple rotating cube/object thing. This, however far surpasses everything done before. Very very cool.Well, me and almost have been messing around with 3D in Simba a lot, but it's true, this surpasses that by several miles :p

01-23-2012, 01:06 PM
RSG, I could look into exporting the OGL API to scripts if that would help. I think Dgby had started some work on this actually. Then you could do this with hardware acceleration.

That would help an insane amount. It was quite fun doing it within the virtual computer that simba provides, a great learning opportunity to learn how this stuff is actually done. But having the opengl API would make it actually possible to make realtime 3D games in Simba, which can only be a good thing for this community. Simba is a fantastic tool to learn with.

Thank you Zyt3x and Dan Cardin :P. It's not actually that big of a step from a simple cube. I've just added a parser so polygons can be created in 3D software.

01-23-2012, 01:10 PM
RSG, I could look into exporting the OGL API to scripts if that would help. I think Dgby had started some work on this actually. Then you could do this with hardware acceleration.You didn't want to do that last time I asked you :@ oh well, late is better than never

01-23-2012, 01:26 PM
RSG, I could look into exporting the OGL API to scripts if that would help. I think Dgby had started some work on this actually. Then you could do this with hardware acceleration.

I was just using the opengl library when I did that.

Kyle Undefined
01-23-2012, 01:45 PM
Ohh that's some cool stuff! Going to play around with it later :D

01-23-2012, 03:01 PM
You didn't want to do that last time I asked you :@ oh well, late is better than never

I still don't want to do it, but I'm just saying it's very possible. If someone else feels like adding it, they should feel free to do that. :p

01-25-2012, 02:21 PM
This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen done with Simba. Great work man!

I agree openGL API support would be sweet, although I can't say I would have the slightest clue on where to start with any of that....

Anyway, looks bad ass, nice job.

01-31-2012, 07:46 PM
Threads like this make me feel so retarded

I feel the same way...

01-31-2012, 08:27 PM
I could write a tutorial, if enough people are interested.

01-31-2012, 08:41 PM
I would be interested - however, I know that it would be way over my head.

Sorry - not the kind of interest you were looking for. :)

But I am sure there are others who would love it.

02-29-2012, 11:29 AM
I recently discovered this thread and I am realy impressed. I must say I was thinking myself about creating a Render- or Physicsengine.
But my knowledge of maths (matrices etc) are at the moment.
Could you make a tut I would be really glad. Or at least refer to some good sources?
(I am using such engines very often, but never understood how to code one)

02-29-2012, 08:38 PM
I recently discovered this thread and I am realy impressed. I must say I was thinking myself about creating a Render- or Physicsengine.
But my knowledge of maths (matrices etc) are at the moment.
Could you make a tut I would be really glad. Or at least refer to some good sources?
(I am using such engines very often, but never understood how to code one)

Hi Gala. Cool that you're interested. What exactly would you like to know? The knowledge you really need is Vectors, Matrixes and how to manipulate them. Once you understand these principles it becomes very simple. Try reading through my code, I tried to keep it rather clean. Let me know if there are any specifics that you are interested in.

03-01-2012, 05:56 AM
I have a good knowledge of vectors and I am learning matrixes right now. I already took a look at your script, but I couldnt understand several parts. Could you explain how exactly you used matrixes to render it? (the idea behind)

03-06-2012, 01:42 PM
Hi Gala,

What you need to do is look into what you're actually doing. You have a view point, a plane (your screen), and the points on the object that you'd like to project. For each point you need to work out the intersection between that point and the view point. That is the idea, it's very simple. You can connect these points to draw a wireframe. Where it get's more complicated is when you want to light and shade the object. Try rendering the wireframe of a cube to get started playing with it.

Let me know how it goes!

edit: I just reread what you wrote. All matrices are used for it flexibility of working with vectors. You can do it all with just multiplication and trigonometry. Forget about matrixes until you have a good working knowledge of 3D vectors. They don't provide anything useful until you need to manipulate everything in a flexible way.

03-10-2012, 02:33 PM

I think I got the matrixes now. I really want to learn shading/rendering with matrixes, because my final goal is a simple game engine with matrixes/vectors, like in minecraft. (With simple, I mean really simple things like basic friction, gravity and collision.) Dynamic physics is more important than shading, so I think I won't struggle with anything other than the simple shader in your first post.

btw: Where do you get documentations about the .obj file?

03-10-2012, 05:35 PM

I think I got the matrixes now. I really want to learn shading/rendering with matrixes, because my final goal is a simple game engine with matrixes/vectors, like in minecraft. (With simple, I mean really simple things like basic friction, gravity and collision.) Dynamic physics is more important than shading, so I think I won't struggle with anything other than the simple shader in your first post.

btw: Where do you get documentations about the .obj file?


A wavefront obj file is a text based format, so I didn't need any documentation, it's readable. 'v' = vertex, 'vt' = vertex texture, 'f' = face.