View Full Version : [Resolved] SPS 1.5 - Ready for testing!

01-23-2012, 05:17 PM
Update: March 25th, 2012:

I've updated my SPS2.0 branch on github with the files from the first post. After I'm able to test more (and there are no major bugs), I will merge with the master so everyone can enjoy it.

If you want to test it out, replace your SPS folder with the one from here (https://github.com/Coh3n/SPS/zipball/sps_2.0). Replace the old plugin with the new one, and you're good to go.

To use a map other than the RS surface, do:

SPS_Setup(RUNESCAPE_OTHER, ['runecrafting_altars']);

SPS 1.5
A huge thankyou to Hero (http://villavu.com/forum/member.php?u=70650) for the dungeon maps!

What's new?

SPS 1.5 uses the whole round minimap when finding the location, instead of just a 100x100 pixel box from the center.
A better, faster tolerance formula. Tolerance value is 600 by default, compared to the previous 0.3.
Dungeons! Just use RUNESCAPE_DUNGEONS as the surface when calling SPS_Setup and check out the filenames under /img/runescape_dungeons/ to see what are the area names to use.

How to try it?

Download the sps2.dll to /Simba/Plugins/
Download the sps2.simba to /Simba/Includes/SPS/
Download the sps2 test.simba to /Simba/Scripts/
Stand on Varrock south gate and run the test script and watch your cahracter run around in Lumbridge.

How to use SPS 1.5 in dungeons?

Download the runescape dungeons folder to /Simba/Includes/SPS/img/
Check out the filenames in that folder
Set your SPS_Setup(RUNESCAPE_DUNGEONS, ['ancient_cavern']);

Known bugs

Gives an access violation error. Solution: for now, just reset Simba.
GetMyPos acts weird in dungeons. Working on it now. Should be fixed now.

EDIT: Sauce

library sps;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

Classes, sysutils, FileUtil, mufasatypes, bitmaps, math, Interfaces;

T3DIntegerArray = array of T2DIntegerArray;
T4DIntegerArray = array of T3DIntegerArray;
TMufasaBitmapArray = array of TMufasaBitmap;

function SPS_ColorBoxesMatchInline(B1, B2: TIntegerArray; tol: extended): boolean; inline;
Result := False;

if (B2[0]+B2[1]+B2[2]) = 0 then

if (abs(B1[0] - B2[0]) < tol) then
if (abs(B1[1] - B2[1]) < tol) then
if (abs(B1[2] - B2[2]) < tol) then
Result := True;

function SPS_MakeColorBox(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; x1, y1, SideLength: integer): TIntegerArray; register;
x, y, width: integer;
C: TRGB32;
SetLength(Result, 3);
width := bmp.Width;

for x := (x1 + SideLength - 1) downto x1 do
for y := (y1 + SideLength - 1) downto y1 do
C := bmp.FData[y * width + x];
Result[0] := Result[0] + C.R;
Result[1] := Result[1] + C.G;
Result[2] := Result[2] + C.B;
except end;

procedure SPS_FilterMinimap(var Minimap: TMufasaBitmap); register;
W, H, x, y: integer;
C: TRGB32;
W := Minimap.width;
H := Minimap.height;

for x := W - 1 downto 0 do
for y := H - 1 downto 0 do
if hypot(abs(75.0 - x), abs(75.0 - y)) > 75 then
Minimap.FastSetPixel(x, y, 0);

C := Minimap.FData[y * W + x];


function SPS_BitmapToMap(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; SideLength: integer): T3DIntegerArray; register;
X, Y, HighX, HighY: integer;
HighX := Trunc(bmp.Width / (SideLength*1.0));
HighY := Trunc(bmp.Height / (SideLength*1.0));

SetLength(Result, HighX);
for X := 0 to HighX - 1 do
SetLength(Result[X], HighY);
for Y := 0 to HighY - 1 do
Result[X][Y] := SPS_MakeColorBox(bmp, X * SideLength, Y * SideLength, SideLength);

function SPS_FindMapInMap(out fx, fy: integer; LargeMap: T4DIntegerArray; SmallMap: T3DIntegerArray; tol: extended; out FoundMatches: integer): integer; register;
x, y, HighX, HighY, cm, L: integer;
xx, yy: integer;
Matching: integer;
BoxesInViewX, BoxesInViewY: integer;
b: Boolean;
fX := -1;
fY := -1;
Result := -1;
FoundMatches := 0;
L := Length(LargeMap);
BoxesInViewX := Length(SmallMap);
BoxesInViewY := Length(SmallMap[0]);

for cm := 0 to L-1 do
HighX := High(LargeMap[cm]) - BoxesInViewX - 1;
HighY := High(LargeMap[cm][0]) - BoxesInViewY - 1;

for x := 0 to HighX do
for y := 0 to HighY do
Matching := 0;

for xx := BoxesInViewX - 1 downto 0 do
for yy := BoxesInViewY - 1 downto 0 do
b:= SPS_ColorBoxesMatchInline(LargeMap[cm][x+xx][y+yy], SmallMap[xx][yy], tol);
if (b) then Inc(Matching);

if (Matching > FoundMatches) then
FoundMatches := Matching;
Result := cm;
fX := x;
fY := y;

////// EXPORTING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

procedure SetPluginMemoryManager(MemMgr : TMemoryManager); stdcall; export;

function GetTypeCount(): Integer; stdcall; export;
Result := 3;

function GetTypeInfo(x: Integer; var sType, sTypeDef: string): integer; stdcall; export;
case x of
0: begin
sType := 'T3DIntegerArray';
sTypeDef := 'array of T2DIntegerArray;';
1: begin
sType := 'T4DIntegerArray';
sTypeDef := 'array of T3DIntegerArray;';
2: begin
sType := 'TMufasaBitmapArray';
sTypeDef := 'array of TMufasaBitmap';
x := -1;
Result := x;

function GetFunctionCount(): Integer; stdcall; export;
Result := 4;

function GetFunctionCallingConv(x : Integer) : Integer; stdcall; export;
Result := 0;
case x of
0..3: Result := 1;

function GetFunctionInfo(x: Integer; var ProcAddr: Pointer; var ProcDef: PChar): Integer; stdcall; export;
case x of
ProcAddr := @SPS_FindMapInMap;
StrPCopy(ProcDef, 'function SPS_FindMapInMap(out fx, fy: integer; LargeMap: T4DIntegerArray; SmallMap: T3DIntegerArray; tol: extended; out FoundMatches: integer): integer;');
ProcAddr := @SPS_BitmapToMap;
StrPCopy(ProcDef, 'function SPS_BitmapToMap(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; SideLength: integer): T3DIntegerArray;');
ProcAddr := @SPS_MakeColorBox;
StrPCopy(ProcDef, 'function SPS_MakeColorBox(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; x1, y1, SideLength: integer): TIntegerArray;');
ProcAddr := @SPS_FilterMinimap;
StrPCopy(ProcDef, 'procedure SPS_FilterMinimap(var Minimap: TMufasaBitmap);');
x := -1;
Result := x;

exports SetPluginMemoryManager;
exports GetTypeCount;
exports GetTypeInfo;
exports GetFunctionCount;
exports GetFunctionInfo;
exports GetFunctionCallingConv;


01-23-2012, 05:19 PM
Holy Shit!
This looks amazing!!
It'll work for sure now?

Kyle Undefined
01-23-2012, 05:27 PM
Shweet work man! Will test this out later! :D

01-23-2012, 05:32 PM
Awesome! I think ill try it with my new script~

01-23-2012, 05:53 PM
Thanks for release!
Testing it for my yew woodcutter and here is what i got (Access violation is in sps2.simba):

[SPS] SPS_Setup() took 78 ms. Loaded 2 areas.
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 219 ms. Result = (4015, 3585)
Error: Exception: Access violation at line 146
The following DTMs were not freed: [SRL - Lamp bitmap, 1, SRL - Lamp bitmap, 3]
The following bitmaps were not freed: [SRL - Mod bitmap, SRL - Admin bitmap, SRL - Flag bitmap, SRL - Mod bitmap, SRL - Admin bitmap, SRL - Flag bitmap, 6]

EDIT: This happens only in port sarim docks.

01-23-2012, 05:54 PM
Nice job. So someone finished the maps I made? :)

01-23-2012, 05:58 PM
i need help can i just this as the main sps for simba ?

01-23-2012, 05:59 PM
Ah, I am going to convert the DTM walking in my script to SPS. I'll leave the DTM walking in there just in case it doesn't work correctly, or if it breaks again. :P

01-23-2012, 06:15 PM
Nice job. So someone finished the maps I made? :)

Oh gosh! I forgot to credit you in the original post, fixed that! Sorry!
I just added thicker black borders, otherwise they're original.

01-23-2012, 06:29 PM
[SPS] SPS_Setup() took 156 ms. Loaded 3 areas.
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4680, 3135)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4650, 3145)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 249 ms. Result = (4600, 3170)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 250 ms. Result = (4550, 3205)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 234 ms. Result = (-1, -1)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 234 ms. Result = (-1, -1)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 234 ms. Result = (4540, 3275)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 280 ms. Result = (4535, 3305)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4535, 3305)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4535, 3310)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4535, 3310)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4540, 3330)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 280 ms. Result = (4540, 3335)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4540, 3335)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 312 ms. Result = (4540, 3340)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4540, 3370)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 280 ms. Result = (4540, 3370)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4540, 3375)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4540, 3375)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4545, 3425)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4540, 3430)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4540, 3430)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4540, 3430)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4505, 3465)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4505, 3465)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4505, 3470)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4505, 3470)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4500, 3515)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4500, 3520)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4500, 3520)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 280 ms. Result = (4500, 3520)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4500, 3525)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 344 ms. Result = (4500, 3525)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4480, 3585)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 343 ms. Result = (4505, 3615)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4540, 3675)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4545, 3675)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4595, 3675)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 280 ms. Result = (4640, 3675)
Successfully executed.
Works great! :p (aside the access violation error)

Also a temporary solution to Access violation error is this: Right click simba.exe and choose run as administrator, then choose the SPS test script. (Applies atleast to windows Vista & 7)

01-23-2012, 06:46 PM
Also a temporary solution to Access violation error is this: Right click simba.exe and choose run as administrator, then choose the SPS test script. (Applies atleast to windows Vista & 7)

However location finding in port sarim is still a bit buggy.

01-23-2012, 06:49 PM
Awesome work guys!

01-23-2012, 06:53 PM
Sorry I never got around to removing all the !s but thanks for the credits :) Hopefully going to use this in some dungeons soon.

01-23-2012, 06:53 PM
Sexy as ever @Marpis, just a quickie, Can this be used to walk from the runescape surface into a dungeon and carry on walking? (chaos tunnel)

Multiple surfaces?

01-23-2012, 06:56 PM
Sexy as ever @Marpis, just a quickie, Can this be used to walk from the runescape surface into a dungeon and carry on walking? (chaos tunnel)

Multiple surfaces?

You will have to use SPS_Setup() again with different surface.

01-23-2012, 07:05 PM
Nice marpis! The Access Violation was fixed, though. You need to add some memory code to your plugin so it works properly. I don't know exactly what it is, but talk to Wizzup? or Markus, they know.

01-23-2012, 07:07 PM
Time for some quests?

01-23-2012, 07:15 PM
thank you for all youre work on this website =)

01-23-2012, 07:55 PM
You will have to use SPS_Setup() again with different surface.

thanks rep+

thank you for all youre work on this website =)

your* :P sorry for being a grammer nazi

01-23-2012, 08:05 PM
Yay! can't wait Ill test when I get home from school

01-23-2012, 08:28 PM
Nice marpis! The Access Violation was fixed, though. You need to add some memory code to your plugin so it works properly. I don't know exactly what it is, but talk to Wizzup? or Markus, they know.

You have to use the ShareMem that simba exports. It should be in the source of SPS 1....

01-23-2012, 08:30 PM
so is this what was going to be SPS 2.0?


01-23-2012, 10:21 PM
so is this what was going to be SPS 2.0?

~shutEventually, yes.

01-23-2012, 10:24 PM
so is this what was going to be SPS 2.0?


The amount of work needed to do all the things I have planned is overwhelming, so I decided to release several versions with something little added to each one. :)

01-23-2012, 10:30 PM
You have to use the ShareMem that simba exports. It should be in the source of SPS 1....Got it.

Marpis, add this to your plugin to get rid of the access violations:

procedure SetPluginMemoryManager(MemMgr : TMemoryManager); stdcall; export;

exports SetPluginMemoryManager;
I'm pretty sure that's all you have to do. Simba will do the rest.

01-23-2012, 10:54 PM
Marpis, if you want I can set up something that will automatically build sps for you every time you commit.

01-23-2012, 11:00 PM
Marpis, if you want I can set up something that will automatically build sps for you every time you commit.He doesn't use/know how to use git. I have a SPS2.0 branch setup, I guess he just hasn't gotten around to figuring it out.

01-23-2012, 11:20 PM
SmallMap := SPS_BitmapToMap(Minimap, 5);
getting a error about this on Line 146.
Edit And
SPS_AreaMaps[i] := SPS_BitmapToMap(tmp, 5);
Line 254 Its walks to the Bank No Problem but as it goes to walk to the Altar it Fails

01-24-2012, 02:07 AM
Sweet, I'll test it tommorow!
Oh, and does "dungeons" include the maps inside the runecrafting altars (fire altar to be specific)?

Seems like it doesn't (couldnt find it in the rar) :(
Is there any tutorial or something out there that teaches how to make SPS maps yourself?

01-24-2012, 03:28 AM
Marpis, could you please publish the source of your plugin? :)


01-24-2012, 04:47 AM
Hey, any reason as to why you changed ClickNorth to MakeCompass?

Excellent work by the way, I'm glad something brung you back from retirement. :)

01-24-2012, 11:46 AM
He doesn't use/know how to use git. I have a SPS2.0 branch setup, I guess he just hasn't gotten around to figuring it out.
The latter one.

Sweet, I'll test it tommorow!
Oh, and does "dungeons" include the maps inside the runecrafting altars (fire altar to be specific)?

Seems like it doesn't (couldnt find it in the rar) :(
Is there any tutorial or something out there that teaches how to make SPS maps yourself?
Runecrafting altars should be in the dungeons folder?

Marpis, could you please publish the source of your plugin? :)


Hey, any reason as to why you changed ClickNorth to MakeCompass?

Excellent work by the way, I'm glad something brung you back from retirement. :)
I think MakeCompass will suffice, and it's more natural. Didn't really give this much thought though.

01-24-2012, 12:21 PM
Please, don't repeat that old mistake of not sharing the memory :( Also, source is in the lpr file, not the lpi file.

01-24-2012, 12:30 PM
Please, don't repeat that old mistake of not sharing the memory :( Also, source is in the lpr file, not the lpi file.

Is this a user reminder, or a request to the coder to add / implement something ?

E: @Markus - I appreciate you giving me the back story - thanks. Just enough info for me without burying me in pages of
code. :-) And few bury quite as nicely as I do. TBH: Scripting is enough of a challenge for me, let alone real coding.
Anyway - each to their own. BTW: Are you a career or a hobby coder or both ?

01-24-2012, 01:16 PM
To the coder. SPS used to have a very, very annoying bug which turned out to be one mistake (which no one made with SCAR, just with Simba due to SCAR plugins all enforcing the sharing of memory). So the whole boards were complaining that SPS didn't work for them and lots of other people were flaming that it did work for them.
So after weeks of bug hunting and trying various workarounds everyone was desperate so I decided to take a look at it myself. Turned out not everyone knew that you can't just pass objects to a plugin, you have to share the memory space (the heap in this case) then between the host (Simba) and the plugin. A 10-line patch to Simba and a 5-line patch to SPS (the one in post 25) fixed everything up. No more errors, everyone was happy :)

Edit response to Nick: Not a career coder, just hobby one, and also not interested in becoming one! Started studying Electrical Engineering in September :)

01-24-2012, 06:06 PM
Got it.

Marpis, add this to your plugin to get rid of the access violations:

procedure SetPluginMemoryManager(MemMgr : TMemoryManager); stdcall; export;

exports SetPluginMemoryManager;
I'm pretty sure that's all you have to do. Simba will do the rest.

Already have that...

01-24-2012, 10:44 PM
Looks great. I finally have a solution to walking

01-25-2012, 12:14 AM
Would this work in the LRC caverns?

Saw the rar file and it does :)

01-25-2012, 01:21 AM

Marpis, you uploaded the wrong file. It is instead the file with the LPR extension.

Daniel. :)

01-25-2012, 04:56 AM
Why come you just don't updated one .zip file? Then once extracted, everything works if setup in the script properly? Just wondering. :)

01-25-2012, 05:02 AM
Why come you just don't updated one .zip file? Then once extracted, everything works if setup in the script properly? Just wondering. :)

I don't understand what you mean?

01-25-2012, 05:14 AM
I don't understand what you mean?You have several files uploaded on the first post, why not just have one .zip? That way people only have to extract one thing. They extract one file, and it includes everything - the plugin (and source) the images (including dungeons), and test files.

01-25-2012, 05:25 AM
When will this be available on the updates of SPS etc. Like all you have to do is click update and it should do it auto rather than downloading it and trying to find the folder. Im having hard time trying to find the folders, unless if you guys can make a short video on how to do this then that would be great. Sorry for the extra work.

01-25-2012, 06:33 AM
So this is where it's hiding. From what i've seen, great work, i'll try it out soon and let you know how it goes.

01-25-2012, 09:12 AM
When will this be available on the updates of SPS etc. Like all you have to do is click update and it should do it auto rather than downloading it and trying to find the folder. Im having hard time trying to find the folders, unless if you guys can make a short video on how to do this then that would be great. Sorry for the extra work.

No offence but if you cant find a folder (or search even) you shouldn't be here...

01-25-2012, 09:37 AM
When will this be available on the updates of SPS etc. Like all you have to do is click update and it should do it auto rather than downloading it and trying to find the folder. Im having hard time trying to find the folders, unless if you guys can make a short video on how to do this then that would be great. Sorry for the extra work.

if you cant find the folders then you probably dont know the directory structure for simba
if you dont know the directory structure for simba then your probably not making scripts
if your not making any scripts then you dont need this


01-25-2012, 04:55 PM
if you cant find the folders then you probably dont know the directory structure for simba
if you dont know the directory structure for simba then your probably not making scripts
if your not making any scripts then you dont need this


I think he's trying to use geo's tanner

01-25-2012, 10:59 PM
I think he's trying to use geo's tanner

Thanks you are 100% right. I just want to update simba to 1.5 so I can use the Tanning script but im just having some trouble to figure it out and all. If someone can tell me a way how I can update it to 1.5 that would be great because once again I did try and couldn't figure it out. Pretty damn sure everyone is human beings and need help time to time.

01-25-2012, 11:26 PM
Is the accuracy on this better? I haven't tested yet.

01-25-2012, 11:27 PM
it should be, i think the accuracy should be reduced from 20px down to 4px


01-26-2012, 10:50 PM
Marpis i'm having a really wierd error, along with Mat.

SPS_Areas := ['0_0','0_1'];
myPath := [Point(361, 318), Point(360, 377), Point(365, 397), Point(363, 429), Point(323, 439), Point(293, 417), Point(254, 409), Point(234, 415)];

I get an error -

[SPS] SPS_Setup() took 156 ms. Loaded 1 areas.
Error: Exception: Access violation at line 146

at line 146

SmallMap := SPS_BitmapToMap(Minimap, 5);

Pl0x help :c
I'm trying to walk through Taverly Dungeon btw :0

01-27-2012, 06:57 AM
Marpis i'm having a really wierd error, along with Mat.

I'm aware of that error, as you can see in the original post.
For now, just reset Simba and run as an administrator.

01-27-2012, 11:58 AM
Ah okay, i'll try that out.

01-27-2012, 02:02 PM
Uh oh, just tested it. Got the access violation error, Restarted as administrator, Tried it again and it ran down to just over the bridge. Then stopped, got an error. I tried restarting simba again as administrator, now it just keeps saying:

[SPS] SPS_Setup() took 93 ms. Loaded 3 areas.
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4805, 3505)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4805, 3505)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4805, 3505)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 312 ms. Result = (4805, 3505)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4810, 3505)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 280 ms. Result = (4805, 3505)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4805, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4805, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4805, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4800, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4800, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4800, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 280 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4800, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4800, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4805, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 280 ms. Result = (4800, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4800, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4805, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 312 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 312 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 280 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4815, 3500)

And won't actually click anywhere.

Where i got to, and the error just before it stopped working are attatched.

01-27-2012, 11:42 PM
^ Your minimap looks more detailed than it should be. Make sure you're in safe mode.

01-28-2012, 05:52 AM
^ Your minimap looks more detailed than it should be. Make sure you're in safe mode.

It was indeed. I changed all the detail, it then started to go, until after the bridge. You come to a gate, which happened to be shut. I forgot the keyboard command to pause the script, so i just moved the mouse and clicked on the gate to open it. It then clicked below the gate again, got next to the building and wheat field and crashed again:

New window: 328568
[Hint] (8:3): Variable 'I' never used at line 7
Compiled successfully in 655 ms.
SRL Compiled in 16 msec
[SPS] SPS_Setup() took 109 ms. Loaded 3 areas.
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4675, 3130)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 266 ms. Result = (4640, 3155)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 266 ms. Result = (4580, 3175)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4555, 3200)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 250 ms. Result = (4550, 3205)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 249 ms. Result = (4570, 3275)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 250 ms. Result = (4565, 3275)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4565, 3275)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 265 ms. Result = (4535, 3305)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4530, 3335)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4535, 3380)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4550, 3390)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4555, 3390)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4565, 3400)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4570, 3400)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4580, 3405)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4580, 3390)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4580, 3375)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 281 ms. Result = (4580, 3355)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4570, 3385)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4560, 3400)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 312 ms. Result = (4560, 3385)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4555, 3370)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 297 ms. Result = (4550, 3380)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4550, 3390)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4550, 3390)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4555, 3390)
[SPS] SPS_GetMyPos() finished in 296 ms. Result = (4555, 3390)
Error: Exception: Access violation at line 146
The following DTMs were not freed: [SRL - Lamp bitmap, 1]
The following bitmaps were not freed: [SRL - Mod bitmap, SRL - Admin bitmap, SRL - Flag bitmap, 3]

I think we need some sort of failsafe to either open closed gates/doors, or detect if the character starts running in the other direction to run around, then let it go.

Mr. Freeweed
01-28-2012, 09:45 PM
SPS an ointment used after long periods of color walking runescape.

I appreciate your hard work, it helps my lazyness alot, thanks ;)

01-31-2012, 04:00 AM
Will this work with MSI right now?

01-31-2012, 06:47 AM
Will this work with MSI right now?If the same map/areas are used, yes. And assuming it's still setup the same way.

02-01-2012, 09:52 PM
Doesn't work anymore?
Since the world map got extended...

02-01-2012, 09:57 PM
Doesn't work anymore?
Since the world map got extended...

by extended, do you mean the new taverly and burthorpe?

if so then other locations should work


02-01-2012, 10:03 PM
Yeah, since Flight's script doesn't work.
SPS is messed up in that area I guess xD

02-01-2012, 10:06 PM
which one, and which area is it in?


02-01-2012, 10:09 PM
Thanks :) going to update my GDK and FDK script.

02-01-2012, 10:14 PM
The nature runecrafter.

02-01-2012, 10:25 PM
Thanks :) going to update my GDK and FDK script.

very very impressive for someone whos been here for a month! ;)

02-01-2012, 11:25 PM
The nature runecrafter.

from what i can tell, naturez uses objectdtm, not dtm


02-04-2012, 10:54 PM
Exception in Script: Unable to find file 'SPS/SPS2.simba' used from ''

I am getting that error while running varrock gtanner. I don't know if it's the scripts fault or this.. help?

02-04-2012, 11:43 PM
Download SPS2.simba from here (http://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73103)

02-26-2012, 02:52 AM
Anyone got the actual source for this? I want to work on it or something.. The source file posting on the First page only has the lpr file..

02-26-2012, 09:03 AM
Anyone got the actual source for this? I want to work on it or something.. The source file posting on the First page only has the lpr file..

I think it's on github, but I don't know what repo it's under.

02-26-2012, 03:25 PM
Thx, t his is working great had trouble in LRC, with the old sps -with the new sps i could remove a ton of failsafes:)

02-26-2012, 03:31 PM
Well, it may be the time for me to Take a look at SpS Walking now that is up!

Great job for your release too!

03-02-2012, 04:08 PM
First tried the test script, it worked fine.

After that I tried to implement my own dungeon walking. I have it set up like this:

SPS_Setup(RUNESCAPE_DUNGEONS, ['misthalin_underground']);

Ended up with this error:

SRL Compiled in 0 msec
[SPS] ERROR: SPS_GetArea: Exception: Error while reading stream: Unable to open file "C:\Simba\Includes\SPS\img\runescape_dungeons\misth alin_underground.png"
[SPS] SPS_Setup() took 0 ms. Loaded 1 areas.
Error: Exception: Access violation at line 148

Tried running with administrator and checked if the file really existed. Everything should be okay but it still won't work. Any ideas? :(

03-02-2012, 05:24 PM
First tried the test script, it worked fine.

After that I tried to implement my own dungeon walking. I have it set up like this:

SPS_Setup(RUNESCAPE_DUNGEONS, ['misthalin_underground']);
Ended up with this error:

SRL Compiled in 0 msec
[SPS] ERROR: SPS_GetArea: Exception: Error while reading stream: Unable to open file "C:\Simba\Includes\SPS\img\runescape_dungeons\misth alin_underground.png"
[SPS] SPS_Setup() took 0 ms. Loaded 1 areas.
Error: Exception: Access violation at line 148
Tried running with administrator and checked if the file really existed. Everything should be okay but it still won't work. Any ideas? :(

Change the name of the map to something like 0_0MU.png

03-02-2012, 05:50 PM
Change the name of the map to something like 0_0MU.png

Thanks, it worked now. Btw, why did I have to do that? o.O

03-02-2012, 05:57 PM
Thanks, it worked now. Btw, why did I have to do that? o.O

I'm not sure.. sometimes it works with just letters, sometimes it won't..

Thing is, I noticed the co-ordinates SPS gives, depends on the name of the file..

Example if I named it 0_0000001 it'd give me the smallest co-ordinates of any other map.. whereas if it was named 0_001, it'd give larger co-ordinates than the 0_00000001

Since it depends on the name.. I'm guessing it needs those numbers to calculate the co-ords

03-03-2012, 10:55 PM
Anyone else tried using this in GWD?

03-04-2012, 07:25 AM
I'm not sure.. sometimes it works with just letters, sometimes it won't..

Thing is, I noticed the co-ordinates SPS gives, depends on the name of the file..

Example if I named it 0_0000001 it'd give me the smallest co-ordinates of any other map.. whereas if it was named 0_001, it'd give larger co-ordinates than the 0_00000001

Since it depends on the name.. I'm guessing it needs those numbers to calculate the co-ordsIt may be because it adds 500 depending on the name. Like 0_0 is (0, 0) to (500, 500) on the world map, where as 2_2 would be (1000, 1000) to (1500, 1500). That's my best guess, anyway, although I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that. I thought 1.5 wasn't dependent on the map names.

03-04-2012, 08:04 PM
Ya, it doesnt work in godwars. It tried editing it myself and cant get that stupid bitmap minimap error to go away! :/ oh well might es well just wait for it to be fully working and released! :)

03-26-2012, 02:10 AM
I've updated my SPS2.0 branch on github with the files from the first post. After I'm able to test more (and there are no major bugs), I will merge with the master so everyone can enjoy it.

If you want to test it out, replace your SPS folder with the one from here (https://github.com/Coh3n/SPS/zipball/sps_2.0). Replace the old plugin with the new one, and you're good to go.

To use a map other than the RS surface, do:

SPS_Setup(RUNESCAPE_OTHER, ['runecrafting_altars']);

03-26-2012, 02:12 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Coh3n again.Wth? I never even.. -___- Well u know. Thanx!

EDIT: SPS_Filterminimap is not a valid identifier because it isn't anywhere in the SPS.Simba file.. Umm.. a lot of problems in the SPS.Simba that causes it to not compile..

EDIT: Got it working.

06-02-2012, 04:48 PM
I cant find any sps2.dll uner the attached files?

And what exactly is it i need to download, and to where when i get this error? Exception in Script: Unable to find file 'ObjectDTM/ObjDTMInclude.simba' used from ''