View Full Version : [Resolved] SPS_GetMyPos(); = Exception in Script: Out of memory?

Sir Ducksworthy
03-14-2012, 05:16 PM

Ok so basically when I call SPS_GetMyPos();
I get: Exception in Script: Out of memory?

It's not the script size or whatever It does the same thing in the SPSTestWalk.simba

Even when I try to SPS_WalkPath I get the same error

It's not crashing anymore since removing the debug

but now my position is returning -1, -1 and the walking isn't working at all for me
Please could somebody help?

03-14-2012, 06:06 PM
Have you tried a Simple Script:

program LeetzCh1ck3FOCKER;
{$i srl/srl.simba}
{$i sps/sps.simba}
SPS_Setup(RUNESCAPE_SURFACE, ['11_8']);//ChickenE

if that doesn't work then I think you have a problem with the SPS file and may need to re downland it.

Sir Ducksworthy
03-14-2012, 06:14 PM
Ty for reply
Yeh I tryed that

03-14-2012, 06:17 PM
Try taking out (or comment) the SPS_Debug line on your script. I recall that it caused "out of memory" issues in the past.

Sir Ducksworthy
03-14-2012, 07:07 PM
Nice thank you for that reply it isn't crashing the script on me anymore :)
But the Walking isn't working for me and the get my pos is returning -1, -1?

the flea
03-14-2012, 07:43 PM
Nice thank you for that reply it isn't crashing the script on me anymore :)
But the Walking isn't working for me and the get my pos is returning -1, -1?

have you set up the area's correctly in SPS_Setup?

Sir Ducksworthy
03-14-2012, 08:52 PM
Wait I fixed it now it was something really simple
ChickenE was sopost to be ChickensE I just didn't see it was missing the s
Muah mmuhhh

03-14-2012, 08:55 PM
If you're just trying to get the points, use this :http://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=64891&highlight=path+creator

If you want to learn how to use SPS_GetMyPos try:program new;
{$i SRL\SRL.simba}
{$i sps/sps.simba}


MyPos :TPoint;

MyPos := SPS_GetMyPos;

Writeln('My position is x: '+inttostr(MyPos.x)+' y: '+inttostr(MyPos.y));


03-14-2012, 09:33 PM
from what he's saying -1 ,-1 his SPS_Setup is wrong.