View Full Version : Teleportation

Vinyl Scratch
04-14-2012, 05:38 PM
So, I've been thinking about this, and what about Teleportation? Your body is made up of Neurons, and you can convert neurons to electricity, so why wouldn't we be able to convert our body's neurons, and "teleport" our self to a different location.



04-14-2012, 05:50 PM
Definitely seems possible, would take a long time to perfect as there are many things that could easily go wrong like parts of you being teleported else where, since you are being converted to electricity and then converted back to flesh and blood. Also the possibility of electricity dissipating and parts of you just being lost forever. Definitely pretty cool but probably won't be around for a long time

04-14-2012, 05:50 PM
Converting our neurons to energy would be easy I think.. Even transporting them somehow sounds like a possibility, but putting them back together in the exact proper order seams like it would be difficult.

Even if it was perfected I could see a massive risk in doing it multiple times right?

04-14-2012, 05:53 PM
I think this would be next goal of science. Next 50 years.

04-14-2012, 05:59 PM
Sounds like some Willy Wonker shiz :)

OT: Not possible to get it working flawlessly. It could work - but I'd be very afraid of how the results would turn out...

04-14-2012, 06:05 PM
So, I've been thinking about this, and what about Teleportation? Your body is made up of Neurons, and you can convert neurons to electricity, so why wouldn't we be able to convert our body's neurons, and "teleport" our self to a different location.



and PERFECTLY rearrange the body... you do realize that if you got your liver and kidney mixed up or your lung got arranged inside your heart it would have extremely fatal or irreversible consequences. If it were developed I would not use it.

04-14-2012, 06:29 PM
It wouldnt work if your matter went though open space, since we dont know how to effectivly transfer electricity that way. You would still need a conductor(and a really efficient one too) for it to be even remotly possible

Vinyl Scratch
04-14-2012, 08:17 PM
I said you could convert it to electricity, and then you could be transported through a copper wire.

04-15-2012, 12:02 AM
You can't convert it to electricity... And it'd take hundreds, if not thousands, of years if you were thinking of teleporting yourself to another destination via a copper wire.

There are two problems we have at the moment, a) It would require so much storage space, and b) Being able to successfully take a "snapshot" of all the atoms aligned in our body.

There is also the moral issue of taking the path of essentially creating clones as a teleport-like method, killing yourself and recreating yourself exactly on the other side.

04-15-2012, 01:19 AM
Teleportation of a person is basically impossible due to the vast amount of information which can be stored and I mean vast. Lets say I wanted to teleport a human with a mass of 65 Kg. That is roughly 6.5x10^27 atoms each containing protons neutrons electrons quarks. You would have to record the information of the quantum state of each particle in the atom with basically perfect precision (which already is fundamentally impossible!). This amount of information would need a computer bigger then the size of the observable universe to store. We also cannot copy the quantum state of a particle and exactly reproduce it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_cloning_theorem.

Basically it won't happen

04-15-2012, 01:22 AM
nothing can be exactly reproduced... not even mass produced stuff

04-15-2012, 01:32 AM
You missed the point entirely

04-15-2012, 02:07 AM
You missed the point entirely

This makes no sense as it is indirect... are you talking to me?

04-15-2012, 02:42 AM
Sure our body is made up of neurons that could potentially be turned into energy but there are so many problems with this idea. First of all think about the energy efficiency we get currently from our energy sources. 25-50%? I don't think I want 50% of me showing up on the other side of this copper wire. Second think about how much energy is lost during transportation, the amount of energy lost would be amazing, and it would increase with distance traveled. That's why energy plants are close to cities even though they are dangerous; it reduces the amount of energy lost.

Those are the concerns if we could get it to work. But you also have to keep in mind just how complex we are. Creating a new 'clone' would require an unfathomable amount of energy, simply ordering the atoms in our bodies would take far more energy than we even think about using today.

04-15-2012, 02:57 AM
They can clone a sheep that lives for the period of a regular clone with very little work.. cloning is simple, human cloning is dangerous, illegal, and scientifically immoral- also very tough

04-15-2012, 12:23 PM
This makes no sense as it is indirect... are you talking to me?

It makes perfect sense and it is indirect as your post was to mine.

Sure our body is made up of neurons that could potentially be turned into energy but there are so many problems with this idea. First of all think about the energy efficiency we get currently from our energy sources. 25-50%? I don't think I want 50% of me showing up on the other side of this copper wire. Second think about how much energy is lost during transportation, the amount of energy lost would be amazing, and it would increase with distance traveled. That's why energy plants are close to cities even though they are dangerous; it reduces the amount of energy lost.

You are thinking about this a little incorrectly. If we had a way to store all the information (such as the quantum states of every particle, subparticle in our body). If we were to then transport the information from one place to another with the amount of energy that is just required to do so assuming no energy loss then yes we would transport an incomplete 'us'. But we would simply just send the information across using the amount of energy it requires.

Also on another note we wouldn't use copper wire. Even today we are using optical fibre more and more. However even using optical fibre, the amount of time to transfer the information required to teleport someone would be billions of years.

Vinyl Scratch
04-16-2012, 12:29 PM
I meant that as an example, I know we're not going to use a copper wire. And, electricity travels at about 20,000 FPS, so if you're going to send... Say, 80 Billion bytes. You do the math.

04-16-2012, 01:21 PM
We will not see that happen in our lifes. But in my opinion it should work in like 1000-5000 years. As time traveling or better, let things travel in time. There is an experiment with an 30kilometer long tunnel. From both end they shot protons i think they crash together in the middle. In the theory there could arise a wormhole. But it is not tested that much yet. Is since some years i think. Maybe we will see some interisting facts from there in the future.

Sorry can´t really explain since things in english. It is not my main language and I learned the most due to music etc.

04-16-2012, 05:09 PM
We will not see that happen in our lifes. But in my opinion it should work in like 1000-5000 years. As time traveling or better, let things travel in time. There is an experiment with an 30kilometer long tunnel. From both end they shot protons i think they crash together in the middle. In the theory there could arise a wormhole. But it is not tested that much yet. Is since some years i think. Maybe we will see some interisting facts from there in the future.

Sorry can´t really explain since things in english. It is not my main language and I learned the most due to music etc.

You mean the large hadron collider at cern. That experiment does not create black holes nor wormholes (they are different things). What it does do is smash particles such as protons together and ions such as lead ions together to recreate the early conditions of the big bang and look for new undiscovered particles like the higgs boson.

04-16-2012, 05:26 PM
Everything is made up of the same thing: energy and matter. Couldnt we just have a machine that collects all the data of our body and transfer it to the otherside, recreating the same body with energy and matter. It would require an extremely powerful computer.

04-16-2012, 05:52 PM
Quantum mechanics actually allows teleportations of matter from one point to another. This takes ages tho. I would be possible if we could reach Bose-Einstein condensation in room temp, and then sent our matter with BEC. Its a long way there tho.

Vinyl Scratch
04-17-2012, 05:27 PM
Weeps, wouldn't that be considered "misting" or, "going to mist"? Just wondering. Also, That would not be teleporting.. just going under a door, per say.

04-17-2012, 05:36 PM
Quantum mechanics actually allows teleportations of matter from one point to another. This takes ages tho.

Yeah but it is very unlikely even for particles and it is time independent.

04-17-2012, 06:42 PM
Remember that while it is very unlikely for all of your particles to quantum tunnel at the same time, it is even way more unlikely that they all quantum tunnel the same distance, so you really don't want to do this kind of teleportation as it is way more likely you'll completely disintegrate.

Measuring the 'quantum state' of a particle is not even possible. The quantum state is a superposition of all the possible measurable values times their probability. However, as soon as you measure, you force the quantum state to change to the measured value. Unfortunately, different measurable quantities can not have the same quantum state, i.e. you can nog measure impuls and position at the same time because there is no quantum state that represents just one measurable value of both impuls and position. So we'd have to measure multiple times and get an average but the state already changed the first time we measured so we can't do that(nor is there a phisical way to measure these values without exposing your body to an environment it can't handle)

Now is this a problem? No, I believe it is not. Is knowing the exact quantum state of your body really that relavent? While reading my post, you have changed a lot on a molecular level, the amount of molecules of each type has changed significantly and there position and kinetic energies aswell. Yet you don't feel you're completely different. What the original poster suggested might not be that bad, capture the state of your neurons and say that state is what makes you to who and what you are, your soul so to speak. Then transport this information and put it in a different body at the other end. That other body would then have the same nerve impulses as you had, weather or not it is still you is up to you to decide though.

This is not teleportation though as you are still only moving at the speed of light at most and not instantly

04-24-2012, 01:55 PM
There are so many complicated concepts here that no one in the world even understands yet. But from what we know, in order to teleport something, at the very least, with current understood physics, you would need to store and reproduce the quantum states of ALL particles in your body. It's not just a matter of reconstructing neurons on a macroscopic level. And you would need to understand that all particles are influenced by all particles around them. And this is only from a particle perspective. In our understanding and model, everything shows a wave-particle duality whose properties would also need to be exactly replicated to be considered true "teleportation". And this is not even going into concepts like quantum entanglement.

Also, the other points related to quantum mechanics that other people have posted. It's currently not possible to measure quantum states (or any two things) to an infinite precision.

Another interesting point that Killerdou brings up is that "what is the minimum required information to successfully "teleport" a human". And that raises important concepts like what the "soul" is and so on. No one really knows these answers yet. The exact arrangement of your neurons and the connections they make is certainly one part of it, but it's far from the entire story. How about identical twins? Each of them have different "souls" but they are genetically and structurally 99.999999999% the same thing. Is that 0.00000000001% difference in some neurological structure enough to create an entirely different "soul"?

What I'm saying is that science is young, and there are forces of nature that nobody is even close to understanding yet, or even knowing about. Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not talking about "god" and "religion". All I'm saying is that our current state of science explains only 0.000000001% of what we see. Some day, we may get to the point of understanding what it really means to "teleport" something, but definitely anytime in our lifetimes. Not even close.

Vinyl Scratch
04-27-2012, 09:45 PM
Amazing way to put it, Solarwind! You put it into a perspective that anybody could read, and understand. You are right, but, anything is possible. Science is young, but we can still figure something out. I[ could make a teleportation device tomorrow, and would have stunted your logic that it would not be in our lifetimes, but, I might die before i could even convert the neurons to energy. So, in retrospect, you are right, and you are wrong. (metaphorically speaking, of course.)

Anyway, Rep+ for good post.

Blank Check
04-27-2012, 10:15 PM
Think of film. It records everything, but not digitally. Same basic principle applied on a much grander scale.

Also, teleportation is probably something more likely to be solved by finding a way to actually transfer given matter instead of capturing and recreating it.

04-27-2012, 10:39 PM
Conclusion: Never gonna happen

Reason: The above arguments

04-27-2012, 10:40 PM
Conclusion: Never gonna happen

Reason: The above arguments

No, not necessarily never. One can't use the word never in cases like these. But it doesn't seem like it's going to happen in the near future.

04-27-2012, 11:04 PM
I can teleport, simply by taking my Delorean and gunning to 88MPH w00t!!!!

/troll :D

Q: As you may know, the max speed of a DeLorean is roughly 85. I really need to hit 88, and i am out of ideas. I have tried being pushed by trains, lightening storms, and many other ideas. The PCP i bought from my dealer does not seem to be helping either. Any Ideas?

P.S i need help finding Plutonium as well, thanks in advance!

A: have you tried driving off a cliff where a bridge will exist in the future?

I lol'ed.

04-27-2012, 11:44 PM
You wouldn't survive the force of being transported so it does not matter if it is possible or not

the only way to survive is too slow the process down by doing that it would take longer depending on how far you was being teleported therefore making it pretty much useless.

Vinyl Scratch
04-28-2012, 01:53 AM
Not useless. You could use it in hide and seek. BEST hiding spot ever! Just imagine, "I call the teleporter!" Lol.

05-04-2012, 07:09 AM
I image the 'Nightcrawler' from X-men when it comes to teleporting lol.

Vinyl Scratch
05-09-2012, 10:07 PM
Rep+ for X-Men reference.

I think we could survive, we would be electricity, and electricity does not have life, it IS energy though. We COULD survive it. I don't see why we wouldn't.

05-10-2012, 09:31 PM
Rep+ for X-Men reference.

I think we could survive, we would be electricity, and electricity does not have life, it IS energy though. We COULD survive it. I don't see why we wouldn't.

The point that I think most people miss when they say it could be possible is this:

Even if we just transmit some carbon, we need to transmit the exact state the electrons are in. Otherwise you lose all chemical bonds and relations. And since we have not only the position of the electrons but also the principle quantum number (qn), angular momentum qn, spin qn , magnetic qn (to keep it simple - no molecular qn yet involved. But they are anyway similar), the data will explode. Anyway, if it's roughly 10^23 bits per g or 100 times that number - It doesn't matter, it's still way to much information.

05-10-2012, 09:52 PM
Everything is made up of the same thing: energy and matter. Couldnt we just have a machine that collects all the data of our body and transfer it to the otherside, recreating the same body with energy and matter. It would require an extremely powerful computer.

awkward... cos matter is energy.. technically speaking matter is energy and energy is matter but they are one in the same just in different forms...