View Full Version : [RuneCrafting] Fire Runecrafter

03-03-2013, 01:51 PM
Hi guys

First poast! Had the idea for a bot to execute the slow walk between the Duel Arena bank and the fire altar at the A-K duel arena, craft, then walk back and bank the runes, withdrawing ess and going around again - and including support to open the gate if it autocloses. Is this feasible? I haven't seen any scripts around for this purpose. The purpose for such a bot is to automate the boring run between 14-44 of crafting a few thousand fire runes, so in essence (excuse pun) it eases the leveling process in this stretch.
It also does not use dueling rings. Such scripts are around, but the turnoff is the expensive dueling rings (theyre expensive at this time on RS2007).


Withdraws full inv of ess/pess
Walks to fire altar (opens gate if closed)
Talks to altar
Crafts runes
Heads back out through portal
Walks back to bank (opens gate if closed)
Banks fire runes
Until out of ess, or crafted a set number of loads

Personally I'm not interested in a random event handler, or talking random stuff. I will supervise the bot as it works (I have other work to do) and so can handle such events.


03-03-2013, 02:19 PM
Is it feasible? - Yes, absolutely. Best of luck. :)