I have spent probably 4 hours trying to figure out how to script for simba, how simba even works, how to set up simba, how to properly set up the client, and how to set up SMART for old school 07 rs. After all of this work, and I promise you I have googled and searched everything there is to search, I am still nowhere! And the worst part is that everyone on these forums is extremely vague, so that even when I want to learn how to write certain aspects, there's no one to teach me!

My progress on figuring out how to set up SMART:
pretty much nothing. I do not understand params, how to change RSready to always true, or removing the navbar height.

If anyone would be able to send me a pm or give me a little help, it would be greatly appreciated! I understand it's all in the spirit of independence and learning, but I have found myself walking in circles.

Thanks villa.